THE CHAIRMAN : I, personally, am looking forward with great pleasure to hearingwhat Flight-Lieut. Renison Bell has to tell us about Flying in Australia. I havenever been to Australia myself, though I hope to do so one day in an airship,but I have studied flying conditions there as far as is possible from adistance, for the past five or six years, and my studies have forced me to theconclusion that Australia is the foremost country for aerial transport, not onlyin the British Empire, but in the world. It is therefore particularlyinteresting to hear about it from one who knows. In our own country there aredifficulties in regard to climate and geographical conditions which rather keepus from progressing as much as we could wish, and whenever I feel a littledepressed about the way things are going in Great Britain it is refreshing toturn to Australia and think : “This is British, and it is makinggood.” and I feel it is going to make a great deal better in thefuture.