Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
Field experiments were established to evaluate coffee senna control in cotton with registered PRE, early POST-directed (EPD), and late POST-directed (LPD) herbicides and with pyrithiobac applied PRE and early POST. Fluometuron and norflurazon applied PRE controlled coffee senna 87 and 65%, respectively, 6 wk after planting (WAP). Methazole applied EPD controlled coffee senna 96% 2 wk after application, whereas fluometuron and MSMA applied EPD controlled 70 and 16%, respectively. LPD applications of cyanazine, diuron, and prometryn averaged only 45% control 8 WAP. MSMA applied LPD controlled coffee senna only 12%. Fluometuron and norflurazon applied PRE followed by methazole applied EPD and cyanazine applied LPD controlled coffee senna 98 and 99% 6 WAP, respectively. PRE, early POST, and PRE followed by early POST applications of pyrithiobac controlled coffee senna 88, 89, and 95% 6 WAP, respectively. Seed cotton yields were similar to weed-free cotton with all treatments except MSMA applied EPD and the LPD treatments, all of which provided unacceptable (12 to 49%) control 8 WAP.