1 Introduction
All groups considered here will be finite.
Mutually permutable products, that is, products
such that A permutes with every subgroup of B and B permutes with every subgroup of A, have been extensively studied by many authors [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Esteban-Romero and Asaad3]. In recent years, some other permutability connections between the factors have also been considered. In particular, the rich normal structure of a mutually permutable product of two nilpotent groups [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Esteban-Romero and Asaad3, Ch. 5] has motivated interest in the study of mutually
-permutable products.
Definition 1.1. We say that a group
$G = AB$
is the mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B if A permutes with every subnormal subgroup of B and B permutes with every subnormal subgroup of A.
Carocca [Reference Carocca5] showed that a mutually
-permutable product of two soluble groups is also soluble. In [Reference Alejandre, Ballester-Bolinches, Cossey and Pedraza-Aguilera1], the authors analyse the structure of mutually
-permutable products and prove the following extension of a classical result of Asaad and Shaalan [Reference Asaad and Shaalan2].
Theorem 1.2 [Reference Alejandre, Ballester-Bolinches, Cossey and Pedraza-Aguilera1, Theorem B]
$G = AB$
be the mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B, where A is supersoluble and B is nilpotent. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, then the group G is supersoluble.
Following [Reference Valisev, Valiseva and Tyutyanov8], we say that a subgroup H of a group G is
$\mathbb {P}$
-subnormal in G whenever either
or there exists a chain of subgroups
$H=H_{0} \leq H_{1} \leq \cdots \leq H_{n-1} \leq H_{n}=G$
such that
$| H_{i} : H_{i-1} |$
is a prime for every
$i=1, \dots , n$
. It turns out that supersoluble groups are exactly those groups in which every subgroup is
$\mathbb {P}$
-subnormal. Having in mind this result and the influence of the embedding of Sylow subgroups on the structure of a group, the following extension of the class of supersoluble groups introduced in [Reference Valisev, Valiseva and Tyutyanov8] seems to be natural.
Definition 1.3. A group G is called widely supersoluble, w-supersoluble for short, if every Sylow subgroup of G is
$\mathbb {P}$
-subnormal in G.
The class of all finite
$ w $
-supersoluble groups, denoted by
$ w\mathcal {U} $
, is a saturated formation of soluble groups containing
$ \mathcal {U} $
, the class of all supersoluble groups, which is locally defined by a formation function f, such that for every prime p,
is composed of all soluble groups G whose Sylow subgroups are abelian of exponent dividing
[Reference Valisev, Valiseva and Tyutyanov8, Theorems 2.3 and 2.7]. Not every group in
$w\mathcal {U}$
is supersoluble [Reference Valisev, Valiseva and Tyutyanov8, Example 1]. However, every group in
$w\mathcal {U}$
has an ordered Sylow tower of supersoluble type [Reference Valisev, Valiseva and Tyutyanov8, Proposition 2.8].
In [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Fakieh and Pedraza-Aguilera4], mutually
-permutable products in which the factors are w-supersoluble are analysed. The following extension of Theorem 1.2 holds.
Theorem 1.4 [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Fakieh and Pedraza-Aguilera4, Theorem 4]
$G = AB$
be the mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B, where A is w-supersoluble and B is nilpotent. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, then the group G is w-supersoluble.
Assume that
$G = AB$
is the mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B. Then, by [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Esteban-Romero and Asaad3, Proposition 4.1.16 and Corollary 4.1.17],
$A \cap B$
is subnormal in G and permutes with every subnormal subgroup of A and B. Assume now that
$G = AB$
$A \cap B$
satisfy this condition. Then G is the mutually
-permutable product of A and B if and only if A permutes with every subnormal subgroup V of B such that
$A\cap B\leqslant V $
and B permutes with every subnormal subgroup U of A such that
$A\cap B\leqslant U$
. This motivates the following definition.
Definition 1.5. Let A and B be two subgroups of a group G such that
$G = AB$
. We say that G is the weakly mutually
-permutable product of A and B if A permutes with every subnormal subgroup V of B such that
$A\cap B\leqslant V $
and B permutes with every subnormal subgroup U of A such that
$A\cap B\leqslant U$
Obviously, mutually
-permutable products are weakly mutually
-permutable, but the converse is not true in general, as the following example shows.
