APSA is pleased to include here the names of individuals who have completed their doctoral dissertations at political science departments in the United States during 2010 and 2011. The list is based on data collected in the APSA member database and includes information reported by both individuals and departments. Dissertations are listed by fields of interest as labeled by APSA: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, methodology, public administration, political philosophy and theory, public law and courts, and public policy. (See also, table 1.)
Table 1 Dissertations 2010, 2011

American Politics
Abrams, Samuel J.: 2011; “Where Everyone Knows Your Name: A Socio-Rational Theory of Voter Turnout in Advanced Industrial Democracies”; Harvard University
Adler, William D.: 2011; “Building the New American Nation: The U.S. Army and Economic Development, 1787-1860”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Ahmed, Zahra: 2010; “Service Learning in Policy and Practice: A Study of Service Learning Across Three Universities”; University of California, Irvine
Ajinkya, Julie: 2011; “A Feminist Fight for Faith: How Muslim Women Reclaim Islam in the West”; Cornell University
Alphonso, Gwendoline M.: 2011; “Hearth and Soul: Parties, Social Policies and Ideologies of the Family in the 20th Century”; Cornell University
Andersen, David J.: 2011; “Pushing the Limits of Democracy: Concurrent Elections and Cognitive Limitations of Voters”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Anderson, Jennifer Ogg: 2011; “Prime Time Politics: Television News and the Visual Framing of War”; Vanderbilt University
Artime, Michael: 2011; “New News, New Politics: The Emergence of the Internet in American Politics”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Asmussen, Nicole: 2011; “Parties and Polarization in Congress: Causes and Consequences”; University of Rochester
Bachner, Jennifer: 2011; “Learning to Act: The Effect of High School Civic Education on Political Participation”; Harvard University
Badran, Ramzi: 2011; “Statutory Diagnostics”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Baker, Anne E.: 2011; “The Electoral Causes of Party Polarization in Congress”; University of Notre Dame
Balz, John Paul: 2010; “Political Engagement (Old and New): Lobbying, Googling, and Ideologically Identifying in American Politics”; University of Chicago
Barthelemy, Meredith L.: 2011; “When to Hold 'Em and When to Fold 'Em: Bluffing between Members of Congress and the President”; Duke University
Beckman, Arthur: 2011; “The Volatile American Voter: Inconsistent Voting Behavior in the United States, 1948-2004”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Benjamin, Andrea: 2010; “Animosity or Alliance? Identifying the Factors that Promote Black and Latino Electoral Coalitions”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit: 2010; “The Moral Public: Moral Judgment and Political Attitudes”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Benz, Jennifer K.: 2011; “The Role of Self-Interest in the Political Context”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bevan, Shaun: 2011; “The Life Cycle of Voluntary Associations in the United States, 1971-2001”; Pennsylvania State University
Beverlin, R. Matthew: 2010; “Policy Impact in Criminal Justice”; University of Kansas
Binder, Michael: 2010; “Getting it Right or Playing it Safe? Confusion, the Status Quo Bias and Correct Voting in Direct Democracy”; University of California, San Diego
Biroschak, Bart A.: 2010; “Mobilization and Youth Political Engagement: An Analysis of Mobilization Efforts Utilizing Political Ads Aimed at Youth During the 2000 and 2004 Fall Presidential Election Campaigns”; University of Cincinnati
Bliss, Daniel E.: 2010; “Defining the Path To Growth: Small Town Governance and Economic Development in an Age of Globalization”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Bolsen, Toby: 2010; “Private Behaviors for the Public Good: Citizens' Actions and U.S. Energy Conservation”; Northwestern University
Bonica, Adam: 2011; “Ideology and Interests in American Politics”; New York University
Bouche, Vanessa: 2011; “Identity and the Mechanisms of Political Engagement”; Ohio State University
Bourland, Laura Lea: 2010; “Deep in the Heart: Mark Twain and Walker Percy as Authors of Agency.”; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Bowen, Daniel: 2010; “District characteristics and the representational relationship”; University of Iowa
Bowens, DeAunderia N.: 2011; “Unsettled Accounts: Past Responses to Racial Violence in 20th Century America”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bradberry , Leigh A.: 2010; “The Religious Dimension of Voting in the 2004 and 2008 Presidential Elections - and How Much - Did Religion Matter to Vote Choice?”; University of California, San Diego
Brogdon, Matthew S.: 2011; “Constitutional Origins of the Federal Judiciary”; Baylor University
Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca Elizabeth: 2011; “Environmental Policy in the American States”; Michigan State University
Brown, Nadia E.: 2010; “The Impact of Race, Gender, and Class Intersections on Black Women Office Holders' Legislative Decision”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Bullock, Graham: 2011; “‘Green Grades:’ The Popularity and Perceived Effectiveness of Information-Based Environmental Governance Strategies”; University of California, Berkeley
Burge, Ryan: 2011; “Religion and Political Behavior: Studies of Political Tolerance, Voting, and Public Opinion”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Burnett, Craig: 2010; “Voter Competency, Information, and Campaign Effects in Representative and Direct Democracy”; University of California, San Diego
Campbell, Patrick F.: 2010; “Constituting Representation: The Concept of Representation in American Political Development”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Carey, Tony E.: 2010; “Politics in Black and Brown”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Carnes, Nicholas: 2011; “By the Upper Class, for the Upper Class? Representational Inequality and Economic Policymaking in the United States”; Princeton University
Casillas, Christopher J.: 2011; “Law, Legislation, and Democracy: Cooperation and Contestation between Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Executive in the Determination of Statutory Meaning”; Cornell University
Cavari, Amnon: 2011; “The Party Politics of Presidential Rhetoric”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Chamberlain, Adam: 2010; “The Effect of Ccontext on Third Parties and Third-party Support in the United States”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Chingos, Matthew Mark: 2010; “Essays on Education Politics, Economics, and Policy”; Harvard University
Christenson, Dino P.: 2010; “The Electoral Intersection: Information and Context”; Ohio State University
Cicenia, Daniel: 2010; “Surviving Legislative Deadlock: The 17th Amendment and Institutional Change in the US Senate”; University of Florida
Cizmar, Anne: 2011; “‘Easy Issues’ in American Politics”; University of Maryland
Clark, Christopher Jude: 2010; “Unpacking Descriptive Representation: Examining Race and Electoral Representation in the American States”; University of Iowa
Cleveland, Amanda J.: 2010; “Rethinking Culture Wars: Religious Rationalism and Orthodox Pluralism in Southern California Charismatic Congregations”; Claremont Graduate University
Clouser McCann, Pamela: 2011; “The Federal Design Dilemma: The Intergovernmental Context of Congressional Delegation”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Cohen, Alexander: 2011; “Climate, Weather, and Political Behavior”; University of Iowa
Compton, John W.: 2011; “A Moral Revolution: Evangelical Reform and the Transformation of American Constitutionalism, 1830-1937”; University of California, Los Angeles
Conroy, Meredith: 2010; “A Psychology of Framing: The Effects of Personality on Susceptibility to Media Frames”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Corbin, Tanya Buhler: 2010; “Policy Entrepreneurs and Focusing Events: Congressional Agenda Setting after Hurricane Katrina”; Claremont Graduate University
Crowder-Meyer, Melody: 2010; “Local Parties, Local Candidates, and Women's Representation: How County Parties Affect Who Runs for and Wins Political Office”; Princeton University
Culbert, Gar: 2010; “The Strategic Primary Voter: Understanding Vote Choice in U.S. Presidential Nominating Contests”; University of Virginia
Curry, James M.: 2011; “Information Control: Leadership Power in the U.S. House of Representatives”; University of Maryland
Daigle, Delton T.: 2010; “Catching the Big Wave: Public Opinion Polls and Bandwagons in US and Canadian Elections”; Ohio State University
Dancey, Logan: 2010; “Restoring Congressional Integrity: How Members of Congress Respond to Congressional Disapproval”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Daniel, Evan: 2011; “Rolling for Revolution: A Transnational History of Cuban Cigar Makers in Havana, South Florida and New York City, 1850s-1890s”; New School for Social Research
Davenport, Lauren D.: 2011; “Politics Between Black and White: The Identities and Political Attitudes of Mixed-Race Americans”; Princeton University
Dawes, Christopher T.: 2011; “An Examination of Potential Causal Mechanisms Linking Genes and Political Behavior”; University of California, San Diego
Day, Jonathan: 2010; “The Strategy of Presidential Campaigns”; University of Iowa
Deets Sayasithsena, Jennifer: 2010; “External and Internal Agency Characteristics as Determinants of Performance”; George Washington University
Delehanty, William K.: 2010; “Racial Narratives, Group Identity and African-American Political Behavior”; University of Kansas
Dettrey, Bryan J.: 2010; “Economic Uncertainty and Political Choice: How Voters Decide”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Devine, Christopher John: 2011; “Ideological Social Identity: How Pyschological Attachment to Ideological Groups Shapes Political Attitudes and Behaviors”; Ohio State University
Dharmadhikari, Aakash: 2010; “Strategic Presidents and Fund-Raising in Congressional Elections”; University of California, San Diego
Downey, Davia C.: 2011; “Wade in the Water: Race, Class, Local Government and Hurricane Katrina”; Michigan State University
Drake, Katherine: 2010; “Diverse Districts and the Electoral Connection: Electoral Coalitions and Legislators' Pursuit of Policy Preferences”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Drutman, Lee: 2010; “The Business of America is Lobbying: The Expansion of Corporate Political Activity and the Future of American Pluralism”; University of California, Berkeley
Duggan, Edward: 2011; “The War Lobby: Iraq and the Pursuit of U.S. Primacy”; University of Oregon
Dunn, Marika: 2011; “Alternative Analyses of Political Representation in Urban Congressional Districts”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Dusso, Aaron: 2010; “The psychology of institutional development: How parties' willingness to accept risk affects the districts they draw and the seats they win”; George Washington University
Ellis, William Curtis: 2010; “Committees, Subcommittees, and Information-Policymaking in Congressional Institutions”; University of Oklahoma
Enos, Ryan D.: 2010; “Spatial Impact: the influence of groups in geographic space on individual political behavior”; University of California, Los Angeles
Evans, Henry T.: 2011; “Policies Where People Matter: Anti-Poverty Programs and the Importance of Citizen Participation”; Idaho State University
Evans, Kevin: 2011; “Protecting Power and Building Legacy: The Development and Use of Presidential Signing Statements”; University of California, Davis
Faricy, Christopher G.: 2010; “The Politics of Public versus Private Social Welfare”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Figueroa, Carlos: 2010; “Pragmatic Quakerism in U.S. Imperialism: The Lake Mohonk Conference, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico in U.S. Political Thought and Policy Development, 1898-1917”; New School for Social Research
Filipiak, Erik M.: 2011; “The Evolution of U.S. Bank Regulation: The Interplay of Regulators and the Regulated”; Cornell University
Flavin, Patrick: 2010; “Political Inequality in the American States”; University of Notre Dame
Flye, Rayna: 2010; “Outsiders and the Welfare State: How Increased Ethnic Heterogeneity and Anti-immigrant Attitudes Affect Support for Welfare”; University of California, Los Angeles
Flynn, Lindsay B.: 2011; “Laboring at Work and at Home: How States Encourage Moms to do Both”; University of Virginia
Frizzell, Craig: 2010; “Cumulative Effects of Experience on Political Behavior”; University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Fulwider, John: 2011; “Returning Attention to Policy Content in Diffusion Study”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Galdieri, Christopher J.: 2011; “Leading With Values: How Presidents and Candidates Refine and Define American Values”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Gaskins, Ben: 2011; “Religious Commitment and Political Information: How Religion Structure Political Understanding”; Florida State University
Gentry, Bobbi: 2010; “Why Youth Vote: Identity, Leaders, and Political Independence”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Ginsberg, Wendy R.: 2011; “Responses to Reagan: An Analysis of Congressional Reactions to Administration Attempts to Eliminate Federal Agencies”; University of Pennsylvania
Goelzhauser, Greg: 2010; “The Politics of Judicial Process”; Florida State University
Gottemoller, Paul Gerard: 2011; “White Americans' Affect Toward African Americans: Predictive Power on Political Behavior and Measurement Problems”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Goux, Darshan J.: 2010; “The battleground state: Conceptualizing geographic contestation in American presidential elections, 1960-2004”; University of California, Berkeley
Grimmer, Justin: 2010; “Representational Style: The Central Role of Communication in Representation”; Harvard University
Gritter, Matthew: 2010; “Shaping Incorporation: People of Mexican Origin and Anti-Discrimination Policy”; New School for Social Research
Guardino, Matthew P.: 2011; “Taxes, Welfare and Democratic Discourse: Mainstream Media Coverage and the Rise of the American New Right”; Syracuse University
Guerrero, Marissa Irene: 2011; “Symbolic Opposition, Material Support: Welfare Benefits, Behavioral Regulations, and Racial Difference”; University of Chicago
Gunning, Matthew L.: 2011; “Partisan Preferences in Southern State Legislatures”; Emory University
Hagley, Annika: 2010; “Going Rogue: Roll-Call Voting Discretionary Dissent and Incumbent Manipulation of Media Messages”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Hanlin, Amanda: 2010; “Transnational Political Participation among Diasporic Migrants”; Wayne State University
Hanson, Peter: 2010; “Taming the Senate: Party Power and the Rise of Omnibus Appropriations Bills in the U.S. Congress”; University of California, Berkeley
Hardy, Phillip R.: 2010; “Going Nuclear: A Quasi-Experimental Examination of Opinion Formation and Elite Framing Efects in Competitive, High-Choice Information Environments”; Arizona State University
Harlan, Danielle: 2011; “Examining Judicial Divisiveness on the U.S. Supreme Court”; Stanford University
Harper, Christopher: 2011; “Progressive Ambition: What about the People?”; Texas Tech University
Harper, Tiffany: 2010; “Going Public, Staying Private, and Everything in Between”; University of Arizona
Hehnke, Jennifer: 2010; “The Politics of Racial Integration in the Seattle Public Schools: Discourse, Policy, and Political Change, 1954-1991”; University of Oregon
Heidemann, Erik D.: 2011; “New Voters in American Elections: Participation, Partisan Mobilization, and the Future of Representative Democracy”; Ohio State University
Henderson, Michael B.: 2011; “Three Essays on Policy Activation and Information Inequality in Presidential Campaigns”; Harvard University
Hennings, Valerie: 2011; “Civic Selves: Gender, Candidate Training Programs and Envisioning Political Participation”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hersh, Eitan D.: 2011; “Information-Based Candidate Strategy: Data Constraints and Voter Engagement”; Harvard University
Hibbing, Matthew V.: 2011; “Unifying Behavioral Inquiry: Integrating Personality Traits and Situational Effects in the Study of Political Behavior”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Hill, Seth J.: 2010; “Changing Composition and Changing Allegiance in American Elections”; University of California, Los Angeles
