Measurements of polarization of radio emission from the galactic background were started in 1957 and seemed to be partially successful, but so uncertain that not much weight was attached to them. Only in the last two years have such polarization measurements been fully successful. They were carried out by radio astronomers at Leiden, Cambridge, and Sydney. I shall report here on the measurements made by the Leiden group, and draw some general conclusions. The first year of observations was described by Westerhout et al. (1962) and Brouw, Muller, and Tinbergen (1962); the work has been continued since by Muller, Brouw, Tinbergen, and Berkhuysen (1963). The observations made by the Cambridge group are substantially in agreement with the Leiden work (Wielebinski, Shakeshaft, and Pauliny-Toth 1962), and so are the Sydney observations, on which Dr. Gardner reports in another paper (this volume, paper 35).