Example 1.6. Let
$G = \Sigma _{4}$
be the symmetric group of degree
. Consider a maximal subgroup A of G which is isomorphic to
$\Sigma _{3}$
, and
$B = A_4$
, the alternating group of degree
. Then
$G = AB$
is the weakly mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B. However, the product is not mutually
-permutable because A does not permute with a subnormal subgroup of order
of B.
The first goal of this paper to prove weakly mutually
-permutable versions of the aforesaid theorems. We show that Theorem 1.4 holds for weakly mutually
-permutable products.
Theorem A. Let
$G = AB$
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B, where A is w-supersoluble and B is nilpotent. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, then the group G is w-supersoluble.
The next corollary follows from the proof of Theorem A and generalises Theorem 1.2.
Corollary B. Let
$G = AB$
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B, where A is supersoluble and B is nilpotent. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, then the group G is supersoluble.
The second part of the paper is concerned with weakly mutually
-permutable products with nilpotent derived subgroups. Our starting point is the following extension of a classical result of Asaad and Shaalan [Reference Asaad and Shaalan2].
Theorem 1.7 [Reference Alejandre, Ballester-Bolinches, Cossey and Pedraza-Aguilera1, Theorem C]
be the mutually
-permutable product of the supersoluble subgroups A and B. If the derived subgroup
of G is nilpotent, then G is supersoluble.
A natural question is whether this result is true for weakly mutually
-permutable products under the same conditions. The following example answers this question negatively.
Example 1.8. Let
$G=\langle a,b,c :a^5=b^5=c^6=1,ab=ba, a^c=a^2b^3,b^c=a^{-1}b^{-1} \rangle \simeq [C_{5} \times C_{5}]C_{6}$
. Then
is the weakly mutually
-permutable product of
$A=\langle c \rangle $
$B=[\langle a \rangle \times \langle b \rangle ]\langle c^3 \rangle $
. Note that B is a normal subgroup of G; therefore, it permutes with every subgroup of A. Moreover,
$A \cap B=\langle c^3 \rangle $
and the unique subnormal subgroup of B containing
$A \cap B$
is the whole of B. It is not difficult to see that B is supersoluble. Therefore, A and B are supersoluble and
is nilpotent. Moreover, A is nilpotent and B is a normal subgroup of G. Thus, in particular, it permutes with every Sylow subgroup of A.
However, an additional assumption allows us to get supersolubility.
Theorem C. Let
be the weakly mutually sn-permutable product of the supersoluble subgroups A and B. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, A permutes with every Sylow subgroup of B and the derived subgroup
of G is nilpotent, then G is supersoluble.
By [Reference Monakhov7, Theorem 2.6], a group G is w-supersoluble if and only if every metanilpotent subgroup of G is supersoluble. In particular, if we have a group with
nilpotent, every w-supersoluble subgroup is supersoluble. Therefore, the following result is clear.
Corollary D. Let
be the weakly mutually sn-permutable product of the w-supersoluble subgroups A and B. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, A permutes with every Sylow subgroup of B and the derived subgroup
of G is nilpotent, then G is w-supersoluble.
2 Preliminary results
In this section we will prove some results needed for the proofs of our main results. We start by showing that factor groups of weakly mutually
-permutable products are also weakly mutually
-permutable products.
Lemma 2.1. Let
$G = AB$
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of A and B, and let
$ N $
be a normal subgroup of
$ G $
. Then
$ G/N=(AN/N)(BN/N) $
is the weakly mutually
-permutable product of
Proof. Let us consider
$ G/N=(AN/N)(BN/N) $
. Suppose that
$ HN/N $
is a subnormal subgroup of
$ AN/N $
such that
$ AN/N\cap BN/N\leqslant HN/N $
. Note that
$U=HN \cap A$
is a subnormal subgroup of
$ A $
such that
$A \cap B \leq U$
. Since
$ U $
permutes with
$ B $
, it follows that
$ HN=UN $
permutes with
$ BN $
$ A $
$ B $
and arguing in the same manner proves the result.
Lemma 2.2. Let
$ G=AB $
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of A and B.
