The process of star formation (SF) and the modalities with which it occurs in galaxies of different sizes are still poorly understood. On the other hand, interpretation of the chemical and photometric properties of galaxies requires the adoption of adequate laws for the SF rate and Initial Mass Function (IMF) in model computations. Dwarf irregular galaxies in the Local Group offer the chance to study their SF history through analysis of their HR diagrams, which can be derived down to V 25, corresponding to MV0, i.e. to main sequence stars of 2 M⊙. Therefore, for these galaxies, we can derive information on the star formation activity which has occurred over the last 1 Gyr approximately. In this framework, we have undertaken CCD observations of Dwarf irregular galaxies in the Local Group with ESO telescopes and briefly present here the results obtained for DDO 210, Sextans B and NGC 3109.