Recent investigations of adolescents’ beliefs about risk have led tosurprisingly optimistic conclusions: Teens’ self estimates of theirlikelihood of experiencing various life events not only correlate sensibly withrelevant risk factors (Fischhoff et al., 2000), but they also significantlypredict later experiencing the events (Bruine de Bruin et al., 2007). Using thesame dataset examined in previous investigations, the present study extendedthese analyses by comparing the predictive value of self estimates of risk tothat of traditional risk factors for each outcome. The analyses focused on theprediction of pregnancy, criminal arrest, and school enrollment. Three findingsemerged. First, traditional risk factor information tended to out-predict selfassessments of risk, even when the risk factors included crude, potentiallyunreliable measures (e.g., a simple tally of self-reported criminal history) andwhen the risk factors were aggregated in a nonoptimal way (i.e., unitweighting). Second, despite the previously reported correlations between selfestimates and outcomes, perceived invulnerability was a problem among the youth:Over half of the teens who became pregnant, half of those who were not enrolledin school, and nearly a third of those who were arrested had, one year earlier,indicated a 0% chance of experiencing these outcomes. Finally, adding selfestimates of risk to the other risk factor information produced only small gainsin predictive accuracy. These analyses point to the need for greater educationabout the situations and behaviors that lead to negative outcomes.