(a) If
$ H $ is a subnormal subgroup of
$ A $ such that
$ A\cap B \leqslant H $ , then
$ HB $ is a weakly mutually
$sn$ -permutable product of H and B.
(b) If
$ A\cap B=1 $ , then
$ G=AB $ is a totally
$sn$ -permutable product of A and B.
Proof. Since every subnormal subgroup of
$ H $
is a subnormal subgroup of
$ A $
, it follows that
$ B $
permutes with every subnormal subgroup
$ L $
$ H $
such that
$ A\cap B\leqslant L $
. On the other hand, let
$ M $
be a subnormal subgroup of
$ B $
such that
$ A\cap B\leqslant M $
. Then we have
$HM=H(A\cap B)M=(A\cap HB)M=AM\cap HB=MA\cap BH= M(A\cap BH)= M(A\cap B) H=MH $
. Hence
$ HB $
is a weakly mutually
-permutable product of H and B.
For (b), every subnormal subgroup of
$ A $
permutes with
$ B $
by (a) and every subnormal subgroup of
$ B $
permutes with
$ A $
. So
$ G=AB $
is the mutually
-permutable product of A and B. Hence
$ G=AB $
is the totally
-permutable product of A and B since
$ A\cap B=1 $
Observe that Lemma 2.2 implies that if
$ G=AB $
is the weakly mutually
$ sn $
-permutable product of
$ A $
$ B $
$ H $
is a subnormal subgroup of
$ A $
such that
$ A\cap B\leqslant H $
$ K $
is a subnormal subgroup of
$ B $
such that
$ A\cap B\leqslant K $
, then
$ HK $
is a weakly mutually
$ sn $
-permutable product of
$ H $
$ K $
. In the next result we analyse the behaviour of minimal normal subgroups of weakly mutually
-permutable products containing the intersection of the factors.
Lemma 2.3. Let
$ G=AB $
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of A and B. If
$ N $
is a minimal normal subgroup of
$ G $
such that
$ A\cap B\leqslant N $
, then either
$ A\cap N=B\cap N=1 $
$ N=(N\cap A)(N\cap B) $
Proof. Observe that
$ A\cap N $
is a normal subgroup of
$ A $
such that
$ A\cap B\leqslant A\cap N$
and consequently
$ H=(A\cap N)B $
is a subgroup of G. Note that
$ N\cap H = N\cap (A\cap N)B = (A\cap N)(B\cap N)$
. Since
$ N\cap H $
is a normal subgroup of
$ H $
, it follows that
$ B $
$ N\cap H=(A\cap N)(B\cap N) $
By the same argument,
$ K=A(B\cap N) $
is a subgroup of
$ G $
such that
$ K\cap N= A(B\cap N)\cap N=(A\cap N)(B\cap N) $
. Moreover,
$ A $
$ K\cap N=(A\cap N)(B\cap N) $
. It follows that
$ (A\cap N)(B\cap N) $
is a normal subgroup of
$ G $
. By the minimality of
$ N $
$ A\cap N=B\cap N=1 $
$ N=(N\cap A)(N\cap B) $
as required.
Lemma 2.4. Let
$G = AB$
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B, where B is nilpotent. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, then
$ A\cap B $
is a nilpotent subnormal subgroup of
$ G $
Proof. It is clear that
$ A\cap B $
is nilpotent. The Sylow subgroups of
$ B $
are normal in
$ B $
, so
$ A\cap B $
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of
$ B $
. Let
be a Sylow subgroup of A, with q a prime dividing
$| A |$
. Since
$ B $
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of
$ A $
, it follows that
is a subgroup of G. Hence
$BA_{q} \cap A=A_{q}(A \cap B)$
. Therefore
$ A\cap B $
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of
$ A $
. Applying [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Esteban-Romero and Asaad3, Theorem 1.2.14(3)],
$ A\cap B $
is a subnormal subgroup of both
$ A $
$ B $
. By [Reference Ballester-Bolinches, Esteban-Romero and Asaad3, Theorem 1.1.7],
$ A\cap B $
is a subnormal subgroup of
$ G $
Lemma 2.5. Let
$G = AB$
be the weakly mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups A and B, where A is soluble and B is nilpotent. If B permutes with each Sylow subgroup of A, then the group G is soluble.