Hill, Tony L.: 2010; “Redistricting and the U.S. House of Representatives: Illuminating Electoral Bias with the Brookes Method”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Holman, Mirya R.: 2010; “Sex and Race in the City: Gender, Race, and Policy in U.S. Municipalities”; Claremont Graduate University
Hopkins, David A.: 2010; “The Geographic Polarization of American Politics”; University of California, Berkeley
Hopper, Jennifer: 2010; “Conflicting Stories: The Presidency and the Media in Framing Crises”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Howard, Lia Christine: 2010; “The Great Equalizer? A Five State Study of Compulsory School Attendance Age Policy and Administration”; University of Pennsylvania
Huckabay, Dewayne: 2010; “Lessons from Electronic Government: Diffusion in Texas Metropolitan Municipalities”; University of Houston
Ibarra, Armando: 2010; “Poverty in the valley of plenty: Mexican families and migrant work in California”; University of California, Irvine
Izquierdo, Richard Alexander: 2011; “Rethinking Presidential Constructions of Constitutional Regimes”; Stanford University
Jencik, Alicia N.: 2010; “Deconstructing Gender in New Orleans: The Impact of Patriarchy and Social Vulnerability Before and After a Natural Disaster”; University of New Orleans
Jessup, Angelique: 2010; “Local Struggles for African American Political Advancement in Baltimore, 1920-1944”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Jimeno, Rafael Augusto: 2010; “Ideology and Party Choice Among Latino Immigrants”; Arizona State University
Johnson, Cathy L.: 2010; “Service matters: The influence of military service on political behavior, ideology and attitudes”; University of North Texas
Johnson, Jeremy: 2010; “Beyond Retrenchment: The Political and Ideological Foundations of the New American Welfare State, 1970-2000”; Brown University
Johnson, Tim: 2011; “Service after Serving: The Hiring, Performance, and Compensation of Military Veterans in the United States Federal Civilian Bureaucracy”; Stanford University
Johnston, Christopher David: 2011; “The Motivated Formation of Economic Preferences”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Jones, Michael D.: 2010; “Heroes and Villains: Cultural Narratives, Mass Opinions and Climate Change”; University of Oklahoma
Jorgensen, Paul D.: 2011; “Organized Interests in Congressional Elections”; University of Oklahoma
Kaib, David: 2011; “The Mississippi Tobacco Case: Reform and the Boundaries of Law and Politics”; American University
Kalkan, Kerem Ozan: 2010; “Prejudice Toward Muslim Americans and American Public Opinion”; University of Maryland
Karnes, Kimberly A.: 2010; “Rural Voting Behavior in the 21st Century”; University of Maryland
Katz, Gabriel: 2010; “Essays in Electoral Behavior and Bayesian Data Analysis”; California Institute of Technology
Keane, Michael: 2010; “Political Equality and the Empirical Analysis of Deliberation”; University of Notre Dame
Kear, Andrew R.: 2011; “Unconventional Politics of Unconventional Gas: Environmental Reframing and Policy Change”; Colorado State University
Kelly, Thomas M.: 2010; “This Land Was My Land: Eminent Domian And Economic Development”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Kenney, Daniel A.: 2010; “Seizing Domestic Tranquility: National Military Intervention in America, 1866-1940”; Brandeis University
King, Athena M.: 2010; “The Geometry of Racial Politics: The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Fostering Triangulation among U.S. Racial and Ethnic Groups, ~1800-1964”; University of South Carolina
Kinsella, Chad: 2011; “The Little Sort: A Spatial Analysis of Polarization and the Sorting of Politically Like-Minded People”; University of Cincinnati
Knoll, Benjamin R.: 2010; “Understanding the ‘New Nativism’: Causes and Consequences for Immigration Policy Attitudes in the United States”; University of Iowa
Kotowski, Jan Michael: 2011; “The Discursive Construction of National Identities Through Narratives of Immigration In German and American Social Studies Textbooks”; University of California, Santa Cruz
Kropko, Jonathan: 2011; “Four Projects Concerning the Development of Original Methodology for Political Science”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lauderdale, Benjamin: 2010; “Political Inference When Information Is Scarce”; Princeton University
Lavertu, Stephane: 2010; “Issue Conflict and the Politics of the U.S. Federal Bureaucracy”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lavery, Lesley: 2011; “Lessons Learned: Parent Policy Feedback and No Child Left Behind”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Laws, Serena: 2011; “What is Owed: Debt, Bankruptcy, and American Citizenship”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Ledet, Richard: 2011; “Evangelical Protestants, Individualistic Churches, and Economic (In)-Equality in the American States”; University of Notre Dame
Leonard, Meghan E.: 2010; “Delegation and Policy-Making on State High Courts”; University of Arizona
Levine, Adam Seth: 2010; “Strategic Solicitations: Examining when Requests for Political Donations are Persuasive”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Lewis, Andrew R.: 2011; “The Southern Baptist Church-State ‘Culture War’: The Internal Politics of Denominational Advocacy”; American University
Locker, Laura Ann: 2010; “A General Theory of Social Capital”; Johns Hopkins University
Lomazoff, Eric: 2010; “Reconstructing the Hydra-Headed Monster: The Bank of the United States, Institutional Change, and American Constitutional Development”; Harvard University
Lukens, Gideon: 2011; “Geographic Variation in Medical Spending and the Politics of State Medicaid Policy”; University of California, Los Angeles
Lyon Cotti, Morgan: 2011; “Congress & the Politics of Foreign Aid”; George Washington University
Magleby, Daniel B.: 2011; “Explaining the Use and Policy Impact of Congressional Conference Committees”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Makse, Todd: 2010; “The Redistricting Cycle in American State Politics”; Ohio State University
Mancillas, Linda Kay: 2010; “The Law and Order Movement: Politics, Crime and Mass Incarceration in the United States”; American University
Martin, Byran: 2010; “Using a Theory of Expectations to Understand why There is Variation in Voter Response to Political Scandals”; University of California, Riverside
McCowan, Ronald E.: 2011; “Presidential Leadership and American Public Opinion”; University of Houston
McGovern, Geoffrey: 2011; “Statutory Diagnostics”; SUNY, Binghamton University
McGowen, Ernest B.: 2011; “The Brave New World: The Social and Participatory Behaviors of the Modern Suburban African American”; University of Texas, Austin
McGrath, Robert J.: 2011; “Strategic oversight and the institutional determinants of legislative policy control”; University of Iowa
McTague, John Michael: 2010; “Contested Populism: The Cross-pressured White Working Class in American Politics”; University of Maryland
Mellen, Robbin B.: 2010; “Presidential Campaign Appearances in Midterm U.S. House Elections, 1982-2006”; Washington State University
Michener, Jamila D.: 2011; “Political Participation and Economic Marginality: The Case of Healthcare”; University of Chicago
Miller, Laura S.: 2010; “Theorizing Religion, Constitutionalizing Religion: Taylor, Connolly, Habermas, and the U.S. Supreme Court”; New School for Social Research
Miller, Michael G.: 2010; “The ‘Fifth Source’ and the Ballot Box: Public Money and Changing American Elections”; Cornell University
Miller, Patrick R.: 2010; “The Emotional Citizen: Emotion as a Function of Political Sophistication”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Miller, Susan Marie: 2010; “Party Power in the U.S. House: Discharge Petitions, Agenda Control, and Conditional Party Government”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Min, Jeonghun: 2010; “Campaign Effects in Korean Presidential Elections”; University of Georgia
Min, Tae Eun: 2010; “Panethnicity among Asian Americans and Latinos: panethnicity as both a dependent variable and independent variable”; University of Iowa
Minkoff, Scott Louis: 2011; “The Proximate Polity: Exit, Voice, and Space in Local Development Politics”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Mitchell, Nathan K.: 2010; “Candidate Emergence and Success: Evidence from Women in State Legislative Primary Elections”; Texas Tech University
Moeller, Justin: 2011; “Peasants with Pitchforks: Property Qualifications and the Right to Vote”; University of Georgia
Monogan, James Edward: 2010; “The Long-Term Consequences of Immigration Politics”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Montgomery, Jacob M.: 2011; “An Evolutionary Theory of Democracy: Dynamic Evolutionary Models of American Party Competition with an Empirical Application to the Case of Abortion Policy from 1972-2010”; Duke University
Nabors, Forrest A.: 2011; “The Problem of Reconstruction: The Political Regime of the Antebellum Slave South”; University of Oregon
Nall, Clayton M.: 2011; “The Road to Confict: How the American Highway System Divides Communities and Polarizes Politics”; Harvard University
Nawara, Steven P.: 2011; “The Formation of Responsibility Attributions and their Role in Shaping Political Behavior”; Ohio State University
Nelson, James P.: 2010; “Contextual and Individual-Level Influences on Third Party Voting in US Senate and Congressional Elections”; Florida State University
Nolette, Paul Brian: 2011; “Advancing National Policy in the Courts: The Use of Multistate Litigation by State Attorneys General”; Boston College
Nussbaumer, Kirsten: 2010; “Eighteenth-Century Beginnings of Congressional Election Reform”; Stanford University
Oates, Kathryn Lindsay: 2010; “The Expansion of Interest Power: Religious Interests in the Supreme Court”; University of Florida
O'Geen, Andrew: 2011; “Legal Change on the United States Supreme Court”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Oh, Hana: 2010; “Social network analysis and interpersonal comparisons of utilities in behavioral games”; Claremont Graduate University
Oleszek, Mark: 2010; “Collaboration and Lawmaking in the Contemporary United States Senate”; University of California, Berkeley
Orr, Susan E.: 2010; “Forming a More Democratic Union: Organized Labor and American Democracy, Ideals and Institutions”; University of Florida
Owen, Andrew: 2010; “The negativity effect in retrospective voting”; Princeton University
Pacheco, Julianna: 2010; “Dynamic Public Opinion and Policy Responsiveness in the American States”; Pennsylvania State University
Palmer, Carl Lucas: 2010; “The Interaction of Political Rhetoric and Social Group Perceptions in Shaping Public Opinion”; University of California, Davis
Park, Hong Min: 2010; “Parties, Committees and Rules in the U.S. House of Representatives”; Washington University, St. Louis
Park, Young Hwan: 2010; “Competing Issue Frames and Attitude Consistency”; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Parker, Christopher: 2011; “Patterns and Consequences of Supreme Court Decision Making on Federalism Cases”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Parson, Sean: 2010; “An Ungovernable Force?: Food Not Bombs, Homeless Activism and Politics in San Francisco from 1988-1995”; University of Oregon
Parsons, Bryan M.: 2010; “Passionate Political Talk: Social Networks and the Emotional Impact of Political Discussion”; University of South Carolina
Pedraza, Francisco I.: 2010; “The Two-way Street of Contested Political Integration: Latinos in the United States”; University of Washington
Penosen, Tayo: 2011; “Analysis of the Black Church in Atlanta Politics”; Clark Atlanta University
Petersen, Seth W.: 2010; “Canaries in a Coal Mine: Are Open Seat and Congressional Special Elections Indicative of National Partisan Tides?”; Georgetown University
Peterson, Rolfe D.: 2010; “Putting Voters in Context: Social and Cognitive Activation in Political Campaigns”; University of California, Davis
Phan, Ngoc: 2011; “Anger In Action: The role of emotion, competiton, and threat on mobilization”; Rice University
Pinkard, John E.: 2010; “African American Felon Disenfranchisement: A Case Study in Modern Racism”; New School for Social Research
Pisapia, Michael Callaghan: 2010; “Public Education and the Role of Women in American Political Development, 1852-1979”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Postell, Joseph: 2010; “The Alarming Consensus in Administrative Law”; University of Dallas
Puia Morel, Dana Adriana: 2010; “The Dynamics of Institutional Change and the Case of EU Budgetary Negotiations”; University of Pittsburgh
Putnam, Joshua T.: 2010; “The Frontloading of Presidential Primaries and Caucuses from the States' Perspective”; University of Georgia
Pyeatt, Nicholas L.: 2010; “Ideology, Polarization and Candidate Entry”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ragusa, Jordan: 2011; “Contemptible Cooperation? Polarization, Partisanship and Bicameral Reconciliation Measures, 1975-2009”; University of Florida
Ramey, Adam: 2010; “Essays on the Microfoundations of Legislative Decisionmaking”; University of Rochester
Ramsey, Nate: 2011; “Keeping America Exceptional: Patriotism, the Status Quo, and the Culture Wars”; University of Cincinnati
Read, Michael C.: 2011; “American Political Parties as Transnational Parties”; Catholic University of America
Rice, Heather Marie: 2011; “Individual Characteristics, State-level Morality Policy, and Mass Attitudes: A Hierarchical Approach”; University of Pittsburgh
Rim, Kathy: 2010; “In Solidarity? The Influence of Racial Group Consciousness on Asian American Political Behavior”; University of California, Irvine
Roberts, Brian D.: 2010; “Selective Speaking: The New Form of ‘Going Public’”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Robinson, Jennifer L.: 2010; “Empowerment of American Indians and the Effect on Political Participation”; University of Utah
Rodriguez-Suarez, Antonio: 2010; “The Exclusion of Non-Native Voters from a Final Plebiscite in Puerto Rico”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ryan, Josh M.: 2011; “Interchamber Bargaining and Resolution in Congress”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Rydberg, James: 2010; “Bypassing the Legislature: How Direct Democracy Affects Substantive and Symbolic Representation”; University of Iowa
Saavedra Cisneros, Angel: 2011; “Party Identification through Social Identity: The Formation of Partisanship Among Immigrants”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Schlozman, Daniel: 2010; “The Making of Partisan Majorities: Parties, Anchoring Groups, and Electoral Change”; Harvard University
Schreck, Deron: 2010; “Suburban Governance: The Challenge of Morality Politics”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Seabrook, Nicholas: 2010; “The Positive Effects of Partisan Gerrymanderinhg”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Searles, Kathleen: 2011; “Hearts and Minds, but for Whom? How Individual Characteristics Affect the Experience and Likelihood of Emotion in Politics”; Washington State University
Serra, Joan: 2011; “Vote Choice, Economic Interests and Uncertainty”; University of Chicago
Shortle, Allyson: 2011; “The Impact of American Identity Threat on Hostile Immigration Policy Attitudes”; Ohio State University
Silver, Adam: 2010; “Platforms and Party Development: Regional Diversity, Party Platforms, and the Institutionalization of the Two-Party System in Nineteenth Century America”; Boston University
Sirju-Johnson, Nicole: 2011; “Candidates, Parties and the Political System: The Effects of Stagnation on the Election of Women to the U.S. Congress”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Sledge, Daniel: 2010; “Southern Maladies: Politics and Public Health in the Pre-Civil Rights South, 1902-1950”; Cornell University
Smith, Andre L.: 2011; “The Influence of Context on African American Political Participation and Partisanship”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Smith, Candis Watts: 2011; “Black Mosaic: Expanding Contours of Black Identity and Black Politics”; Duke University
Smith, Ryan A.: 2010; “A Comparative Assessment of Deliberative Claims: The Health Services Commission, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, and New Community Meetings I and II”; University of Oregon
Smith-Loud, Jamila: 2010; “Race, Citizenship and Movement:The Restrictive Nature of Federal Housing Law on the Geographic Mobility of African-Americans in Urban Areas”; University of Maryland
