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  • ISSN: 0361-5413 (Print), 1558-2744 (Online)
  • Editors: Lorelle Semley College of the Holy Cross, USA, Teresa Barnes University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Bayo Holsey Emory University, USA, and Egodi Uchendu University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  • Editorial board
History in Africa is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research and review essays on methodological and historiographical matters pertaining to African history. It has been at the forefront of critical discussion of these topics for more than four decades. It seeks submissions that suggest new methodological approaches, provide insights into source materials, and reflect critically on themes in existing literatures or emerging fields of inquiry.History in Africa is a venue for rigorous analysis of both established and emerging research practices as well as of the resulting scholarly production about the African past.

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Area Studies « Cambridge Core Blog

History & Classics - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press

  • The Shamanism of Eco-Tourism
  • 27 February 2025, James Andrew Whitaker
  • How did Indigenous people in the New World understand their encounters with Europeans during the colonial era? This question is at the centre of ongoing debates The post The Shamanism of Eco-Tourism first appeared on Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press....

2017 African Studies Distinguished Review Lecture

Call for Papers: The African Renaissance and International Cultural Heritage Law

The African Renaissance concept guides the ambitious objectives of the African Union, including the promotion of peace, human rights, and sustainable development. In addition to recalling this notion in many policy instruments, the African Union has adopted the Charter for the African Cultural Renaissance...

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