Proof. Suppose that the theorem is false, and let
$ G $
be a minimal counterexample. If
$ N $
is a minimal normal subgroup of
$ G $
, then
$ G/N=(AN/N)(BN/N) $
is the weakly mutually
-permutable product of the subgroups
by Lemma 2.1. Since
permutes with each Sylow subgroup of
, it follows that
$ G/N $
is soluble by the minimality of G. Let
$ N_{1} $
$ N_{2} $
be two minimal subgroups of
$ G $
. Then
$ G\cong G/(N_{1}\cap N_{2}) $
is soluble, a contradiction. Hence
$ G $
has a unique minimal normal subgroup
$ N $
$ G $
and we may assume that
$ N $
is nonabelian. This means that
$ \textbf {F}(G)=1 $
On the other hand,
$ A\cap B \leqslant \textbf {F}(G) $
using Lemma 2.4. Therefore
$ A\cap B=1 $
and then
$ G=AB $
is the totally
-permutable product of
$ A $
$ B $
. The result then follows by applying [Reference Carocca5, Theorem 6].
Lemma 2.6 [Reference Alejandre, Ballester-Bolinches, Cossey and Pedraza-Aguilera1, Lemma 3]
$ G $
be a primitive group and let
$ N $
be its unique minimal normal subgroup. Assume that
$ G/N $
is supersoluble. If
$ N $
is a
$ p $
-group, where
$ p $
is the largest prime dividing
$ |G| $
, then
$ N=\mathbf {F}(G)=\mathbf {O}_{p}(G) $
is a Sylow
$ p $
-subgroup of G.
3 Main results
We are ready to prove our main results.
Proof of Theorem A
Suppose the theorem is not true and let
$ G $
be a minimal counterexample. We shall prove our theorem in five steps.
$ G $
is a primitive soluble group with a unique minimal normal subgroup
$ N $
$ N=\textbf {C}_{G}(N)=\textbf {F}(G)=\textbf {O}_{p}(G) $
for a prime
$ p $
. Let
$ N $
be a minimal normal subgroup of
$ G $
. By Lemma 2.1,
$ G/N=(AN/N)(BN/N) $
is a weakly mutually
$ sn $
-permutable product of
$ AN/N $
$ BN/N $
and it is clear that
$ BN/N $
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of
$ AN/N $
. Moreover,
$ AN/N $
$ w $
-supersoluble and
$ BN/N $
is nilpotent. By the minimality of
$ G $
, it follows that
$ G/N $
$ w $
-supersoluble. Note that
$ w\mathcal {U} $
, the class of finite
$ w $
-supersoluble groups, is a saturated formation of soluble groups by [Reference Valisev, Valiseva and Tyutyanov8, Theorems 2.3 and 2.7]. This implies that
$ G $
is a primitive soluble group and so
$ G $
has a unique minimal normal subgroup
$ N $
$ N=\textbf {C}_{G}(N)=\textbf {F}(G)=\textbf {O}_{p}(G) $
for some prime
$ p $
as required.
(b) The subgroup
$ BN $
$ w $
-supersoluble and
$ 1\not = A\cap B\leqslant N $
. If
$ A\cap B=1 $
, then the result follows by Lemma 2.2 and Theorem 1.4. Applying Lemma 2.4, it follows that
$ A\cap B $
is a nilpotent subnormal subgroup of
$ G $
. Therefore
$ 1\not = A\cap B \leqslant \textbf {F}(G)=N $
and so
$ N= (N\cap A)(N\cap B) $
by Lemma 2.3. Hence
$ NB=(N\cap A)(N\cap B)B=(N\cap A)B $
is a weakly mutually
$ sn $
-permutable product of
$ N\cap A $
$ B $
. Also note that
$ B $
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of
$ N\cap A $
(there is only one Sylow subgroup of
$ N\cap A $
, which is
$ N\cap A $
). If
$ NB < G $
, then
$ NB $
$ w $
-supersoluble by the choice of
$ G $
. So we may assume that
$ G=NB $
. In this case, consider a subgroup
$ N_{1} \leqslant A\cap B\leqslant N $
. Note that
$ N_{1} $
is normal in
$ N $
$ N $
is abelian. Hence
$ N=N_{1}^{G}=N_{1}^{NB}=N_{1}^{B}\leqslant B $
$ G=B $
, a contradiction. Hence the result follows.