Sohlberg, Jacob: 2011; “Party Identification, Values, Risk Perceptions and Public Opinion on Climate Change”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Spina, Stephen: 2011; “Walk the high road : camouflaging racism and the Florida experience along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard”; University of Florida
Staszak, Sarah: 2010; “The Politics of Judicial Retrenchment”; Brandeis University
Steinfeldt, Andrew: 2010; “The Early Modern Presidency and the Significance of Grover Cleveland's Presidencies in its Development”; Idaho State University
Stout, Christopher E.: 2010; “Black Empowerment in the Age of Obama”; University of California, Irvine
Swearingen, Colin D.: 2011; “Is Winning Everything? Why Campaign Consultants Operate in the American Political System”; University of Oklahoma
Terry, William: 2010; “The U.S. Voting Rights Act of 1965: A Study of the Politics of Structural Changes in Voter Turnout”; University of California, San Diego
Tesler, Michael: 2011; “The Spillover of Racialization: Essays on Race and the Obama Presidency”; University of California, Los Angeles
Therriault, Andrew: 2011; “The Role of Policy Issues in American Elections”; New York University
Todsen, John P.: 2010; “Rallying Around the Flag in the Era of the Traditional Presidency”; University of New Mexico
Tozzi, Gino J.: 2011; “Approval of George W. Bush: Economic and Media Impacts”; Wayne State University
Udani, Adriano: 2011; “Members by Design: How U.S. Immigration Policies Shape Mass Public Beliefs about American Membership”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Urben, Heidi: 2010; “Civil-Military Relations in a Time of War”; Georgetown University
Valenzuela, Ali Adam: 2011; “Identity in Context: How Neighborhoods, Churches and Campaigns Shape Latino Unity”; Stanford University
VanHorn, Abigaile: 2010; “Candidate Wives: Spouses as Strategic Surrogates on the Campaign Trail”; Purdue University
Vecera, Vincent Benjamin: 2011; “The Supreme Court and the Politics of Language: An Empirical Investigation”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Verbois, Caleb A.: 2011; “Executive Power in the Bush Administration: Constitutional Conflict”; University of Virginia
Verhulst, Bradley: 2010; “Thinking Can Be Dangerous: How Increased Cognitive Deliberation about Political Candidates Impedes Political Decision Making”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Vieux, Andrea: 2010; “Regulating School Reforms: An Analysis of the Impact of Religious Interests on State Educational Policies”; University of Kansas
Vigilante, Katherine: 2010; “Deconstructing and Constructing Judicial Activism: A New Measure Applied to the 50 State Supreme Courts”; Emory University
Von Hagel, Alisa Carolyn: 2011; “Collaboration and Connectivity: Women's Impact on the Congressional Social Network”; Northern Illinois University
Walker, Carol: 2010; “The Buck Stops Here: The President as Manager of the US Economy During Crisis”; Georgia State University
Walker, Kevin M.: 2010; “The Supreme Court in the Early Progressive Era”; Claremont Graduate University
Wallace, Sophia Jordan: 2010; “Beyond Roll Call Votes: Latino Representation in the 108th-110th Sessions of the U.S. House of Representatives”; Cornell University
Wanless, Emily O.: 2011; “Moving On Up: Political Ambition and the Timing of Decisions to Run for Higher Office”; University of Georgia
Weaver, David A.: 2011; “Reaching for the Dial? Activism, Authoritarianism, Emotions, Sociopolitical Attitudes, and Political Talk Radio Listening”; University of California, Santa Barbara
White, Kenneth Michael: 2011; “The Politics of ‘The Simpsons’”; Claremont Graduate University
Whitt, Christopher M.: 2010; “Unaffordable Outcomes: The Wealth Gap, Black Political Participation and Public Policy Outcomes in the Black Interest”; University of Maryland
Wichowsky, Amber: 2010; “The Competition Cure? The Consequences of Competitive Congressional Elections”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Wiedlocher, Laura: 2011; “Political Fragmentation and Central City Growth and Decline 1950-2000”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Wilkinson, Betina Andrea Cutaia: 2010; “Commonality, Competition and Stereotypes: Can Whites, Blacks and Latinos Play Politics Together in the U.S.?”; Louisiana State University
Willis, Carla: 2010; “Changing the Local Governing Regime: The Role of Race in Attaining Substantive Representation”; Ohio State University
Windett, Jason H.: 2011; “Understanding Female Candidates and Campaigns for Governor”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Winters, Kathleen: 2011; “Motivations for the use of Concurring Opinions on the U.S. Supreme Court”; Ohio State University
Wittmer, Dana E.: 2011; “Institutional Representation”; Ohio State University
Wohlfarth, Patrick C.: 2010; “How the Prospect of Judicial Review Shapes Bureaucratic Decision Making”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wood, Frederick S.: 2011; “Public Opinion and the Policy Choices of State High Courts”; Michigan State University
Wood, Jason A.: 2011; “More Than A Feeling: Measuring the Impact of Affect and Socio-Cultural Difference on Vote Choice”; University of Cincinnati
Woodruff, Michael J.: 2011; “Public Reasoning, Publication, and Institutional Change in State Supreme Courts”; New York University
Wrzenski, Rhonda L.: 2010; “Probing the Finance Gap Theory: Does Gender Affect Campaign Contributions?”; Louisiana State University
Wu, Sarah-Seong: 2011; “Voting Behavior of State Supreme Court Judges”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Yonk, Ryan M.: 2011; “The Political Impact of Quality of Life”; Georgia State University
Young, Everett: 2010; “Why We're Liberal, Why We're Conservative: A Cognitive Theory on the Origins of Ideological Thinking”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Zepeda-Millan, Chris: 2011; “Dignity's Revolt: Threat, Identity, & Immigrant Mass Mobilization”; Cornell University
Zigerell, Lawrence James: 2010; “The Departing Justice and US Supreme Court Nominations: Direct and Indirect Influences on the Next Natural Court”; University of Pittsburgh
Comparative Politics
Abbas, Rameez: 2010; “Citizen or Stranger? Politics of Internal Migration in Mumbai and Kolkata”; Johns Hopkins University
Abdulkadir, Rahma: 2011; “Gender, Transitional Justice and Failed Statehood: A Case Study of Somalia”; University of Texas at Dallas
Achilov, Dilshod: 2010; “Islam and Democracy, Why and How Islamic Institutions Matter”; University of Arizona
Adhikari, Prakash: 2011; “Conflict-Induced Displacement, Understanding the Causes of Flight”; University of New Mexico
Adida, Claire Leslie: 2010; “Immigrant Exclusion and Insecurity in Africa”; Stanford University
Aikins, Kenneth: 2011; “Can Local Governments Be effective? Case Studies Post Independence Ghauna”; University of Kansas
Albertus, Michael: 2011; “Political Regimes and Redistribution”; Stanford University
Alhajeri, Hanan: 2011; “Presidentialism and Political Instability in Argentina and the United States of America: A Comparative Study”; New School for Social Research
Allerdice, Hannah: 2011; “The Effects of Settlement Policy on Refugee Political Activism: Sudanese Refugees in Australia and the US”; Syracuse University
Al-Marshad, Sultan: 2011; “The Impact of Good Governance and Decentralization Reforms on the Effectiveness of Local Authorities: The Case of Saudi Municipalities”; University of Connecticut
Altier, Mary Beth Ehrhardt: 2011; “Voting for Violence”; Princeton University
Altinoglu, Ebru: 2010; “Limited Government in Nondemocracies (The Role of Capital Owners)”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Altuglu, Murat: 2011; “Legislative Behavior in-between Institutional Constraints. A Comparative Study of the House of Representatives, the House of Commons, and the Bundestag”; Florida International University
Alvarez, Angel: 2011; “Political Funding Regulations in Latin America: Uncertainty, Equity and Transparency”; University of Notre Dame
Alves, Jorge Antonio: 2011; “Coordinating Care: State Politics and Intergovernmental Relations in the Brazilian Healthcare Sector”; Brown University
Amengual, Matthew: 2011; “Enforcement without Autonomy: The Politics of Labor and Environmental Regulation in Argentina”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Apaydin, Fulya: 2010; “Partisan Choices and Post-Fordist Transformations: The Politics of Human Capital Formation in Turkey and Argentina, 1990-2000”; Brown University
Arevalo Bencardino, Julian: 2011; “Three Essays on Political Economy”; Boston University
Ariga, Kenichi: 2010; “Entrenched Incumbents, Irresponsible Parties? Comparative Analysis of Incumbency Advantage Across Different Electoral Systems”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Arikan, Gizem: 2010; “Economic Individualism and Cross-National Differences in Redistribution”; SUNY, Stony Brook University
Arjona, Ana M.: 2010; “Social Order in Civil War”; Yale University
Arrington, Celeste: 2010; “Accidental Activists: How Victim Groups Hold the Government Accountable in Japan and South Korea”; University of California, Berkeley
Aslam, Ghazia: 2010; “Dictatorship as a Bargaining Process”; George Mason University
Atchison, Amy: 2010; “The Effects of Female Cabinet Ministers on Female Friendly Social Policy”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Avcu, Seyit Ali: 2010; “Economic reforms and the fragmentation of the political party system: The Turkish case, 1980-2002”; University of Virginia
Baker, Josiah R.: 2010; “Constructing the People's Home: The Political and Economic Origins and Early Development of the “Swedish Model” (1879-1976)”; Catholic University of America
Bakiner, Onur: 2011; “Coming to Terms with the Past: Power, Memory and Legitimacy in Truth Commissions”; Yale University
Balan, Manuel: 2011; “Today's Allies, Tomorrow's Enemies? The Political Dynamics of Corruption Scandals in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile”; University of Texas, Austin
Balcells, Laia: 2010; “Behind the Frontlines: Identity, Competition, and Violence in Civil Wars”; Yale University
Baldi, Gregory Charles: 2010; “The Politics of Differentiation: Education Reform in Postwar Britain and Germany”; Georgetown University
Baldwin, Katharine A.: 2010; “Big men and ballots The effects of traditional leaders on elections and distributive politics in Zambia”; Columbia University
Barnes, Lucy: 2010; “Essays on the Political Economy of Redistribution”; Harvard University
Barwig, Andrew: 2010; “uling with Rules: Electoral Institutions and Authoritarian Resilience in the Middle East”; University of Denver
Batty, Fodei Joseph: 2010; “What Role for Ethnicity? Political Behavior and Mobilization in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone and Liberia”; Western Michigan University
Bay, Kelly Elizabeth: 2011; “Does Participatory Governance Deliver? Citizen Participation and Social Service Delivery in Nicaragua”; Brown University
Beatty, Linnea M.: 2011; “Motivation for Political Activism Under Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Burma”; George Washington University
Beazer, Quintin H.: 2011; “Property Rights Insecurity in Post-Communist Countries”; Ohio State University
Becker, Jeffrey D.: 2011; “Knowledge to Power: Political Process, Informal Organization and the Chinese Migrant Labor Movement”; George Washington University
Beers, Daniel J.: 2011; “Building Democratic Courts from the Inside Out: Judicial Culture and the Rule of Law in Postcommunist Eastern Europe”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Behl, Natasha: 2010; “Politics of Equality: Caste and Gender Paradoxes in the Sikh Community”; University of California, Los Angeles
Berger, Daniel: 2011; “Local institutional legacies in West Africa: A micro-level investigation of how colonial era decisions affect local governance today”; New York University
Bergman, Heather: 2010; “Walking the Walk: Emerging Market Governments' Credibility in International Financial Markets”; University of California, Los Angeles
Bernstein, Hamutal: 2011; “Stranger or Neighbor? Explaining Local Immigrant Policymaking in Washington, DC and Madrid”; Georgetown University
Beyer, Jessica L.: 2011; “Youth and the Generation of Political Consciousness Online”; University of Washington
Bhavnani, Rikhil: 2010; “Political Inequality: Effects and Remedies”; Stanford University
Bilev, Gavril K.: 2011; “Checking the Boss: Legislative Autonomy and Executive Contestation in the Russian Regions, 1992-2005”; Brown University
Bleck, Jaimie: 2011; “Education, Citizenship, and Democratic Consolidation in Mali”; Cornell University
Boda, Michael D.: 2011; “A New Generation in Election Observation: International Law as a Standard for Electoral Practice”; Johns Hopkins University
Bohlken, Anjali Thomas: 2010; “The Paradox of Decentralization: Internal Party Organization and the Political Logic of Decentralization in India”; New York University
Bouasria, Abdelilah: 2010; “The Secret Politics of the Sufi: The Sultan and the Saint in Modern Morocco”; American University
Brass, Jennifer N.: 2010; “Surrogates for Government? NGOs and the State in Kenya”; University of California, Berkeley
Buckley, David T.: 2011; “Secular Evolution: Religion, Democracy and Institutional Change in Ireland, Senegal and the Philippines”; Georgetown University
Burchard, Stephanie Marie: 2011; “Authoritatively Democratic: The Functioning of Elections in Botswana's Dominant Party System”; Rice University
Buttorff, Gail Jeanne: 2011; “Legitimacy and the Politics of Opposition in the Middle East and North Africa”; University of Iowa
Caceres, Jetsabe: 2010; “Social Movements in 1990s Puerto Rico: Between Neoliberalism and United States Imperialism”; University of Florida
Caldwell, Christina: 2011; “What Difference Does it Make? The Impact of Female Legislators in Costa Rica and New Zealand”; University of California, Riverside
Cantir, Cristian: 2011; “Coalition of the Leaving: What Caused the Disintigration of the Multinational Force in Iraq”; University of Kansas
Carlson, Elizabeth C.: 2011; “Ethnicity or Retrospection: Explaining Voting Behavior in Uganda”; University of California, Los Angeles
Carrier, Martin: 2010; “Flexible Institutional Designs and Executive Politics in Semi-presidential European Regimes”; University of Arizona
Carter, Angela Valerie: 2010; “Environmental Policy in Petro-State: The Resource Curse and Political Ecology in Canada's Oil Frontier”; Cornell University
Castagnola, Andrea: 2010; “Rethinking Judicial Instability in Developing Democracies: A National and Sub national Analysis of Supreme Courts in Argentina”; University of Pittsburgh
Cesarini, Paola: 2010; “Restoring Justice in Post-authorita”; Columbia University
Chacon, Mario: 2010; “Competitive Authoritarian Institutions and Political Change: Theory and Evidence from The Third Wave of Democratization”; Yale University
Chang, Crystal: 2011; “Stumbling Toward Capitalism: The State, Global Production Networks, and the Unexpected Emergence of China's Independent Auto Industry”; University of California, Berkeley
Chang, Hyeyoung: 2010; “Pathways of Local Economic Development: Tales of Cities in the United States and South Korea”; University of Southern California
Chauchard, Simon: 2011; “The Downtrodden in Office: Tracking the Psychological and Interpersonal Benefits from Political Inclusion in Rural India”; New York University
Chehab, Sara-Jane: 2011; “Dubai Goes Global: Toward a New Model of Development”; University of Delaware
Chen, Jing: 2011; “Petitions and Authoritarian Resilience”; Princeton University
Chen, Ketty: 2010; “From Outcast to Established Players The Transformation of Non-Democratic Parties of Democratization”; University of Oklahoma
Chen, Tse-Hsin: 2011; “How Do Electoral Systems Affect Political Representation”; Michigan State University
Chernykh, Svitlana: 2011; “When Will Parties Comply With Electoral Results? Political Institutions and Strategic Choices of Political Parties following Electoral Defeat”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Chidambaram, Soundarya: 2011; “Welfare, Patronage, and the Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India's Urban Slums”; Ohio State University
Cho, Youngho: 2011; “What People Know about Democracy and Why It Matters: Knowledge about Democracy among Global Mass Publics”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Chou, Chelsea Chia-chen: 2011; “When does an Autocrat Compromise with Social Forces? The Political Economy of Labor Policy Reform in China, 1978-2009”; Cornell University
Clealand, Danielle P.: 2011; “Uncovering Blackness: Racial Politics and Identity in Contemporary Cuba”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Cloward, Karisa Tritz: 2010; “When Norms Collide: Micro-Level Responses to the Transnational Campaign against Gender-Biased Violence”; Yale University
