Weed Science Manuscript Template
Weed Science Checklist for New Submissions
Weed Science Checklist for Revisions
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Journal Scope
Weed Science is an online journal publishing fundamental research and scholarship as peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of weed science, with a focus on understanding "why" phenomena occur. Topics include the biology and ecology of weeds in agricultural, forestry, aquatic, turf, recreational, rights-of-ways, and other settings; genetics of weeds and herbicide resistance; chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and molecular action of herbicides and plant growth regulators used to manage undesirable vegetation; ecology of cropping and non-cropping systems as it relates to weed management; biological and ecological aspects of weed control tools including biological agents, herbicide resistant crops, etc.; and effects of weed management on soil, air, and water.
Types of Articles
Manuscripts must contain original material constituting logical units of subject matter and must contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Acceptance is made with the understanding that the substance of the manuscript has not been and will not be published elsewhere other than as an abstract, a thesis or dissertation, or as a preliminary report to growers or cooperators. Experimental results should be confirmed by appropriate replication in time or space. Progress reports, non-replicated experiments, and simple observational information are not acceptable. Visual estimates of percentage weed control and of crop injury are acceptable when supported by objective measurements of response.
a. *Research Article. Original articles reporting research in the areas of physiology, chemistry, and biochemistry; weed biology and ecology; weed management; soil, air, and water; and other topics related to weed science are encouraged. See a recent journal issue for examples.
b. *Review. Weed Science welcomes review articles that synthesize current information and appeal to a broad audience. Authors should contact the editor to discuss the proposed review topic. Once received by the journal Editor, the article will be reviewed and edited as a regular submission.
c. *Symposium Papers. Proceedings of WSSA and other symposia may be published in Weed Science, normally within one year of the symposium. Symposium organizers should contact the Editor within one month after the symposium to discuss a timeframe for manuscript submission and the expected number of papers. Symposium authors must submit manuscripts promptly for review to allow publication by a predetermined date. Unless an exception has been approved by the WSSA Board of Directors, normal page charges apply to symposium papers and these publication costs should be included in the symposium budget approved by WSSA. An Associate Editor will be assigned to work with the authors on paper submittal.
d. *Rapid Communication. Publication of an article containing original research may under exceptional circumstances be expedited. Authors must explain in the cover letter why publication as a Rapid Communication is justified. Acceptance of a manuscript to be processed as a Rapid Communication is the decision of the Editor.
e. My View. Short essays not exceeding 2,000 words that address current issues of general interest in weed science are occasionally published. My View articles are not peer-reviewed, and acceptance is entirely at the discretion of the Editor.
f. *Special Issue Article. Themed special issues of Weed Science are occasionally published. Special issue articles are commissioned by the Editor and are reviewed and edited in the same way as regular submissions.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.