$ N $
is the Sylow
$ p\!$
-subgroup of G and
$ p $
is the largest prime dividing
$ |G| $
. Let
$ q $
be the largest prime dividing
$ |G| $
and suppose that
$ q\not = p $
. Suppose first that
$ q $
$ |BN| $
. Since
$ BN $
has a Sylow tower of supersoluble type,
$ BN $
has a unique Sylow
$ q $
-subgroup, say
$ (BN)_{q} $
. This means that
$ (BN)_{q} $
$ N $
. Thus
$ (BN)_{q}=1 $
, since
$ \mathbf {C}_{G}(N)=N $
, a contradiction.
We may assume that
$ q $
$ |A| $
but does not divide
$ |BN| $
. Since
$ A $
has a Sylow tower of supersoluble type,
$ A $
has a unique Sylow
$ q $
$ A_{q} $
say. This means that
$ A_{q} $
is normalised by
$ N\cap A $
. Consider
$ A_{q}(N\cap B)=A_{q}(A\cap B)(N\cap B) $
, a weakly mutually permutable product of
$ A_{q}(A\cap B) $
$ N\cap B $
by Lemma 2.2. Also
$ N\cap B $
permutes with each Sylow subgroup of
$ A_{q}(A\cap B) $
. Suppose that
$ A_{q}(N\cap B) < G $
. Then
$ A_{q}(N\cap B) $
$ w $
-supersoluble by the choice of
$ G $
. It follows that
$ A_{q}(N\cap B) $
has a unique Sylow
$ q $
-subgroup since it has a Sylow tower of supersoluble type. In other words,
$ A_{q} $
is normalised by
$ N\cap B $
. Hence
$ A_{q} $
is normalised by
$ (N\cap A)(N\cap B)=N $
. This means that
$ A_{q} $
$ N $
, a contradiction. We may assume that
$ A_{q}(N\cap B)=G $
. Then
$ N \cap B=B $
and so
$ B $
is an elementary abelian
$ p $
-group. Moreover,
$ A=A_{q}(A\cap B) $
. Since
$ A\cap B $
is a Sylow
$ p $
-subgroup of
$ A $
which is subnormal in
$ A $
, it is normal in
$ A $
. Hence
$ A\cap B $
is normal in
$ G $
$ A\cap B $
is normal in the abelian group
$ B $
. By the minimality of
$ N $
, it follows that
$ N=A\cap B $
, that is,
$ G=A_{q}(N\cap B)=A_{q}(A \cap B)=A $
, a contradiction. Therefore
$ p $
is the largest prime dividing
$ |G| $
We now prove that
$ N $
is the Sylow
$ p $
-subgroup of
$ G $
. Since
$ G $
is a primitive soluble group,
$ G=NM $
, where
$ M $
is a maximal subgroup of
$ G $
$ N\cap M=1 $
. Then
$ M\cong G/N $
$ w $
-supersoluble. By [Reference Doerk and Hawkes6, Theorem A.15.6],
$ \textbf {O}_{p}(M)=1 $
. If
$ p $
$ |M| $
, then since
$ M $
has a Sylow tower of supersoluble type,
$ \textbf {O}_{p}(M)\not =1 $
, a contradiction. Hence
$ p $
does not divide
$ |M| $
and therefore
$ N $
is the unique Sylow
$ p $
-subgroup of
$ G $
$ N $
is contained in
$ A $
$ N $
is not contained in
$ B $
. Suppose that
$ B $
is a
$ p $
-group. Then
$ G=AN $
. Let
$ N_{1}\leqslant A\cap B $
. Since
$ B $
is abelian,
$ N \leq N_{1}^{G}=N_{1}^{AN}=N_{1}^{A}\leqslant A $
and so
$ G=AN=A $
, a contradiction. So we may assume that
$ B $
is not a
$ p $
-group. If
$ N $
is contained in
$ B $
, then since
$ B $
is nilpotent and
$ N =\textbf {C}_{G}(N)$
, it follows that
$ B $
is a
$ p $
-group, a contradiction. Therefore
$ N $
is not contained in
$ B $
. Hence
$ B $
has a nontrivial Hall
$ p' $
$ B_{p'} $
, which is normal in
$ B $
. Consequently,
$ AB_{p'}=A(A\cap B)B_{p'} $
is a subgroup of G. Then
$ 1\not = B_{p'}^{G}\leqslant AB_{p'} $
and so
$ N \leqslant AB_{p'}$
. Hence
$ N\leqslant A $
as required.