Coman, Emanuel: 2011; “Institutional Constraints on Members of National Parliaments”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Contractor, Cyrus Ali: 2011; “In the Footsteps of the Infallibles: The Effects of Shi′a Narratives on Shi′a Political and Social Behavior in the United States”; University of Oklahoma
Corliss, Catherine L.: 2011; “Marginal but not Powerless: Local Politics in an Eastern German Village”; Brown University
Correa-Cabrera, Guadalupe: 2010; “Democracy in Two Mexicos: Political Exclusion, Economic Exclusion, and (Un)civil Modes of Political Action in Nuevo Leon and Oaxaca”; New School for Social Research
Costa, Carlos E.: 2011; “A Marginal Vote Theory of Politics”; Washington University, St. Louis
Craig, Carolyn J.: 2010; “Small States and Free Trade: The Domestic Politics of CAFTA-DR in Nicaragua and Costa Rica”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Cruise, Rebecca JoAnn: 2011; “Eastern Efficacy-Female Participation in Post Communist Europe”; University of Oklahoma
Cruz, Jose Miguel: 2010; “Democratization Under Assault: Criminal Violence in Post-Transition Central America”; Vanderbilt University
Curvale, Carolina: 2010; “Does Political Participation Affect Political Stability? A Study of Latin America Since Independence”; New York University
Dallas, Mark Peter: 2010; “New Roads to Capitalism: China and Global Value Chains”; University of California, Berkeley
Daly, Sarah Zukerman: 2011; “Bankruptcy, Guns or Campaigns: Explaining Armed Organizations' Post-War Trajectories”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Damron, Regan Wayne: 2010; “Social Capital, Muticultural Policies, and the Welfare State: Examining the Determinants of Immigrant Integration”; University of Georgia
Darr, Benjamin: 2011; “Nationalism and State Legitimation in Contemporary China”; University of Iowa
Davila, Mireya: 2011; “Health Reform in Contemporary Chile: Does Politics Matter?”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Dawuni, Josephine J.: 2010; “Beyond Transition: Democracy and the Development of Civil Society in Ghana”; Georgia State University
Denton, Ginger: 2010; “Political Participation in Asia: Modes of Participation across Democratizing States”; University of Mississippi
Dionne, Kim Yi: 2010; “The political economy of HIV/AIDS intervention in Africa”; University of California, Los Angeles
Donaghy, Maureen M.: 2011; “Seats at the Table: Civil Society and Participatory Governance in Brazilian Housing Policy”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Dorobantu, Sinziana: 2010; “Open for Business? Political Competition and the Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment”; Duke University
Dragojevic, Mila: 2010; “The Politics of Refugee Identity: Newcomers in Serbia from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, 1992-2009”; Brown University
Dudley, Ryan: 2010; “It takes two to tango: An endogenous theory of bilateral military alliances”; University of California, Davis
Dulani, Boniface Madalitso: 2011; “Personal Rule and Presidential Term Limits in Africa”; Michigan State University
Duquette-Rury, Lauren: 2011; “Making Democracy Work from Abroad: Remittances, Hometown Associations and Migrant-State Coproduction of Public Goods in Mexico”; University of Chicago
Dutton, Yvonne: 2011; “Treaty Content and Costs: Explaining State Commitment to the International Criminal Court”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Eberling, George G.: 2010; “Fueling the dragon: Alternative Chinese oil futures and their implications for the United States”; Claremont Graduate University
Edmonds, Amy: 2010; “Autonomy and Church Opposition to Authoritarianism in Latin America”; Baylor University
Egan, Patrick: 2011; “Managing Multinationals: Industrial Policy, State Institutions, and the Quality of Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Eggers, Andrew C.: 2010; “Three Papers in Empirical Political Economy”; Harvard University
Elis, Roy: 2011; “The Logic of Redistributive Non-Democracies”; Stanford University
Ellis, Joseph M.: 2010; “Flat Tax Revolution?: Policy Change and Policy Diffusion in Eastern Europe”; Temple University
Epley, Jennifer Lynn: 2010; “Voices of the Faithful: Religion and Politics in Contemporary Indonesia”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ergenc, Ceren: 2011; “Public Hearings as a Venue for Political Participation and Representation in Reform Era China”; Boston University
Erickson, Ingrid Lee Reader: 2011; “Civil Society Organizations and Their Efforts to Counter the Perpetuation of Social Inequality in Brazil”; University of Florida
Exartier, Vivien L.: 2010; “The Europeanization of French, German and British China Policies: The case of the arms embargo on China”; West Virginia University
Fahmy, Dalia Fikry: 2011; “Muslim Democrats: Moderating Islam & Modifying the State”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Faris, David M.: 2010; “Revolutions Without Revolutionaries: Social Media Networks and Regime Response in Egypt”; University of Pennsylvania
Fauson, Kristen L.: 2011; “Troubles with Timely Transposition: Identifying and Explaining National Adoption of European Union Law”; Georgetown University
Feldmann, G. Magnus: 2010; “Post Communist Capitalism: The Politics of Institutional Development”; Harvard University
Felix, Adrian: 2010; “Transnational (After)life: Migrant Transnationalism & Engagement in U.S. & Mexican Politics”; University of Southern California
Fernandez Anderson, Cora: 2011; “The Impact of Social Movements on State Policy: Human Rights and Women Movements In Argentina, Chile And Uruguay”; University of Notre Dame
Finchelstein, Diego: 2010; “Stragegy and Institutions in the International Expansion of Latin American Firms: A Comparative Analysis of the Internationalization Process in Argentina, Brazil and Chile”; Northwestern University
Flores-Macias, Francisco: 2010; “Explaining the Behavior of State-Owned Enterprises: Mexico's Pemex in Comparative Perspective”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Forster Rothbart, Amy: 2011; “International Commitments, National Policy Processes: The Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in the Post-Soviet States”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Fox, Lisa C.: 2010; “Within and Without: Identity and Immigration in Contemporary European Politics”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Funke, Peter Nikolaus: 2010; “The Global Social Forum Rhizome: The World Social Forum as Resistance Relay and Social Movement Politics in Neoliberal Capitalism”; University of Pennsylvania
Garay, M. Candelaria: 2010; “Including Outsiders: Social Policy Expansion in Latin America”; University of California, Berkeley
Gengler, Justin: 2011; “Ethnic Conflict and Political Mobilization in Bahrain and the Arab Gulf”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Gentile, Antonina: 2010; “Historical Varieties of Labor Contention and Hegemony in Transnational Docker Campaigns”; Johns Hopkins University
Germano, Roy P.: 2010; “The Polltical Economy of Remittances: Emigration, Social Insurance Provision, and Political Behavior in Mexico”; University of Texas, Austin
Gervasoni, Carlos: 2010; “A Rentier Theory of Subnational Democracy: The Politically Regressive Effects of Redistributive Fiscal Federalism in Argentina”; University of Notre Dame
Giannoni, Tonya Caprarola: 2010; “The Evolution of Property Rights in Argentina, 1853-1949”; George Washington University
Glatzer, Miguel: 2010; “Economic Openness, Democracy and Institutional Adjustment: The Politics of Welfare State Development in Spain and Portugal”; Harvard University
Glover, Robert W.: 2010; “Citizenship Unhinged: Exploring the Potential of Agonistic Citizenship”; University of Connecticut
Gomez-Vilchis, Ricardo Roman: 2010; “Citizens' Evaluation of the President and Democratic Transition: Determinants and Effects of Presidential Approval”; University of California, San Diego
Gonzalez, Lucas I.: 2010; “Primus Contra Pares. Presidents, Governors, and the Struggles over the Distribution of Power in Federal Democracies. Argentina and Brazil in Comparative Perspective.”; University of Notre Dame
Goodrich, Benjamin King: 2010; “It's Not All about the Benjamins: Essays on Political Economy and Social Psychology Theories of Welfare State Preferences”; Harvard University
Graham, Leah Michelle: 2010; “Studying Janus Behavior: How Support, Deterrence, Grievances and Organizational Structure Shape Violent and Peaceful Behaviors”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Griffiths, Ryan D.: 2010; “Catch and Release: Expansion, Contraction, and the downsims of states”; Columbia University
Grossman, Guy: 2011; “Essays on Leadership Selection and Public Goods Provision in Self-Help Organizations”; Columbia University
Gubler, Joshua Ronald: 2011; “The micro-motives of intergroup aggression: A case study in Israel”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Gugiu, Mihaiela Ristei: 2010; “Competing Formal and Informal Institutions in a Democratizing Setting: An Institutional Analysis of Corruption in Romania”; Western Michigan University
Guillan-Montero, Aranzazu: 2011; “As if: The fiction of executive accountability and the persistence of corruption networks in weakly institutionalized presidential systems. Argentina (1989-2007)”; Georgetown University
Gumuscu, Sebnem: 2010; “No Bourgeoisie, No Moderation: The Changing Face of Political Islam in Turkey and Egypt”; University of Virginia
Hadden, Jennifer: 2011; “Contesting Climate Change: Civil Society Networks and Collective Action in the European Union”; Cornell University
Han, Enze: 2010; “External Kin, Ethnic Identity and the Politics of Ethnic Mobilization in the People's Republic of China”; George Washington University
Han, Kyung Joon: 2010; “Welfare Systems, Political Parties, and International Migration: Fiscal Effects of Migration and Conditional Partisan Effects on Migration Policies in European Countries”; University of California, Los Angeles
Han, Min-young: 2011; “Democratization and Politics of Financial Liberalization: The Case of Korea in Comparative Perspective”; Yale University
Handler, Scott: 2011; “Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Understanding Modern State-building (and Counterinsurgency)”; Stanford University
Handlin, Samuel: 2011; “The Politics of Inclusion: The Left, Policy Innovation, and Party System Change in South America, 1980-2010”; University of California, Berkeley
Harb, Samia Georges: 2010; “Gender politics, women's rights and international norms in Lebanon”; Florida International University
Hassid, Jonathan: 2010; “Pressing Back - The Struggle for Control Over China's Journalists”; University of California, Berkeley
Hastings, Cameron J.: 2011; “Decentralization of Water Service Delivery in Mexico: The Effects of Party Politics, Intergovernmental Dynamics, and Municipal Capacity”; University of California, Riverside
Hasunuma, Linda: 2010; “Restructuring Government: Party System Change and Decentralization in Japan”; University of California, Los Angeles
Herrera, Veronica M.: 2011; “Mayors, Markets and Municipal Reform: The Politics of Water Delivery in Mexico”; University of California, Berkeley
Hershey, Megan J.: 2011; “NGOs and Community Participation in Kenya's Fight Against HIV/AIDS”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Hidalgo, F. Daniel: 2011; “End of the Oligarchs: Suffrage Extensions, Electoral Reforms, and Political Machines in Brazil”; University of California, Berkeley
Hierman, Brent: 2011; “Sources of Inter-ethnic Trust and Distrust in Central Asia”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Hillard, Julianna Patricia Rigg: 2011; “If Only Noah Would Have Killed Those Two : Saving Children from Malaria, One Politician at a Time”; University of Washington
Hinze, Annika M.: 2010; “Space and the City: Urban space, integration, and Turkish immigrants in Berlin.”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Hoberman, Gabriela: 2010; “The absence of race in democratic politics: The case of the Dominican Republic”; Florida International University
Hoffmann, Leif: 2011; “Land of the free, Home of the (un)regulated: A look at market building and liberalization in the EU and the US”; University of Oregon
Hong, Philip: 2010; “The Political Economy of Poverty in a ‘Glocal’ Context: A Multi-Level Cross-National Study”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Hoover Green, Amelia: 2011; “Repertoires of Violence Against Noncombatants: The Role of Armed Group Institutions and Ideologies”; Yale University
Hoyo, Veronica Bracho: 2010; “Outsider Politics: Radicalism as a Political Strategy in Western Europe and Latin America”; University of California, San Diego
Hristova, Vessela: 2011; “Accommodating National Diversity In The Integration Process Of The European Union”; Harvard University
Hu, Lan: 2011; “One Party Dominance Survival: The Case of Singapore and Taiwan”; Ohio State University
Hudak, Kristen: 2010; “Political Institutions & Grassroots Development: The Political Economy of Microfinance”; Northeastern University
Hui, Iris: 2010; “Growing Geographic Polarization and the Perpetuation of the Electoral Disconnect”; University of California, Berkeley
Hulsey, John: 2010; “Building Limited States: Post-Conflict State-Building at the Local Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Ibikoglu, Arda: 2011; “Incarcerating Politics: Prison Reform in Contemporary Turkey”; University of Washington
Jacob, Anil G.: 2010; “Steering the State: The Politics of Institutional Change in the Pharmaceuticals and Telecommunications Sectors in post-Reform India”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Jelokova, Zuzana: 2010; “In Search of a Useable Past: Politics of History in the Post-Communist Czech Republic and Slovakia”; University of Maryland
Jeong, Hanbeom: 2010; “Globalization and the Politics of the Welfare State”; University of Kentucky
Jones, Kimberly L.: 2011; “Constructing the Nation in Opposition: Human Rights as Strategic Building Blocks- A Comparative Analysis of Sinn Fein and the IRA, the Egyptian Brotherhood, and Hamas”; Northeastern University
Jordan, Osvaldo: 2010; “Indigenous Mobilization, Institutionalization and Resistance: The Ngobe Movement for Political Autonomy in Western Panama”; University of Florida
Joshi, Madhav: 2010; “Post-civil war democratization: Domestic and international factors in movement toward and away from democracy”; University of North Texas
Jung, Changkuk: 2011; “Political legitimacy, Citizens' mobilization, and Leaders' survival”; Michigan State University
Kakietek, Jakub: 2011; “Germs and Governments: Politics of HIV/AIDS in Developing Democracies.”; Emory University
Kang, Alice: 2010; “Bargaining with Islam: Of Rule, Religion, and Women in Niger”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kaplan, Oliver: 2010; “Civilian Autonomy in Civil War”; Stanford University
Karakoc, Ekrem: 2010; “Democracy and the Inequality Paradox: How Democracy Has Increased Income Disparities in Post-Communist and Southern Europe”; Pennsylvania State University
Kauffman, Brenda M.: 2010; “Planetary Partnerships and Their Role in Global Environmental Governance”; Auburn University
Kaye-Zwiebel, Eva: 2011; “Development Aid and Community Public Goods Provision: A Study of Pastoralist Communities in Kenya”; Princeton University
Kendall-Taylor, Andrea Herschman: 2010; “The Politics of Oil Wealth Management: Lessons from the Caspian and Beyond”; University of California, Los Angeles
Kendhammer, Brandon T.: 2010; “Muslims Talking Politics: Framing Islam and Democracy in Northern Nigeria”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kinderman, Daniel Phillip: 2010; “The Political Economy of Corporate Responsibility Across Europe and Beyond: 1977-2007”; Cornell University
King, Dawn: 2010; “The Role of Perceptions on Effective Judicial Access for the Gay and Lesbian and Environmental Social Movements in Chile and Argentina”; Colorado State University
Kintz, Melanie: 2011; “Recruitment to Leadership Positions in the German Bundestag, 1994-2006”; Western Michigan University
Kirdis, Esen: 2011; “Between Movement and Party: Islamic Political Party Formation in Jordan, Morocco, and Turkey”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Kirwin, Matthew F.: 2010; “Communal Conflict in Burkina Faso: The Microfoundations of Collective Violence”; Michigan State University
Kittikhoun, Anoulak: 2011; “Ruling in Place: Geography, Legitimacy, and Regime Survival in Singapore and Taiwan”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Klauber, Evgeni: 2011; “Political Autonomy and Ethnic Mobilization: Russian-Speaking Minorities in Ukraine's Crimea and Donbas, and Kazakhstan's Qaraghandy”; University of Delaware
