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Corrigenda and Addenda to Diels' Galenica
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 July 2016

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- Miscellany
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- Copyright © Fordham University Press
1 Durling, R. J., ‘A Chronological Census of Renaissance Editions and Translations of Galen.’ Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Inst. 24 (1961) 230–305.Google Scholar
2 Diels, Hermann. Die Handschriften der antiken Ärzte. I-II Teil. Abh. Akad. (Berlin 1905–1906) Erster Nachtrag. Abh. Akad. (Berlin 1907–8).Google Scholar
3 Thorndike, Lynn and Kibre, Pearl. A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin. Rev. and augm. ed. (Cambridge, Mass.) 1963.Google Scholar
4 Thorndike, Lynn, ‘Translations of Works of Galen from the Greek by Niccolô da Reggio. (c. 1308–1345)’ Byzantina Metabyzantina 1 (1946) 213–235.Google Scholar
5 Russo, , Francesco, P. Medici e veterinari calabresi (sec. VI-XV) Ricerche storico-bibliografiche. (Napoli 1962) 71–102 deal with Niccolò.Google Scholar
6 Beccaria, Augusto. I codici di medicina del periodo presalernitano (secoli IX, X e XI). (Roma 1956).Google Scholar
7 Silverstein, Theodore. Medieval Latin Scientific Writings in the Barberini Collection: A Provisional Catalogue. (Chicago 1957). Silverstein gives excellent descriptions of VAb 160 s. xi and VAb 179 s. xiv on pp. 34–36 and 52–56 respectively. I have not yet seen th e important MS VAb 178 s. xiv which he describes on pp. 49–52, or VAb 166 s. xiv. The latt er contains another copy of the spurious Liber secretorum ad Monteum on fols. 42v-47v. Cf. S ilverstein 42.Google Scholar
8 Stornaiolo, C. Codices Urbinates Latini. v. 1 (1886) includes thorough descriptions of VAu 209, 235–236, 246–248.Google Scholar
8a Ascribed to Gerard of Cremona in BNna 1482, s. xiv, fol. 78v .Google Scholar
9 For VA 9941 s. xv, see Vattasso, M. and Carusi, E., Codices Vaticani Latini. [vol. IV] (Rome 1914) p. 163.Google Scholar
10 I much regret that I have so far been unable to consult Micheloni, P., La medicina nei primi tremila codici del Fondo Vaticano Latino (Rome 1950), cited by Kristeller, P. O., Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600 … (New York 1965) 211.Google Scholar
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