The materials for the following account of the island of Sivasamudram, together with the description and plans of the bridges which have been built, and are now building across the two branches of the Cáverí, were furnished to me by Rámaswámí Múdeliar, the intelligent and wealthy Jághírdár of the island. As regards the antiquities of this celebrated place, I regret the imperfection of the memoir; but I am willing to hope that it will not be considered wholly destitute of merit. By the curious in architecture, the faithful representation of the bridges, and the plain description of the manner in which they are constructed, will be valued; while, to the observer of the human mind, and the speculator upon the progress of improvement in India, it must be an object of interest to mark the modes of thought and feeling entertained by a Hindu, who, in strict accordance with the precepts of his religion, undertakes a great public work, which would do honour to the professor of any religion, and to the citizen of any country, in any age.