Kline, Reuben: 2010; “Essays in Political Economy”; University of California, Irvine
Kolev, Kiril: 2011; “The Contingent Effect of Electoral Formula on Election Quality”; Duke University
Konold, Carrie: 2010; “Shari'ah and the Secular State in Senegal: Understanding Citizen Preferences for Islamic Family Law”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Koter, Dominika: 2010; “Ties and Votes: Social Structure and Electoral Politics in Africa”; Yale University
Krajewska, Magdalena: 2011; “The Politics of National Identification Documents in the United Kingdom and the United States, 1915-2010”; Brandeis University
Kraus, Joseph R: 2010; “The Business of State-Building: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on State Development in Equatorial Guinea”; University of Florida
Kravtsov, Vlad: 2011; “Russian and South African HIV/AIDS Policies in Comparative Perspective”; Syracuse University
Ku, Yangmo: 2010; “Dealing with Historical Issues in Japan and Germany: Ruling Coalitions, Transnational Activism, and Conservative Reaction”; George Washington University
Kuranga, David: 2010; “International Organizations”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Kushida, Kenji: 2010; “Inside the Castle Gates: How Foreign Multinational Firms Navigate Japan's Policymaking Processes.”; University of California, Berkeley
Kusmierczyk, Irek: 2010; “Water Over the Bridge: Examining Transnational Municipal Networks of American and Canadian Local Governments in the Context of Canada-U.S. Bilateral Environmental Relations within the Great Lakes Basin”; Vanderbilt University
Kwak, Sun-Young: 2011; “Environmental Policy Reforms in a Global and Regional World: Mimetic, Diffusive, and Coercive Policy Adoptions in France and Korea”; University of Southern California
Kwon, Jun Taek: 2011; “Accommodation, Assimilation, and Regime Legitimacy: The CCP Policies Toward its Minorities Since 1949”; University of Georgia
Lacewell, Onawa Promise: 2010; “Institutions and Issues: Explaining Radical Right Party Existence and Support in Europe, 1980-2005”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Laiprakobsup, Thanapan: 2010; “Political Regime, Business Coordination, and Agricultural Politics: A Case Study of Thailand”; University of Houston
Lance, Justin Earl: 2010; “An Institutional Approach to Understanding Leftist Party Change in Brazil: Corporate Campaign Contributions, Leadership Moderation, and Societal Interests”; Ohio State University
Landau, David E.: 2011; “Super-activist Constitutional Courts: The Colombian Constitutional Court in Context”; Harvard University
Langfield, Danielle: 2010; “Harbingers of Change? Subnational Politics in Dominant Party Systems”; Ohio State University
Lee, Charlotte P.: 2010; “Party Adaptation, Elite Training, and Political Selection in Reform-Era China”; Stanford University
Lee, Wootae: 2011; “Determinants Policy Orientation of The Republic of Korea Toward the D.P.R.K.: An Explanation of the South Korea's conformity or divergence with the United States”; University of Georgia
Lehmann, Volker W.: 2010; “Doing Good by Doing Well? The Political Economy of the Medical Biotechnology Industry in the United States”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Leiby, Michele: 2011; “Why Soldiers Rape: Wartime Sexual Violence in Latin America”; University of New Mexico
Leinweber, Ashley E.: 2011; “Faith Based Organizations and Public Goods in Africa: The Case of Islamic Associations in the Education Sector of the Democratic Republic of Congo”; University of Florida
Liaras, Evangelos: 2010; “Ballot Bot and Tinderbox: Can Electoral Engineering Save Mutliethnic Democracy?”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lidow, Nicholai: 2011; “Violent Order: Rebel Organization and Liberia's Civil War”; Stanford University
Lim, Eunjung: 2011; “Nuclear Power Policy Trends and Prospects in South Korea: Comparative Perspectives with Japan”; Johns Hopkins University
Lindstrom, Jeffrey S.: 2010; “Practices Zealously Pursued Become Habits: Deriving Demoractice Mental Models Among the First Post-Soviet Generation”; Claremont Graduate University
Liou, Chih-shian: 2010; “The Politics of China's ‘Going Out’ Strategy: Overseas Expansion of Central State-Owned Enterprises”; University of Texas, Austin
Little, Eric R.: 2010; “The Politics of Anti-Retroviral Drugs in Africa”; Michigan State University
Liu, Derek Tai-wei: 2011; “The title is The Politics of Social Spending in China: The Role of Career Incentives”; University of California, San Diego
Livanis, Ioannis: 2010; “Conforming or Muddling Through: Explaining Variations in Compliance with European Union Environmental Policy”; University of Florida
Lodola, German Jorge: 2010; “The Politics of Subnational Coalition Building. Redistributive Electoral Strategies in Argentina and Brazil.”; University of Pittsburgh
Long, Catherine A.: 2010; “Structuring Decentralization:Hybrid Institutions in Tanzanian Public Health and Financial Management Interventions”; Boston University
Loyle, Cyanne E.: 2011; “Regimes of Truth: The Microfoundations of Post-Conflict Justice”; University of Maryland
Lu, Xiaobo: 2011; “The Political Causes and Consequences of Inequality of Opportunity”; Yale University
Lupu, Noam: 2011; “Party Brands in Crisis: Partisanship, Brand Dilution, and the Breakdown of Political Parties in Latin America”; Princeton University
Lussier, Danielle Nicole: 2011; “Activating Democracy: Political Participation and the Fate of Regime Change in Russia and Indonesia”; University of California, Berkeley
Lust, Aleksander: 2010; “Familiarity Breeds Contempt: Strategies of Economic Reform and Popular Attitudes Toward European Integration in Lithuania and Estonia”; Cornell University
Maier, Romulus: 2011; “The Reason of the Other Western Conceptualizations of Alterity through Freedom and Faith”; University of Connecticut
Maldonado, Martin A.: 2010; “The Politics of Poverty: Non Governmental Organizations as Intermediaries in Affordable Housing Programs in Argentina”; University of Florida
Malecki, Michael: 2010; “The Notch Negative Regulatory Region: Mutations and Mechanisms”; Washington University in St. Louis
Malekzadeh, Shervin: 2011; “Schooled to Obey, Learning to Protest: The Ambiguous Outcomes of Postrevolutionary Schooling in the Islamic Republic of Iran”; Georgetown University
Malley, Mohammed: 2011; “The Politics of Islamic Banking in Jordan”; University of Texas, Austin
Marinova, Nadejda K.: 2010; “House of Lebanon: How Host States use Diasporas: The George W. Bush Administration and the Lebanese-American Lobby”; University of Southern California
Markovits, Marton T.: 2010; “External Actors, Local Participation, and Political Reform in Africa: Ghana and Senegal Compared”; University of Pennsylvania
Martel García, Fernando: 2010; “Democracy and Health Outcomes: New Data, Research Design and Theory”; New York University
Martin, Susanne: 2011; “From Parliamentariansism to Terrorism and Back Again”; University of Texas, Austin
Matsuo, Akitaka: 2011; “The Electoral Strategy of Legislative Politics: Balancing Party and Member Reputation in Japan and Taiwan”; Rice University
Matsuzaki, Reo: 2011; “Institutions by Imposition: Colonial Lessons for Contemporary State-building”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mayne, Quinton: 2010; “The Satisfied Citizen: Participation, Influence, and Public Perceptions of Democratic Performance”; Princeton University
Mazaheri, Nimah: 2011; “Oil States, the Private Sector, and the Political Economy of Policy Reform”; University of Washington
McCarthy, Lauren: 2011; “Trafficking (In)justice: Russian Law Enforcement's Response to Human Trafficking”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
McCauley, John F.: 2010; “Religious and Ethnic Conflict in Africa”; University of California, Los Angeles
Meddaugh, William Craig: 2011; “MP Ideal Points, Party Factions, and the Dynamics of Majority Governments”; Rice University
Menchik, Jeremy: 2011; “Tolerance Without Liberalism: Islamic Institutions and Political Violence in Twentieth Century Indonesia”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Meng, Chih-Cheng Almond: 2010; “Currency and Political Choice: Analytical Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy in East Asia”; University of Texas, Austin
Meserve, Stephen August: 2011; “The Political Economy of Health: Death, Disease and Distribution”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Messing-Mathie, Andrea Nicole: 2011; “After the Election: Fast-track gender quotas and the political engagement of women in Sub-Saharan Africa”; Northern Illinois University
Michener, Robert Gregory: 2010; “The Surrender of Secrecy: Explaining the Emergence of Strong Access to Information Laws in Latin America”; University of Texas, Austin
Mikulska, Anna: 2011; “Accountability under Preferential Voting Systems: To Have Your Cake and Eat It Too”; University of Houston
Milazzo, Caitlin: 2011; “District Competition Matters: How Constituency Marginality Shapes Citizen and Elite Behavior in Great Britain (and Beyond)”; University of California, Davis
Miljanic, Andra Olivia: 2011; “Union-Party Links and the Reconfiguration of the Labor Movement: Brazil and Mexico 1990-2007”; University of California, Berkeley
Miller, Michael K.: 2011; “Democratic Pieces: Hybrid Regimes, Electoral Authoritarianism, and Disaggregated Democracy”; Princeton University
Milligan, Maren: 2010; “Power-sharing or Power-hoarding? Conflict and Democratic Breakdown in Nigeria and Lebanon”; University of Maryland
Min, Brian K.: 2010; “Democracy and Light: Public Service Provision in the Developing World”; University of California, Los Angeles
Minoves-Triquell, Juli F.: 2011; “Monarchy, a Democratic Paradox: The Head of State in European Parliamentary Democracies”; Yale University
Mirescu, Alexander: 2011; “The State Policy of Religion and Free Spaces: A Comparative Study of Church-State Relations in East Germany, Poland, and Yugoslavia”; New School for Social Research
Mitchell, Michael: 2010; “Globalization, Internationalization and Economic Sovereignty in the Small European States”; University of Georgia
Moncada, Eduardo: 2011; “The Coalitional Politics of Rule-of-Law Reform in Latin America”; Brown University
Montague, Dena: 2011; “Ambiguous Borders: Race and Political Mobilization in France”; University of California, Los Angeles
Montalvo, Jorge Daniel: 2010; “Democratizing the Latin American Ethos, Does Decentralization Work?”; Vanderbilt University
Moore, Joel: 2011; “The Varieties of Capitalist Development: The Political Deterrminants of Economic Governance Systems”; Emory University
Mora, Jose E.: 2010; “The Political Incorporation of Pentecostals in Panama, Puerto Rico and Brazil: A Comparative Analysis”; University of Connecticut
Moule, Ellen C.: 2010; “The Political Equilibrium of Tax and Expenditure Limits”; University of California, San Diego
Muedini, Fait Atli: 2010; “Human Rights and Primary Education: The Impact and Benefits of Ensuring Free Universal Schooling for Children”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Muhlenberg, Elisabeth: 2011; “Who Benefits? A Comparison of School-Firm Partnerships in Chicago and Berlin”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Mutlu-Eren, Hande: 2011; “What Keeps a Party Stable? Intra-Party Dynamics, Leadership Change and Party Splits”; New York University
Na, Yingying: 2010; “Local Election in Dictatorships”; New York University
Nagar, Na'ama: 2011; “The Loud Public: the Case of User Comments in Online News Media”; SUNY, University at Albany
Naseemullah, Adnan A.: 2010; “Spirits of Capitalism: Explaining Industrial Diversity in South Asia”; University of California, Berkeley
Nichter, Simeon C.: 2010; “Politics and Poverty: Electoral Clientelism in Latin America”; University of California, Berkeley
Norris, Brian: 2010; “Culture, Religion and Modernization in the Development of Modern Popular Credit Institutions in Texas and Bolivia, ca. 1800 to 2000”; Johns Hopkins University
Nowlin, Jennifer: 2011; “Striking Out: Women and Political Participation in Egypt”; Ohio State University
Ocakli, Feryaz: 2011; “Electing the Pious: Islamist Politics and Local Party Strategies in Turkey”; Brown University
Oh, Yoon-Ah: 2011; “Migration and Governance in the Developing World”; Ohio State University
Olsen, Tricia: 2011; “When the Market Meets the State: Microfinance Regulation in Emerging Economies”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ono, Yoshikuni: 2010; “Portfolio Allocation as Leadership Strategy: Bargaining among and within Parties”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Oo, Zaw: 2010; “From democratic transition to consolidation: The analysis of 115 cases of democratic transitions in eighty-six countries from 1955 to 2007”; George Mason University
Orces, Diana: 2010; “Welcome! Democratic Attitudes and Reactions Toward Immigrants in Latin America's Emerging Democracies”; Vanderbilt University
Osawa, Kimiko: 2010; “Equal but Never Free: Conservatives, Ideology, and Gender Politics in Contemporary Japan”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Owen, David A.: 2011; “Mass Political Participation in Developing Democracies: A Study of Clientelism in Thai Provinces”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Pankaew, Attasit: 2010; “The Political Benefits of Decentralization: Multi-tier Governments, Multi-level Elections, and Regime Stability”; Georgia State University
Paradise, James F.: 2011; “The Role of the World Trade Organization in Shaping China's International Trade Behavior”; University of California, Los Angeles
Parks, Robert: 2010; “Local-National Relations and the Politics of Property Rights in Algeria and Tunisia”; University of Texas, Austin
Patel, Parina: 2010; “The Effects of Institutions on Correct Voting”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Pellegrino, Tara: 2010; “Childcare, multiculturalism, and welfare state regimes: Policy and practice in the United Kingdom and Sweden”; Boston University
Pemstein, Daniel: 2010; “Coordinating Compromise: Information Manipulation and Bicameral Bargaining in the European Union”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Perko, Susanna: 2011; “The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: NGO-Business Partnerships in International Cooperation”; Georgia State University
Pershing, Timothy: 2010; “The Impact of International Intervention on Democratic Development: Haiti and the 2005/2006 Elections”; Brandeis University
Person, Robert: 2010; “Nothing to Gain But Your Chains: Popular Support for Authoritarianism in the Former Soviet Union”; Yale University
Peters, Benjamin A.: 2010; “Democratic Antimilitarism in Postwar Japan: Institutions and the Culture of Peace”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Petersheim, Meredith-Joy: 2010; “Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Integration in Emerging Markets”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Petrova, Tsveta: 2011; “From Recipients to Donors: New Europe Supports Democratization in the Neighborhood”; Cornell University
Piscopo, Jennifer Marie: 2011; “Do Women Represent Women? Gender and Policy in Argentina and Mexico”; University of California, San Diego
Pospieszna, Paulina Maria: 2010; “When Recipients Become Donors: Polish Democracy Assistance in Belarus and Ukraine”; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Powell, Brenna: 2011; “Contours of the Group: Using Internal Group Dynamics to Explain Ethnic Outcomes in Brazil, Northern Ireland, and the United States.”; Harvard University
Powell, Scott R.: 2011; “The Social and Economic Origins of Welfare State Reform”; Ohio State University
Preece, Jessica Robinson: 2010; “The Party and the “Personal” Vote: The Impact of Party Control of Ballot Access and Means of Cultivating a Personal Reputation in Mixed-Member Electoral System Countries”; University of California, Los Angeles
Quinn, Jason M.: 2010; “The Counterinsurgency Dilemma: the Causes and Consequences of State Repression of Human Rights in Civil Conflicts”; University of North Texas
Rashkova, Ekaterina R.: 2010; “Politican Learning and the Number of Parties: Why Age Matters”; University of Pittsburgh
Raveloharimisy, Joel: 2011; “Becoming Formal or Informal Entrepreneurs: How Institutions Matter”; Western Michigan University
Ray, Subhasish: 2010; “The Warrior's Curse: What Decolonization Teaches Us about Democracy Promotion and Ethnic Conflict”; University of Rochester
Renfro, Evan: 2011; “Going to War with the Other: A Study of US Foreign Policies of Violence”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Reuter, Ora John: 2010; “The Origins of Dominant Parties”; Emory University
