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Submitting your materials


We require all corresponding authors to identify themselves using ORCID when submitting a manuscript to this journal. ORCID provides a unique identifier for researchers and, through integration with key research workflows such as manuscript submission and grant applications, provides the following benefits:

  • Discoverability: ORCID increases the discoverability of your publications, by enabling smarter publisher systems and by helping readers to reliably find work that you have authored.
  • Convenience: As more organisations use ORCID, providing your iD or using it to register for services will automatically link activities to your ORCID record, and will enable you to share this information with other systems and platforms you use, saving you re-keying information multiple times.
  • Keeping track: Your ORCID record is a neat place to store and (if you choose) share validated information about your research activities and affiliations.

See our ORCID FAQs for more information.

If you don’t already have an iD, you will need to create one if you decide to submit a manuscript to this journal. You can register for one directly from your user account on ScholarOne, or alternatively via

If you already have an iD, please use this when submitting your manuscript, either by linking it to your ScholarOne account, or by supplying it during submission using the "Associate your existing ORCID iD" button.

ORCIDs can also be used if authors wish to communicate to readers up-to-date information about how they wish to be addressed or referred to (for example, they wish to include pronouns, additional titles, honorifics, name variations, etc.) alongside their published articles. We encourage authors to make use of the ORCID profile’s “Published Name” field for this purpose. This is entirely optional for authors who wish to communicate such information in connection with their article. Please note that this method is not currently recommended for author name changes: see Cambridge’s author name change policy if you want to change your name on an already published article. See our ORCID FAQs for more information. 

Licence to publish

Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.

Review Style and Process

PASA authors may elect a single or dual anonymous review process, where reviewers may or may not see the author names and affiliations. Differences in the submission process are outlined at the base of this page.

The fitness of a manuscript for publication is based on

  1. Significance/relevance to scope of the journal
  2. Conceptual framework (connections to relevant constructs in literature)
  3. Methods (if manuscript is an empirical study)
  4. Appropriateness to questions
  5. Adequate description of methods (including data collection and analysis)
  6. Rigorous and appropriate methods
  7. Findings/conclusions are literature or data-based
  8. Overall contribution to the field
  9. Writing style/composition/clarity

The Review Process

Manuscripts initially are assigned to and screened by the Editor in Chief, then screened in conjunction with at a member of the Editorial Board. If these above criteria are met, manuscripts are subjected to peer-review. The Board member considers the reviewer's comments, independently evaluates the manuscript, and makes an editorial recommendation to the Editor in Chief to reject, request a revision with the stipulation of further peer review, request a revision subject to review by the editors, or accept as is. Authors receive copies of (anonymous) referee's comments. Referees may be informed of the final disposition of the article. Although feedback will usually be provided to authors, the Editors reserve the right to reject a manuscript for publication without providing a rationale for the decision. Final decisions regarding acceptance of a manuscript will be made by the Editor in Chief.

Corresponding Author Responsibilities

This journal uses a contributor agreement that allows for just one author (the Corresponding Author) to sign on behalf of all authors. Please identify the Corresponding Author for your work when submitting your manuscript for review.

Upon submission, corresponding authors will be presented with a list of authors they have previously collaborated with. Corresponding authors can select from that list to add co-authors to their work, which bypasses the need to add in author details again.  

The Corresponding Author will be responsible for the following:

  • ensuring that all authors are identified on the contributor agreement, and notifying the editorial office of any changes to the authorship;
  • securing written permission (via letter or email) from each co-author to sign the contributor agreement on the co-author's behalf;
  • completing the copyright or licence to publish forms on behalf of all co-authors.

Although very rare, should a co-author have included content in his or her portion of the article that infringes the copyright of another or is otherwise in violation of any other warranty listed in the agreement, you will be the sole author indemnifying the publisher and the editor of the journal against such violation. Please contact the Editorial Office if you have any questions.