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  • ISSN: 0424-2084 (Print), 2059-0644 (Online)
  • Editors: Dr David Jones Aberystwyth University, UK, and Revd Professor Charlotte Methuen University of Glasgow, UK
  • Editorial board
Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society, Cambridge.Studies in Church History is an annually published series comprising papers and communications delivered at the Ecclesiastical History Society's conferences. Each volume presents important new work, by established as well as new scholars, on a particular theme. Volumes are available to members of the society at a reduced price.

EHS Blog

  • Introducing George Palmer
  • 20 September 2024, eb261standrewsacuk
  • George Palmer was delighted to join the EHS Committee earlier this year as one of the Postgraduate Representatives. He is currently a PhD candidate at Emmanuel...

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