Peter Brössel’s “The Problem of Measure Sensitivity Redux” (in vol. 80, no. 3, July 2013) contains an error of citation. In particular, two different Franz Huber articles are referred to by the same term, ‘Huber (2008)’.
In section 3.4 the author intended to refer to and quote from Huber’s 2008 article in Synthese: “Assessing Theories, Bayes Style,” Synthese 161 (2008): 89–118. In section 4 then, the author indented to cite Huber’s 2008 article in Philosophy of Science: “Milne’s Argument for the Log-Ratio Measure,” Philosophy of Science 75 (2008): 413–20. Furthermore, Huber’s 2008 Synthese article is not included in the bibliography.