These two maps have recently been compiled under the auspices of the Hydrologiske Avdeling of Norges Vassdrags- og Elektrisitetsvesen and of Norsk Polarinstitutt.
On the first map, constructed by Dr. O. Liestol and Dr. G. Østrem, nearly all the glaciers in southern Norway are plotted; many details, however, are omitted for practical and technical reasons. The map gives the general pattern of the glaciers as they appear on air photographs dating mainly from 1955.
On the second map, made by Dr. G. Østrem, the glacier outlines are plotted from different sources: old and new maps, sketches, and air photographs made in different years, including a Swedish glacier map made in 1960 by Dr. V. Schytt. In 1962 Dr. L. Vilborg revised Dr. Schytt’s map, adding some fifty glaciers, and this revised map was used by Dr. Østrem. Owing to the fact that the information was obtained from so many different sources, varying accuracy in the map may have resulted. The most accurate parts, compiled from recent air photographs, have been marked with a green screen. Outside these areas the map gives only a very approximate outline of glaciers or glaciated areas.
More detailed maps of the glaciers in northern Norway will be made as soon as a better air photograph coverage is available in that part of the country.
The above notes have been amplified from material supplied by Dr. Gunnar Østrem, who has presented the maps to the Society’s library.