(e) Final contradiction. Let
$ A_{p'} $
be a Hall
$ p' $
-subgroup of
$ A $
. If
$ A_{p'}=1 $
, then
$ G=BN $
$ w $
-supersoluble by (b), a contradiction. Hence
$ A_{p'}\not = 1 $
. Since
$ B $
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of
$ A $
, it follows that
$ A_{p'}B $
is a subgroup of
$ G $
. But
$ N $
is not contained in
$ B $
, so
$ A_{p'}B $
is a proper subgroup of
$ G $
. Since
$ NA_{p'}B=G $
, it follows that
$ N\cap A_{p'}B=N\cap B $
is normal in
$ G $
. The minimality of
$ N $
implies that
$ N=N\cap B $
$ N\cap B=1 $
. If
$ N=N\cap B $
, we get a contradiction with (d). Therefore
$ N\cap B=1 $
, and then
$ A\cap B\leqslant N\cap B=1 $
, contradicting (b).
Proof of Theorem C
Assume the result is not true and let G be a minimal counterexample. It is clear that
$G' \neq 1$
, A and B are proper subgroups of G, and G is a primitive soluble group. Hence there exists a unique minimal normal subgroup N of G, such that
. Moreover,
. We may assume that
$A' \neq 1$
$B' \neq 1$
, otherwise A or B is nilpotent and the result follows from Corollary B. If
$A \cap B=1$
, then G is the mutually
-permutable product of A and B. By [Reference Alejandre, Ballester-Bolinches, Cossey and Pedraza-Aguilera1, Theorem C], the group is supersoluble, a contradiction. Thus we may assume
$A \cap B \neq 1$
. Since A permutes with every Sylow subgroup of B and B permutes with every Sylow subgroup of A, it follows that
$A \cap B$
permutes with every Sylow subgroup of A and every Sylow subgroup of B. Hence
$A \cap B$
is subnormal in A and it is a subnormal subgroup of B. Let
denote a minimal normal subgroup of A such that
$N_{1} \leq A'$
. Since A is supersoluble, it is clear that
$| N_{1} | =p$
. Note that
$N_{1}(A \cap B)$
is a subnormal subgroup of A. Therefore
$BN_{1}(A \cap B)=BN_{1}$
is a subgroup of G. Now
$1 \neq N_{1}^G=N_{1}^B \leq BN_{1}$
. Hence
$N \leq BN_{1}$
and then
$N=N_{1}(N \cap B)$
. Consequently, either
$N_{1} \leq N \cap B$
$N_{1} \leq N \cap B$
. Denote
. If
$N_{1} \leq N \cap B$
, then
is a supersoluble normal subgroup of G. Assume
$N_{1} \cap (N \cap B)=1$
. Then
$N \cap B$
is a maximal subgroup of N and so T is the weakly mutually
-permutable product of B and N. Consequently, T satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. If T is a proper subgroup of G, then
is supersoluble. Assume that
$G = BN$
. Then B is a maximal subgroup of G such that
$B \cap N = 1$
$B' \leq N \cap B=1$
and B is nilpotent. By Corollary B, G is supersoluble, contrary to assumption. Hence either B is a normal subgroup of G or
is a supersoluble normal subgroup of G.
Arguing in an analogous manner with A shows that if
is a proper subgroup of G, then it is supersoluble. Consequently if
are both proper subgroups of G, then G is the product of two supersoluble normal subgroups with
nilpotent. Then G is supersoluble, a contradiction. Therefore we may assume that
. Suppose without loss of generality that
. Then
$N \cap B$
is a normal subgroup of G. If
$N \cap B=N$
, then
, a contradiction. Hence
$N \cap B=1$
. Now
$B' \leq N \cap B=1$
and B is nilpotent, the final contradiction.