I started writing this book on a research leave from Duke University where I also presented early chapters at the Franklin Humanities Center and the Carolina-Duke German Studies Program. Hande Tuna (UC Santa Cruz) gave me the courage to complete the project and, with great patience, improved many chapters line by line. Julianne Werlin (Duke) served as a perfect model of clarity and rigor. David Bather Woods (Warwick) provided me with generous feedback and kind invitations. Heidi Madden (Perkins Library, Duke) quickly found answers to all my questions. The work also profited tremendously from conversations with Jeffrey Hertel (Hillsdale), Joshua Foa Dienstag (Wisconsin), Till Dembeck (Luxembourg), Alexander Kirshner (Duke), Michael Gillespie (Duke), David Takamura (UNC/Duke), James Brophy (Delaware), and Paul Buchholz (Emory). For their enduring friendship, I thank Iyman Ahmed, Priscilla Layne, Tamara Vital, and Chandra Wright.