Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
Average monthly rooting of saltcedar (Tamarix pentandra Pall.) stem cuttings collected weekly for a year and planted on a mist-bed was 96–100% from early February through May arid decreased to 77% in November. Accompanying shoot formation reached a concurrent maximum of 96–100%, with an October low of 10%. Bud dormancy of October-November cuttings was reduced by cold treatment, but June-July cuttings were not responsive. A rooting compound reduced shoot and root formation.
3 Single strength rooting compound was composed of: thyram—4%; naphthylacetamide—0.067%; 2-methyl-l-naphthylacetic acid—0.033%; naphthyleneacetic acid—0.013%; 3-indolebutyric acid—0.0235%; and inert (bentonite)—95.863%.Google Scholar
4 Percent shoot or root values followed by the same letter or letters were not significantly different at the 1% level.Google Scholar