It has become a tradition for Commission 33 to invite several authors to contribute to the Report. The scope of the Commission is so wide that it is beyond the possibilities of any one individual to do this work without assistance. B. Westerlund contributed Section 2, S. W. McCuskey Sections 3 and 4, T. Elvius the paragraph on high-latitude studies, F. J. Kerr Sections 3, 4 and 5B, J. Einasto Sections 6B and D, and a summary of the current research by Soviet astronomers, K. C. Freeman Sections 6C, E. L. Woltjer Section 6F, and L. Perek Sections 1, 5A, and 6A. Section 6B contains this time a paragraph on the Galactic Corona as seen from the point of view of galactic models, while Section 4 contains a paragraph on the structure of the Galactic Halo.