The star CPD −56°8032 is one of the few objects classified WC 11. First noted by Bidelman, MacConnell and Bond (1968), its blue-violet spectrum has been described by Cowley and Hiltner (1969), while the red/infrared region has been studied by Thackeray (1977). Infrared magnitudes have been measured by Webster and Glass (1974), and Aitken et al. (1980) have scanned the infrared spectrum from 8 to 13 µm. Cohen and Barlow (1980) have also published infrared fluxes from 3.45 to 20 µm. This star shows strong emission lines belonging to C II and C III, much sharper than the usual bands seen in WC stars. Bright lines of H, He I, O II, O III, Si III and Si IV are also present. O I λ 7774 triplet shows a P Cygni profile (Thackeray, 1977). Forbidden lines belong to [O I] (red lines), [O II] (violet and infrared doublets) [N II] (6548 and 6584 å), and [S II] (4068 and 6716 å).