Richardson, Munro: 2010; “Financial Stocks and Political Bonds: Stock Market Participation and Political Behavior in the United States and Britian”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Rios-Cazares, Alejandra: 2010; “The circuitous path to democracy. Legislative control of the bureaucracy in presidential regimes : the case of Mexico”; University of California, San Diego
Rithmire, Meg E.: 2011; “The Political Logic of Spatial Change in Urban China”; Harvard University
Robb, Denise Munro: 2011; “Reviving Democracy: An Evaluation of Instant Runoff Voting”; University of California, Irvine
Roberts, Tyson: 2010; “Democracy, Development, and the International Political Economy: Political Institutions and Investment Financing Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa”; University of California, Los Angeles
Rodriguez-Raga, Juan Carlos: 2010; “Strategic Prudence in the Colombian Constitutional Court, 1992-2006”; University of Pittsburgh
Roh, Jungho: 2011; “Essays on the political economy of welfare and redistribution”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Romine, Jennifer: 2011; “International Linkages and Multilateral Lending in the Post-Communist Region”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ross, Ashley D.: 2010; “A Virtuous Cycle: Tracing Democratic Quality through Equality”; Texas A&M University
Rovny, Jan: 2011; “Struggle Over Dimensionality: Political Competition in Europe”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Roza, Vivian E.: 2010; “Gatekeepers to Power: Party-level Influences on Women's Political Participation in Latin America”; Georgetown University
Rozmarin, Leon: 2010; “Is Russia ‘BALANCING’ China: If Not Now, When?”; Boston University
Ryan, Daniel E.: 2011; “Governance and the Courts: The Political Sources of the Judicialization of Public Policy in Argentina”; University of Texas, Austin
Sachs, Natan B.: 2011; “Religion and Nation: Identity Manipulation in Diverse Societies”; Stanford University
Sadanandan, Anoop: 2011; “Why States Decentralize? The Politics of Decentralization”; Duke University
Saenz, Sergio Emilio: 2010; “Centers and Bordertowns: Tracing the Origins of Cooperation at the Mexico- United States Border (1521-1994)”; University of Pennsylvania
Sagarzazu, Inaki: 2010; “Weak Party Institutionalization and the Dynamics of Political Dialogue”; University of Houston
Sakiev, Azamat: 2011; “Presidential Leadership Styles and Forms of Authoritarianism in Post-Soviet Central Asia”; Syracuse University
Salzman, Ryan: 2011; “Understanding News Media Consumption and Democratic Attitudes and Behavior in Latin America”; University of North Texas
Samii, Cyrus Dara: 2011; “Microdynamics of War-to-Peace Transitions: Evidence from Burundi”; Columbia University
Sanchez Urribarri, Raul Alberto: 2010; “Judges and their Loyalties: An Empirical Analysis of the Venezuelan Supreme Court (1989-2009)”; University of South Carolina
Sappleton, Shan: 2010; “Towards Explaining Variations in Ethnic Politicization in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Compartative Study of Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire”; University of Oklahoma
Sarbahi, Anoop K.: 2011; “Insurgent-Population Ties and the Variation in the Trajectory of Peripheral Civil Wars”; University of California, Los Angeles
Schilde, Kaija E.: 2010; “Embedded in Brussels: Public Agendas and Private Actors in the European Union”; University of Pennsylvania
Schulenberg, Shawn Richard: 2010; “From International Idea to Domestic Policy: Explaining the Emergence of Same-Sex Partnership Recognition in Argentina and Brazil”; University of California, Riverside
Schwartz, Eric C.: 2011; “Conflicts of Interest: How Media Pluralism Protects Democracy and Human Rights”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Seljan, Samuel Sierra: 2010; “Economic Interests in the Domestic Politics of War: Evidence from U.S. Decisions to Go to War with Iraq in 1991 and 2003”; University of California, San Diego
Sergenti, Ernest: 2010; “Applying Recent Advances in Political Methodology to Problems in Comparative Politics.”; New York University
Setrini, Gustavo: 2011; “Global Niche Markets and Local Development: Clientelism and Fairtrade Farmer Organizations in Paraguay”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shapoatov, Sayfiddin: 2011; “Policies of Eighty five Regions of Russian Federation Toward Moscow: Determinants of Centrifugal or Centripetal Tendencies”; Texas Tech University
Shin, Jae Hyeok: 2011; “Electoral System Choice and Personalistic Parties in New Democracies”; University of California, Los Angeles
Shomer, Yael: 2010; “Electoral Systems and Intra-Party Candidate Selection Processes: Influences on Legislators' Behavior”; Washington University in St. Louis
Silina, Everita: 2010; “Legitimacy in a Post-National Context: Efficiency and Democracy in the European Union”; Syracuse University
Sinmazdemir, Tolga: 2011; “Official Recognition of Ethnicity and Democratic Stability”; New York University
Sitasari, Arnita: 2011; “The Sex Which is Not: A Comparative Analysis of Indonesian Women's Political Representation”; West Virginia University
Skendaj, Elton: 2011; “Building State Bureaucracies and Democratic Institutions: The Role of International Actors in Kosovo”; Cornell University
Slosar, Mary C.: 2011; “The Power of Personality: Candidate-Centered Voting in Comparative Perspective”; University of Texas, Austin
Smith, Amy Erica: 2011; “Personal Connections to the Political World: Social Influences on Democratic Competence in Brazil and in Comparative Context”; University of Pittsburgh
Sokhey, Sarah Wilson: 2010; “The Politics of Post-Communist Pension Reform: The Influence of Business Lobbying on Policy Outcomes”; Ohio State University
Spanihelova, Lucie: 2010; “The Logic of Compliance: The Benefits, Domestic Challenges and Opportunity Costs in the EU”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Steele, Abbey: 2010; “Unsettling: Displacement during Civil War”; Yale University
Steinhilber, Silke: 2011; “Back to the Hearth ? Family Policy and Gender in Postsocialist Poland and the Czech Republic (1990-2004)”; New School for Social Research
Stetson, George: 2010; “Hydrocarbon Conflict in the Peruvian Amazon: Indigenous Peoples' Decolonization of Development and Sustainability”; Colorado State University
Stockemer, Daniel: 2010; “Explaining the Membership and Trajectories of Social Movement Organizations (SMOs) - A Comparative Case-Study of Attac Germany and France”; University of Connecticut
Street, Alex: 2011; “Citizenship Begins at Home: How Families Shape Immigrant Incorporation”; University of California, Berkeley
Surzhko-Harned, Lena: 2011; “The Ukrainian Voter: Cleavage-based Voting in a new Democracy”; University of Pittsburgh
Swedlund, Haley: 2011; “From Donorship to Ownership? Evolving Donor-Government Relationships in Rwanda”; Syracuse University
Syrrakos, Barbara: 2010; “To Rise Above the Interests: Deliberating the European Union's 2003 Common Agricultural Policy Reform”; New School for Social Research
Tang, Min: 2010; “The Variation of the Effect of Economic Development on Democracy- The Relevance of the State”; Purdue University
Tannehill, Aimee A.: 2010; “Cuts Both Ways: A Systematic Examination of the Relationship Between Civil War and Interstate Conflict”; University of California, Davis
Tatari, Eren E.: 2010; “A Contingency Theory of Descriptive Representation: Muslims in British Local Government”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Thananithichot, Stithorn: 2011; “Changes in Patterns of Political Participation and Engagement in Thailand, 2001-2010”; University of Utah
Tobias, Julia: 2011; “The Political Economy of Anti-Poverty Programs in Indonesia”; Stanford University
Troicki, Juliane: 2010; “Cartelization and the State of Political Parties: A Comparative Study of Party Organization in the United States, Germany and Poland”; Temple University
Tsai, Chung-min: 2010; “The paradox of regulatory development in China: The case of the electricity industry”; University of California, Berkeley
Tung, Hans Hanpu: 2011; “Protection for Sale, Chinese Style: Promotion, Politics, and Trade Policy Determination in China”; Harvard University
Tynes, Robert: 2011; “Child Soldiers, Armed Conflicts, and Tactical Innovations”; SUNY, University at Albany
Ugur, Etga: 2011; “Religion in Liberal and Republican Public Spheres: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints of the United States and the Gulen Movement of Turkey”; University of Utah
Ural, Basak Yavcan: 2011; “Public Opinion Towards Immigration in Europe: A Heterogeneous Approach”; University of Pittsburgh
Vaishnav, Milan: 2011; “The Merits of Money and “Muscle”: How Serious Criminality Affects Democracy in India”; Columbia University
Van Slooten, Pippi: 2010; “Group Threat and Democratic Equality: Measuring the Impact of Immigration on State-level Civil Rights Enforcement”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
VanDusky-Allen, Julie: 2011; “The Polycephalic Leviathan: The concurrent development of centralized, decentralized, and private property protection mechanisms within the state”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Velazquez, Rodrigo: 2010; “Buying Discretion in Mexico's New Democracy: Patronage in Bureaucratic-Legislative Relations”; University of Texas, Austin
Walsh, Shannon Drysdale: 2011; “Engendering State Institutions: State Response to Violence Against Women in Latin America”; University of Notre Dame
Wang, Hung-Chung: 2010; “A Blue-Green Divide? Elite and Mass Partisan Dynamics in Taiwan”; University of New Orleans
Wang, Yuhua: 2011; “When Do Authoritarian Rulers Tie Their Hands: The Rise of Limited Rule of Law in Sub-National China”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Watson, Bartholomew C.: 2011; “Nations of Retailers: The Comparative Political Economy of Retail Trade”; University of California, Berkeley
Welborne, Bozena Christine: 2011; “Between the Veil and the Vote: Exploring Incentives to Politically Incorporate Women in the Arab World”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Wengle, Susanne A.: 2010; “Power Politics: The Political Economy of Electricity Sector Liberalization in post-Soviet Russia”; University of California, Berkeley
Westfall, Aubrey: 2010; “Breaking the Bonds of Blood: The Politics of Family Migration in Europe”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Wilkens, Erika A.: 2010; “In Defense of the ‘New Working Class? Labor Unions, Labor Migration and Immigrant Integration”; Syracuse University
Wilking, Jennifer: 2010; “Does Procedural Fairness Travel? A Study of Election Procedures, Outcomes and Political Attitudes in China and the United States”; University of California, Davis
Williams, Misti Lynnette: 2010; “Diasporic Awakenings: Mobilizing the Diasporas for Homeland Causes”; University of Washington
Wills-Otero, Laura: 2010; “Latin American traditional Parties: The Impact of Parties' Internal Features on Their Electoral Performance, 1978-2006”; University of Pittsburgh
Wilson, Dwight: 2010; “Culture and Consolidation: Symbolic Politics in Mexico”; University of Georgia
Wilson, Sophia: 2011; “Human Rights and Law Enforcement in the Post-Soviet World; or How and Why Judges and Police Bend the Law”; University of Washington
Woldemariam, Michael H.: 2011; “Why Rebels Collide: Factionalism and Fragmentation in African Insurgencies”; Princeton University
Wong, Tom K.: 2011; “Immigration Control in the Age of Migration”; University of California, Riverside
Wood, Jolie: 2010; “White-collar Agitation, No-collar Compliance: The Privilege of Protest in Varanasi, India”; University of Texas, Austin
Wright, Glenn D.: 2011; “Government Services Under Democracy: How Particularism Drives Public (and Private) Goods Provision”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Wustenberg, Jenny: 2010; “Moving Memory: The Geschichtsbewegung and Civil Society Activism in German Memory Politics”; University of Maryland
Xydias, Christina: 2010; “Women Representing Women?: Pathways to Substantive Representation”; Ohio State University
Yen, Yungming: 2010; “The Evolution of Human Rights: Institutions, Changes & Values in Southeast Asia”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Yildirim, A.Kadir: 2010; “Muslim Democratic Parties: Liberalization and Moderation in the Middle East”; Ohio State University
Yoon, Jiso: 2011; “Core and Peripheral Actors in the Korean Policy Process”; Pennsylvania State University
Young, Patricia T.: 2010; “Business, Politics, and Governance in Transition: Romania and Beyond, 1999-2008”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Zapryanova, Galina M.: 2011; “Looks Can Be Deceiving: Explaining Euroscepticism in Central and East Europe”; University of Pittsburgh
Zarazaga, Rodrigo: 2011; “Political Machines and Networks of Brokers”; University of California, Berkeley
Zhang, Qi: 2011; “Communist Revolution and the Political Origin of the Private Economy in China: Evidence from Zhejiang Provinc”; Northwestern University
Zhang, Xin: 2010; “Scramble for Control: Market, Law and Corporate Property Conflicts in Russia”; University of California, Los Angeles
Zicha, Brandon C.: 2010; “Agenda-Construction and the Constitutional Foundations of Policy Change in Established Democracies”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Ziegler Rogers, Melissa: 2010; “ The Taxation Tango State Capacity in Argentina's Provinces”; University of California, San Diego
International Relations
Abrahms, Max: 2010; “The Causes of Terrorism: A Reassessment of the Conventional Wisdom”; University of California, Los Angeles
Ahn, Taehyung: 2010; “Politics at the Water's Edge: The Presidency, Congress, and the North Korea Policy of the United States”; Florida International University
Alexander, Kristian P.: 2011; “Revolutionary Turmoil and Potential for Revolution: Comparing Iran and Saudi Arabia”; University of Utah
Allen, Michael A.: 2011; “Military Basing Abroad: Bargaining, Expectations, and Deployment”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Aloisi, Rosa: 2011; “The Threats to Compliance with International Human Rights Law”; University of North Texas
Alzandani, Bakeel Ahmed: 2010; “The Bush Doctrine, the War on Terror, and American Promotion of Democracy in the Middle East: The Cases of Egypt and Yemen”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Ammons, Audrey A.: 2010; “Competition Among States: Case Studies in the Political Role of Remote Sensing Capabilities”; Catholic University of America
Amoureux, Jacque L.: 2010; “Ethical Reflexivity as a Practice of International Politics”; Brown University
Anderson, Sally: 2010; “Foreign Aid to the Rescue: Developing Market-Protection Institutions in Ethnically Diverse States”; Florida State University
Armesto, Alejandra: 2010; “Territorial Control and Particularistic Spending.The Provision of Local Public Goods in Mexico and Argentina”; University of Notre Dame
Armshaw, Patrick: 2011; “Tortured Logic: Torture for Information as a Rational Process”; Florida State University
Arnold-Conolley, Heather: 2011; “The Renaissance of Nuclear Energy in the Shadow of Climate Change”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Aubone, Amber: 2011; “Examining the Effect of Rivalry Context on U.S. Military Intervention in Civil Conflicts”; University of North Texas
Avdan, Nazli: 2010; “States' Pursuit of Sovereignty in a Globalizing Security Context: Controlling International Human Mobility”; Duke University
Ayata, Bilgin: 2011; “The Politics of Displacement: A Transnational Analysis of Kurdish Forced Migration in Turkey and Europe”; Johns Hopkins University
Baird, Ryan G.: 2010; “The Primacy of Governance Infrastructure versus Democracy in Economic Development and FDI in Developing Countries”; University of Arizona
Balas, Alexandru: 2011; “Creating Global Synergies: Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Peace Operations”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bali, Asli U.: 2010; “Similar States, Disparate Treatment: Explaining Inconsistent Enforcement in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime”; Princeton University
Ban, Cornel: 2010; “Neoliberalism in Translation: Economic Ideas and Reforms in Spain and Romania”; University of Maryland
Banai, Hussein: 2011; “Democracy in Context: Between Universal Values and Local Struggles”; Brown University
Barkanov, Boris: 2010; “Mercantilist Development in Russia: The Legitimacy of State Power, State Identity, and the Energy Charter Regime (1990-2010)”; University of California, Berkeley
