The present issue of the review of politics is given over to essays by members of the editorial staff. These and the other contributors are members of the faculty in the University of Notre Dame. This action is the only real means the REVIEW has of publicly recognizing a great and wonderful event: the completion of the first hundred years in the life of Notre Dame. Other activities and other writers will celebrate and assess, in their own time and place, other virtues and achievements of the University. The editors of the REVIEW, writing here on various modern spiritual, political and social problems, wish to affirm, among other things, the freshness and diversity of the intellectual interests that are the University's today, although, of course, these are represented here by the words and work of but a few of the many indebted to the University. Yet we hope, by means of these essays, to pay tribute, implicitly, to the strength, at this high moment, of the whole University in the world of the mind of man and in the translation of that world to man's life in society.