In close connection with a parallel theoretical study (see Sweigart, Greggio and Renzini 1987) CCD photometry in the B and V bands of star clusters in the LMC and SMC was started in 1983 using the ESO telescopes. To study the development of the red giant branch (RGB) we selected intermediate age clusters using the following criteria: 1) integrated (B-V) color between 0.3 and 0.6 and/or 2) membership in the type IV group of the Searle, Wilkinson and Bagnuolo (1980) classification (SWB). A few other clusters (e.g. NGC 121) were observed for calibration purposes. The observed clusters are NGC 121, 152, 1756, 1831, 1841, 1987, 2164, 2173, 2209, 2249, 1466, 1866, 2107, 2108 and 2134 and good or very good quality CM diagrams have been obtained for the first ten of them. Out of this list, those clusters with a well developed RGB are NGC 121, 152, 1841, 1987 and 2173. Using the CCD frames, integrated (B-V) colors have also been obtained for some of the clusters.