Bayram, A. Burcu: 2011; “How International Law Obligates: Legal Obligation and Juridical Authority in World Politics”; Ohio State University
Beevers, Michael D.: 2011; “Sustaining Peace? Environmental and Natural Resource Governance in Liberia and Sierra Leone”; University of Maryland
Bejar, Sergio: 2010; “Party Systems, Information Flows, and Vote Buying in Latin America”; University of Notre Dame
Bell, Curtis: 2011; “Spending on Stability: The Relationship between Public Goods Provision and Regime Survival”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Blake, Daniel J.: 2010; “Thinking Ahead: Time Horizons and the Legalization of International Investment Agreements”; Ohio State University
Blanc, Florent: 2010; “Building Accountability: Politics of Anti-corruption”; Northwestern University
Blaney, Dallas: 2011; “Understanding Global Civil Society: Theory, Governance and the Global Water Crisis Graduated 12/18/2010”; Colorado State University
Blazevic, Jason J.: 2011; “China's Pursuit of Power: Objectives and Consequences of the Security Boundary”; Idaho State University
Bleek, Philipp Carroll: 2010; “Does Proliferation Beget Proliferation? Why Nuclear Dominoes Rarely Fall”; Georgetown University
Borders, James: 2011; “Successful Intelligence: Propinquity, Fraternity, and the President-DCI Relationship”; University of Georgia
Borges, Bruno: 2010; “Technology and Development: The Political Economy of Open Source Software”; Duke University
Bosco, Robert M.: 2010; “Moderating Islam: Security,Religion, and the Western State”; University of Connecticut
Boussalis, Constantine: 2011; “Political, Economic and Social Determinants of Vulnerability to Natural Disasters”; Claremont Graduate University
Brake, Benjamin Turner: 2011; “Rules and Resistance: Discourse, Domestic Politics, and the Diffusion of Law”; Cornell University
Branch, Jordan: 2011; “Mapping the Sovereign State: Cartographic Technology, Political Authority, and Systemic Change”; University of California, Berkeley
Brazys, Samuel: 2011; “Evaluating Trade Capacity Building”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Bush, Sarah S.: 2011; “The Democracy Establishment”; Princeton University
Calin, Costel: 2010; “Hawks versus Doves: The Influence of Political Ideology on the Foreign Policy Behavior of Democratic States”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Callaghan, John P.: 2010; “Slavery and Major Power Warfare: Similar Paths to Obsolescence?”; University of Cincinnati
Carter, Jeff: 2011; “Butter, Guns and Money: Political Survival, Resource Distribution and Interstate Conflict in Democratic and Autocratic Regimes”; Pennsylvania State University
Chacha, Mwita: 2011; “The Evolution of Regional Integration Arrangements in the Developing World”; University of Georgia
Challen, Suzanna: 2011; “Measuring Immigration Policy”; Harvard University
Chang, Wen-Yang: 2010; “Domestic Institutional Similarity and Militarized Interstate Dispute, 1970-2001”; Claremont Graduate University
Chatterjee, Abhishek: 2010; “Rulers and Capital in Historical Perspective: State Formation and FInancial Development in India and the United States”; University of Virginia
Chen, Cristina: 2011; “The Politics of Labor Protection in Authoritarian Systems: Evidence from Labor Law and Enforcement in Post-Reform in China”; University of California, San Diego
Chi, Young Joo: 2010; “Local ground-level ozone policies: Governance structure and institutions in achieving federal attainment”; University of Southern California
Childs, Steven: 2011; “Security as Satisfaction: Conventional Arms Transfers and the International Order”; Claremont Graduate University
Chiou, Yi-Hung: 2010; “Does Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Reduce Conflict? The Intertwined Linkages between Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Nation-States”; University of South Carolina
Chow, Jonathan T.: 2011; “Religion, Politics and Sex: Contesting Catholic Teaching and Transnational Reproductive Health Norms in the Contemporary Philippines”; University of California, Berkeley
Christensen, Kyle: 2010; “Strategic Vulnerability: An Analysis of Physical Geography, Environmental, and Material Components of Force Structure”; West Virginia University
Chung, Kuyoun: 2011; “Selective Humanitarian Intervention after the End of the Cold War”; University of California, Los Angeles
Clark, Joseph Roger: 2011; “Innovation Under Fire: Politics, Learning, and US Army Doctrine”; George Washington University
Coan, Travis: 2011; “Participation at the Edge of Chaos: A Study of the Nonlinear Dynamics of Protest Politics”; Claremont Graduate University
Cochran, Kathryn McNabb: 2011; “Strong Horse or Paper Tiger? Assessing the Reputational Consequences of War”; Duke University
Cohen, Dara Kay: 2010; “Explaining Sexual Violence During Civil War”; Stanford University
Cohen, Matthew Leonard: 2011; “Bargaining and Fighting in the Moonlight”; University of Texas, Austin
Colgan, Jeff: 2010; “Oil, Revolution, and International Conflict”; Princeton University
Condra, Luke N.: 2010; “Ethnic Group Rebellion in Civil War”; Stanford University
Conrad, Courtenay R.: 2010; “The Effect of Domestic and International Institutions on Domestic Respect for Human Rights”; Florida State University
Conrad, Justin: 2011; “Essays on Power, Resolve, and Conflict”; Florida State University
Daniel, J. Furman: 2010; “Apres Moi le Deluge: Individuals, Incentives, and Conflict Termination”; Georgetown University
Davis, Jennifer A.: 2010; “Demobilizing the Minors”; George Washington University
Deloffre, Maryam Zarnegar: 2011; “Defining Standards for Doing Good: NGO Accountability in the Humanitarian Sector”; George Washington University
Diaz, Amber Adela: 2011; “Bumbling, Bluffing, and Bald-Faced Lies: Mis-Leading and Domestic Audience Costs in International Relations”; Duke University
Dietrich, Simone: 2011; “Foreign Aid Delivery, Donor Selectivity, and Poverty: A Political Economy of Aid Effectiveness”; Pennsylvania State University
Ditmer, Renae: 2010; “How the West Was Won: Cooperative Contestation and the BTWC”; Georgetown University
Dittmeier, Christopher R.: 2011; “On the Capacity of Great Powers to Impede Nuclear Proliferation”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Dixon, Jennifer M.: 2011; “Changing the State's Story: Continuity and Change in Official Narratives of Dark Pasts”; University of California, Berkeley
Doyle, Thomas E.: 2010; “Moral Dilemmas: Acquiring Nuclear Weapons in the Second Nuclear Age”; University of California, Irvine
Driessen, Michael: 2011; “Religiously Friendly Democracy: Framing Political and Religious Identities in Catholic and Muslim Societies”; University of Notre Dame
Easley, Leif-Eric: 2010; “Nationalism and Strategic Trust: The Paths of Allies and Potential Rivals in East Asia”; Harvard University
El Sherif, Ashraf Nabih: 2010; “Democratization of the Islamic Movements in Egypt and Morocco: Political Opportunities, Organizational Frameworks and the Ideological Marketplace”; Boston University
Ellerby, Kara: 2011; “(En)gendering (In)security: Gender, Peace Agreements and Evolving International Norms”; University of Arizona
Eren, Ozen: 2010; “The Role of International Labor Organization's (ILO's) 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in Strengthening the ILO Regime: A Study on the ILO's Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA)”; Texas Tech University
Ervin, Justin: 2011; “Beef as Unequal Ecological Exchange: Case Studies in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina”; Northern Arizona University
Fajardo-Heyward, Paola: 2010; “Easy Money: Unearned Revenues and Governments' Human Right Practices”; SUNY, Binghamton University
Fattor, Eric Michael: 2011; “Empires of Information: The Role of Propaganda in Rise and Fall of the British and American Empires”; University of Denver
Fausett, Elizabeth Lynn: 2011; “IGO Variation and State Selectivity: Exploring and Explaining State IGO Joining Behavior in the International System”; University of Arizona
Ferrero, Christopher: 2011; “The Iran Narrative: Ideas, Discourse, and Domestic Politics in the Making of US Foreign Policy toward Iran, 1990-2003”; University of Virginia
Field, Michael: 2010; “Soldiers of Peace: William Penn, Leo Tolstoy, M. K. Gandhi, Bertrand Russell and their Work for a Better World”; Boston University
Fields, Jeffrey R.: 2010; “Adversaries and Statecraft: Explaining US Foreign Policy Toward Rogue States”; University of Southern California
Friedman, Alexandra Monica: 2010; “Can We Change Corruption From the Outside In? An Assessmentof Three Anti-Corruption International Treaties”; University of Texas at Dallas
Fuentes-George, Kemi: 2011; “Transnational Networks and the Promotion of Conservationist Norms in Developing Countries”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Fuerst, Philipp: 2010; “On the Strategic Implications of Power Shifts: Reassurance, Coercion, and Preventive Action”; Emory University
Galasso, Vittorio N.: 2011; “From Hegemony to Multiple Hierarchy: Bush, Free Trade Agreements and the Decline of the Multilateral Trade Order”; University of Delaware
Gallagher, Maryann E.: 2010; “Who Ups the Ante? Personality Traits and Risky Foreign Policy”; Emory University
Gardner, Kathryn: 2010; “Politicizing Religion: A Comparative Look at the Origins and Development of Muslim Incorporation Policies in France, Great Britain, and the United States, 1945-2008”; University of Notre Dame
Garriga, Ana Carolina: 2010; “Determinants of Central Bank Independence in Developing Countries: A Two-Level Theory”; University of Pittsburgh
Graham, Erin R.: 2011; “The Politics of IO Performance”; Ohio State University
Grant, Keith A.: 2010; “The Indirect Dimensions of Conflict and Cooperation”; University of Arizona
Gray, Christina M.: 2011; “Efficient Passions: Care and Justice Ethics in the Context of International Human Rights Nongovernmental Organizations”; University of Southern California
Greenhill, Brian D.: 2010; “Norm Transmission in Networks of Intergovernmental Organizations”; University of Washington
Grillo, Michael C.: 2011; “The Social Psychology of Leadership and Followership in Symbolic Politics Theory: The Case of Islamophobia in American Politics”; University of Delaware
Grimm, Elizabeth J.: 2010; “The Domestic Politics of International Norms: Factors Affecting U.S. Compliance with the Geneva Conventions”; Georgetown University
Grove, Jairus V.: 2011; “Becoming War: Steps to an Ecology of Global Insecurit”; Johns Hopkins University
Grynaviski, Eric: 2010; “Necessary Illusions”; Ohio State University
Guner, Selin Ece: 2011; “Temporal Context, Inequality and Democratic Survival”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Gunitskiy, Vsevolod: 2011; “Hegemonic Transitions and Democratic Reforms in the Twentieth Century”; Columbia University
Han, Dong-ho: 2010; “The Problem of Korean Reunification: A Scenario Analysis”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Han, Heejin: 2011; “Between Development and Conservation: Politics of Coalitions Surrounding China's Hydropower Project”; Northern Illinois University
Hanes, Madalina Cristina: 2011; “Old Europe Versus New Europe: Cultural Similarity, Tolerance, Religion and Anti-Americanism in a Divided European Union”; Louisiana State University
Hardig, Carl Anders: 2011; “The Evolutionaries: Transforming the Political System and Culture in Lebanon”; American University-SIS
Harrington, Anne I.: 2010; “Nuclear Weapons as a Currency of Power: A Theory of Nuclear Fetishism”; University of Chicago
Hart, Melanie: 2010; “China's Post-Reform Policy Implementation Gaps and Governmental vs. Non-Governmental Fire Alarm Solutions”; University of California, San Diego
Hatipoglu, M. Emre: 2010; “Congressional Activism in Foreign Policy: The Case of Economic Sanctions”; Pennsylvania State University
Hawley, Richard H.: 2011; “Ethnic Conflict in the Former Soviet Union”; Florida State University
Hawn, Heather L.: 2011; “La Ruta Maya: The Influences of Tourism and the State on the Political Behavior Choices of the Maya”; University of South Carolina
Hay, Zowie: 2010; “The Influence of Non-State Actors on International Environmental Policy”; Texas A&M University
Hazelton, Jacqueline L.: 2011; “Compellence and Accommodation in Counterinsurgency Warfare”; Brandeis University
Heeg, Jennifer: 2010; “Seeing Security: Societal Securitization in Qatar”; Georgetown University
Heger, Lindsay: 2010; “In the Cross-Hairs: Examining the Factors that make Terrorists Likely to Attack Civilians”; University of California, San Diego
Hicks, Kathleen: 2010; “Change Agents:Who Leads and Why in the Execution of US National Security”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hillebrecht, Courtney: 2010; “From Paper Tigers to Engines of Change: The Effect of International Human Rights Tribunals on Domestic Practice and Policy”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hockenberry, Shelby M.: 2010; “A New Policy Paradigm: Public Private Partnerships and the Case of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria”; University of Delaware
Holmes, Marcus: 2011; “The Force of Face-to-Face Diplomacy in International Politics”; Ohio State University
Holthoefer, Anne: 2011; “Designing International Institutions. The Process and Practices in the Making of an International Criminal Court”; University of Chicago
Horne, Cale: 2010; “The Structure and Significance of Public Opinion in Non-Democratic Contexts”; University of Georgia
Houle, Christian: 2010; “Inequality, Economic Development and Democracy”; University of Rochester
Hsu, Hsiao-Chi: 2011; “Domestic Vulnerability and the Use of Non-Militarized Foreign Confrontation: A Case Study of Taiwan's Foreign Policy toward China from 2000-2008”; University of Washington
Hunter, Lance Young: 2010; “Public Accountability and Conflict Initiation within Democracie”; Texas Tech University
Ilgit, Asli: 2010; “Contesting State Identity and Foreign Policy: German Anti-Militarism in Shades of Red and Green”; Syracuse University
Innes, Alexandria J.: 2011; “Asylum Seekers and the State. Whose threat? Whose security?”; University of Kansas
Ivanier, Ariel F.: 2010; “The Global Campaign to Reform Bretton Woods: The Impact of Cosmopolitan Ideas”; Boston University
Jandl, Thomas: 2010; “Rent Seeking, Contestation and Foreign Investment: The Impact of Regional Competition on Vietnam's Political Economy”; American University-SIS
Jensen, Benjamin M.: 2010; “Military Innovation in the U.S. Army: Anarchy, Bureaucracy, and Doctrine, 1975-1995”; American University-SIS
Johnston, Karin L.: 2011; “Germany, Afghanistan, and the Process of Decision Making in German Foreign Policy: Constructing a Framework for Analysis”; University of Maryland
Jones-Rooy, Andrea E.: 2011; “Communication and Commitment: The Strategic Coverage of International Events by Autocratic Leaders”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Jordan, Esther Skelley: 2010; “Donor Dollars, Individual Behavior, and Democratic Development: A Democracy Assistance Theory”; University of Georgia
Jordan, Jenna: 2010; “Assessing the Effectiveness of Leadership Decapitation Against Terrorist Groups”; University of Chicago
Joshi, Ishan: 2011; “Deliberation In Chinese and Indian Central Planning Bureaucracies”; Cornell University
Kadercan, C. Burak: 2011; “Politics of Survival, Nationalism, and War for Territory”; University of Chicago
Kagotani, Koji: 2010; “Military Alliances, Regional Trade Agreements, and the Politics of Compliance”; University of California, Los Angeles
Kamola, Isaac: 2010; “Producing the Global Imaginary: Academic Knowledge, Globalization and the Making of the World”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Kanat, Kilic B.: 2011; “Leadership Style and Diversionary Theory of Foreign Policy: The Use of Diversionary Strategies by Middle Eastern Leaders during And In The Immediate Aftermath of The Gulf War”; Syracuse University
Kang, Kyungkook: 2011; “Conditional Deterrence: Microeconomic Analysis of War Initiation Mechanism”; Claremont Graduate University
Kardas, Saban: 2010; “Regions, Powers and Secondary Power Bandwagoning: The Case of Turkish-American Relations”; University of Utah
Katagiri, Nori: 2010; “Evolving to Win: Sequencing Theory of Extra-Systemic Warfare”; University of Pennsylvania
Kavanagh, Jennifer: 2011; “The Domestic Politics of Terrorism: Response Dynamics in Protracted Terror/Counterterror Conflicts”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kawato, Yuko: 2010; “Imagining Security: The U.S. Military Bases and Protests in Asia”; University of Washington
Kehoe, Genevieve M.: 2011; “Presidents and Terminal Logic Behavior: Term Limits and Executive Action in the United States, Brazil, and Argentina”; University of South Carolina
