An attempt is made to establish the membership of Abell clusters in superclusters of galaxies. The relation
is used to calibrate the distances to the clusters of galaxies with two redshift estimates. One is m10, the magnitude of the ten-ranked galaxy, and the other is the “mean population,” P, defined by:
where p = 40, 65, 105 … galaxies for richness groups 0, 1, 2 …, and r is the apparent radius in degrees given by:
The first iteration for redshift, z1, is obtained from m10 alone:
The standard deviation for Eq. (1) is 0.105, the number of clusters with known velocities is 342 and the correlation coefficient between observed and fitted values is 0.921. With zi from Eq. (1), we define Cartesian galactic coordinates Xi = Rih−1 cosBi cosLi, Yi = Rih−1 cosBi sinLi, Zi = Rih−1 sinBi for each Abell cluster, i = 1, …, 2712, where Ri is the distance to the cluster (Mpc), and Ho = 100 h km s−1 Mpc−1.