Kelly, Zane M.: 2010; “Finance at War: Debt, Borrowing, and Conflict”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Kesgin, Baris: 2011; “Political Leadership and Foreign Policy in Post-Cold War Israel and Turkey”; University of Kansas
Kiggins, Ryan David: 2011; “Wired World: United States Policy and Governance of the Internet”; University of Florida
Kim, Hong-Cheol: 2010; “The Paradox of Power in Conflict between the Strong and the Weak: When and Why Do Weaker States Challenge the Hegemon's Status Quo?”; Florida State University
Kim, Inhan: 2011; “The Promotion of New Deal Democracy and Its Enemies: Economic Reforms for Democratization under the Truman Presidency”; University of Virginia
Kim, Ji Young: 2011; “Symbolic Politics, History Problems, and the Japan-South Korea Security Relationship”; University of Delaware
Kim, Jih-yun: 2011; “The Question of Compliance with the NPT Regime and Power Politics in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Negotiations: A Comparative Analysis of North Korea and Iran”; University of South Carolina
Kim, TongFi: 2010; “The Alliance Market: American Security Relations Under Unipolarity”; Ohio State University
Kim, Young Soo: 2011; “International Norms and Global AIDS Funding: How Domestic Conditions Influenced Foreign Aid Policy Choice in the US, France and Japan”; Purdue University
Kim, Youngwan: 2011; “The Unveiled Power of NGOs: How NGOs Influence States' Foreign Policy Behaviors”; University of Iowa
Koc, Dogan: 2011; “Testing Strategies of Conflict Resolution”; University of Texas at Dallas
Kojima, Takehiko: 2011; “Diversity and Knowledge in the Age of Nation-Building: Space and Time in the Thought of Yanagita Kunio”; Florida International University
Krause, Peter John Paul: 2011; “The Political Effectiveness of Non-State Violence: Paradox, Polarity, and the Pursuit of Power”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kucharski, Milosz: 2011; “Balancing Unipolarity”; University of California, Davis
Kucik, Jeffrey Robert: 2010; “The Political Economy of Desigining International Trade Institutions”; Emory University
Kumarakulasingam, Narendran: 2010; “Remembering 1983: Memory, Violence and the Constitution of Political Community in Sri Lanka”; American University-SIS
Kuthy, Daniel William: 2011; “The Effect of State Capacity on Democratic Transition and the Survival of New Democracies”; Georgia State University
Lacina, Bethany: 2010; “The origins of political violence: Autonomy demands and conflict in India, 1951-89”; Stanford University
Laird, Richard: 2010; “Transboundary Watersheds: Political Obstacles to Basin-Wide Cooperation Between States”; University of Texas at Dallas
Lamanna, Larry: 2011; “Theoretical Reasons for Variations in the Intelligence-Policymaking Distance in the United States and the United Kingdom”; University of Georgia
Lazarus, Edward: 2011; “Evaluating Peace Education in the Oslo-Intifada Generation: A Long-Term Impact Study of Seeds of Peace 1993-2010”; American University-SIS
Lee, Byeong-Gu: 2010; “Civil Military Gap and Military Effectiveness: The Impact of Ideology and Military Experience on Defense Spending in the U.S.1952-2000”; University of Kansas
Lee, Taedong: 2010; “Global Cities and Climate Change”; University of Washington
Lenze, Paul E.: 2010; “Civil-Military Relations in”; Washington State University
Leon, David: 2011; “International Institutions and Social Emergence”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Lerma, Michael: 2010; “Mixed Signals and Territory: Reconsidering the impact of territory relatinship on ethnic conflict”; University of Arizona
Licht, Amanda A.: 2010; “Target Incentives and Foreign Policy Success: The role of Politics, Institutions and Time”; University of Iowa
Linde, Robyn: 2010; “The Globalization of Childhood: The role of law and norms in the global abolition of the death penalty for child offenders”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Liu, Wei: 2010; “Explaining China in the United Nations”; Arizona State University
Long, Austin: 2010; “First War Syndrome: Military culture, professionalization, and counterinsurgency doctrine”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lowery, Todd R.: 2010; “In Trepidis Rebus: The Constitutional Basis of the Executive War Power”; University of Maryland
Lusk, Adam: 2010; “Arguing Security: Rhetoric, Media Environment, and Threat Legitimation”; Temple University
Maher, Richard: 2011; “What Kind of Partnership? Interests, Identity, and European Foreign Policy Cooperation”; Brown University
Mahoney, Charles Wilson: 2011; “Hearts-and-Minds or Blood-and-Guts? Strategy, Terrorism, and the Growth of Proto-Insurgencies”; University of California, Los Angeles
Maller, Tara: 2011; “Diplomacy Derailed: The Consequences of U.S. Diplomatic Disengagement”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marsh, Kevin: 2011; “A Tale of Two Surges: Conceptual Models of Foreign Policy And The Decisions To Adopt Troop Surges in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars”; Northern Illinois University
Martin, Adam B.: 2011; “Forgiveness in an Age of Terror: The Psychology of Forgiving the Perpetrators of the 9/11 Attacks”; University of California, Irvine
McAllister, Bradley J.: 2011; “Revolutionary Networks? An Empirical Analysis of Organizational Design in Terrorist Groups”; University of Georgia
McArthur, Denese: 2010; “The Logic of Political Repression: Human Rights Abuse during Domestic and International Crises”; SUNY, Binghamton University
McClure, Helen R.: 2011; “The Crystallization of a Moral Panic: A Content Analysis of Anglophone Canadian Print Media Discourse on Arabs and Muslims Pre- and Post-9/11”; American University-SIS
Medina, Mariana: 2010; “Give me your Engineers, your Ph.D.s, yearning to fund my Welfare State. Fiscal Crises and High-skilled immigration Policies”; Washington University in St. Louis
Meierding, Emily: 2010; “No Blood for Oil? The Dynamics of Interstate Petroleum Disputes”; University of Chicago
Meiser, Jeffrey W.: 2011; “The Limits of Liberalism: The United States as a Rising Power, 1898-1941”; Johns Hopkins University
Mihalache-O'Keef, Andreea: 2011; “Gambling on conflict: Foreign Direct Investors and Political Violence in Developing Countries”; Pennsylvania State University
Miller, Brian L.: 2011; “Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Aid: A Quantitative Analysis”; University of Maryland
Miller, Paul David: 2010; “Strategies of Statebuilding: Causes of Success and failure in Armed International Statebuilding Operations by Liberal Powers”; Georgetown University
Milward, Marie V.: 2011; “European Union Electoral Support to Transitional and Non-Established Democracies: The Case of EU's Electoral Observation Missions (1993-2008)”; University of Georgia
Mitchell, George E.: 2011; “Transnational Nongovernmental Organizations: A US Perspective”; Syracuse University
Montgomery, Evan B.: 2011; “Leading Nations and Local Conflicts: Global Powers, Regional Power Shifts, and Outside Intervention”; University of Virginia
Mukunda, Gautam: 2010; “The Paths of Glory: Structure, Selection, and Leaders”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Murshid, Navine: 2011; “Border Crossings: The Political Impacts of Refugee Movements on Host Countries”; University of Rochester
Nakamoto, Masaki: 2011; “Policy Towards Foreign Direct Investment: Domestic political and Institutional Determinants Aross Midde Income Countries”; University of Texas at Dallas
Narang, Neil: 2011; “Aiding and Abetting: How International Humanitarian Assistance Can Inadvertently Prolong Civil War and How Combatants Respond”; University of California, San Diego
Narang, Vipin: 2010; “Posturing for Peace?: The Sources and Consequences of Regional Power Nuclear Postures”; Harvard University
Ndiaye, Masse: 2011; “Global Governance and State Dys-functionality: The Statehood Dilemma in Failed State Reconstruction in Liberia and Sierra Leone”; Boston University
Norlen, Tova Cecilia: 2010; “‘Sacred Stones and Religious Nuts:’ Managing Territorial Absolutes”; Johns Hopkins University
Norris, William J.: 2010; “Economic Statecraft with Chinese Characteristics: The Use of Commercial Actors in China's Grand Strategy”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nyman, Elizabeth Ann: 2010; “State Identity and the Development and Settlement of International Maritime Claims”; Florida State University
Obaashi, Kazuhiro: 2011; “Recruitment Strategies of Rebel Groups: by Force, by Task, or by Incentive?”; George Washington University
Oleinikov, Pavel: 2010; “Limited Patience: Time Window and Waiting in Political Decision Making”; University of California, Santa Barbara
O'Neill, Daniel C.: 2010; “Risky Business: The Political Economy of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment”; Washington University in St. Louis
Owen, Erica L.: 2010; “Democratic Politics in an Age of Globalization: The Impact of Political Skills and Institutions on Barriers to Foreign Direct Investment”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Owsiak, Andrew: 2011; “Paths to Peace: Conflict Management Trajectories in Militarized Interstate Disputes”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Ozdemir, Ugur: 2011; “Three Essays on Formal Models of Comparative Political Economy”; Washington University, St. Louis
Paar-Jakli, Gabriella: 2010; “Knowledge Sharing and Networking in Transatlantic Relations: A Network Analytical Approach to Scientific and Technological Cooperation”; Kent State University
Pang, Hong: 2011; “The Political Economy of Implementation: Intellectual Property Rights Protection across the World”; University of Southern California
Pang, Xun: 2010; “Discrete Time-Series Cross-Section Models of Political Economy”; Washington University in St. Louis
Park, Johann: 2011; “Exploring the Second Wave of Democratic Peace Critiques: Commonality, Territoriality, and Selectivity”; Michigan State University
Paxton, Nathan A.: 2010; “Learning to Live?: Organizational Learning and State HIV Policy Development”; Harvard University
Payne, Caroline: 2010; “Ethnic Composition and the Dynamics of Civil War: A Subnational Analysis of India and Pakistan”; Louisiana State University
Peet, Jessica: 2011; “She Was a Passive ‘Victim’ in Need of Rescue: Understanding the Gendered Constructions in International Anti-trafficking Law”; University of Florida
Pennock, Andrew: 2011; “The Causes and Consequences of Inequality: Land Distribution, Diversity, and Social Outcomes”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Peters, Margaret E.: 2011; “Open Trade, Closed Borders: Immigration Policy in the Era of Globalization”; Stanford University
Petersen, Kira: 2011; “The Concept of Power in International Relations”; Harvard University
Peterson, Timothy M.: 2010; “International Trade: Costs, Coercion, and Conflict”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Pettyjohn, Stacie: 2010; “Talking with Terrorists: American Policy Toward the ANC, PLO, Sinn Fein and Hamas”; University of Virginia
Pingree, William: 2010; “National Identity As A Causal Element of Explanation and Prediction in Realist Theory as Reflected in the Social Construction of Germany”; University of Utah
Piran, Leila: 2011; “Institutional Change: The Impact of the EU Reforms on the Turkish National Police”; Catholic University of America
Pitakdumrongkit, Kaewkamol: 2011; “East Asian Financial Cooperation: A Closer Look at Negotiation Processes
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Poast, Paul: 2011; “Issue Linkage and International Cooperation: An Empirical Evaluation”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Post, David C.: 2010; “Who Makes the Rules? Why the United States Succeeds or Fails in Shaping the Global Agenda”; Georgetown University
Pruce, Joel R.: 2011; “Global Human Rights in an Era of Consumerism”; University of Denver
Psychas, Ellen M.: 2010; “Building State Failure in Timor-Leste: Patterns of Political Competition and Constraints to Private Sector Investment (1999-2010)”; Johns Hopkins University
Pugh, Jeff: 2010; “Overcoming the Invisibility Bargain: Institutional Adaptation, Host-Migrant Peacebuilding, and Human Security in Ecuador”; Johns Hopkins University
Querze, Alana Renee: 2011; “Can you Spend Your Way to Victory? The Case of Statebuilding in Afghanistan”; University of Kansas
Quiroz-Flores, Alejandro: 2010; “The Ministerial Condition: Political Survival and Cabinet Change”; New York University
Racenberg, Molly Bauer: 2011; “Failure to Catalyze: Why IMF-Supported Programs Fail to Promote Investment”; University of California, San Diego
Ragazzi, Francesco: 2010; “When Governements Say : ‘diaspora’”; Northwestern University
Rapport, Aaron: 2010; “Planning in the Shadow of the Future: U.S. Military Interventions and Time Horizons”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Reardon, Robert J.: 2010; “Nuclear bargaining: Using Carrots and Sticks in Nuclear Counter-Proliferation”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Recchia, Stefano: 2011; “Limited Liability Multilateralism: The American Military, Armed Intervention, and IOs”; Columbia University
Reiter, Andrew G.: 2011; “Fighting Over Peace: Spoilers, Peace Agreements, and the Strategic Use of Violence”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Restad, Hilde Eliassen: 2010; “Identity and Foreign Policy: The Case of American Exceptionalism and Unilateralism”; University of Virginia
Ritter, Emily Hencken: 2010; “Conflict Processes and Courts: Repression, Dissent, and the Influence of Domestic Judicial Institutions”; Emory University
Robison, Sam: 2010; “Experiential Learning of U.S. Presidents in the Foreign Policy Decision-Making Context”; Louisiana State University
Romero, Domenico: 2011; “Development without Neoliberalism: Analyzing the Political Sustainability of Development in Venezuela and Mexico through a Human Rights-Based Approach”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Roy, Dona: 2011; “Economic Liberalization and State Repression: An Exploration of the Nexus between the Inter-national Liberal Order and Domestic Politics”; University of South Carolina
Ruane, Abigail E.: 2010; “Pursuing Inclusive Interests, Both Deep and Wide: Women's Human Rights and the United Nations”; University of Southern California
Ryckman, Michael R.: 2001; “Civil War, Terrorism, and the Substitutability of Violence”; University of Arizona
Ryu, YongWook: 2011; “Regions of Conflict, Regions of Peace: Identity Politics and Diverging Patterns of Regional Interstate Disputes in Northeast and Southeast Asia, 1980-2000”; Harvard University
Sahin-Mencutek, Zeynep: 2010; “The Political Representation of Kurdish, Kemalist, and Conservative Muslim Women in Turkey between 1990 and 2010”; University of Southern California
Sajjad, Tazreena: 2011; “Inconvenient Justice: The Struggle to “Close the Books” in Afghanistan and Nepal”; American University-SIS
Sandal, Nukhet Ahu: 2010; “Religious Actors as Epistemic Communities in Conflict Transformation”; University of Southern California
Sawyer, John Paul: 2010; “Competition in the Market for Political Violence: Northern Irish Republicanism, 1969-1998”; Georgetown University
Scheideman, Jason: 2010; “Threatening Extinction? Patronage, International Monitoring, and Electoral Fraud”; University of Washington
Schmidt, Matthew J.: 2011; “The Influence of Professional Culture on American Military Innovations in Counterinsurgency”; Georgetown University
Schrock-Jacobson, Gretchen: 2010; “Fighting and Dying for One's Country: Nationalism, International Conflict, and Globalization”; Pennsylvania State University
Schroeder, Mike B.: 2011; “Managing Great Expectations: Democracy Promotion as Organized Hypocrisy in the UN Secretariat.”; George Washington University
Sharma, Mukul: 2010; “The Internet, Political Participation, and E-governmnet in Comparative Perspective”; University of Texas at Dallas
Shaw, Emily D.: 2010; “The Heroic Framing of US Foreign Policy”; University of California, Berkeley
Shou, Huisheng: 2010; “Race to the Bottom or Move to the Middle? Globalization and Welfare Regime Transformation in the Developing World”; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Simpson, Erin M.: 2010; “The Perils of Third-Party Counterinsurgency Campaigns”; Harvard University
Sims, Kimberly: 2011; “Judges without Borders? Transnatinoal Networks of Anti-corruption”; Northwestern University
Snyder, Quddus Z.: 2010; “From Anarchy to Confederacy: A Theory of International Politics”; University of Maryland
Solomon, Ty: 2010; “Affect and Identification in U.S. Foreign Policy”; University of Florida
Song, Young Hoon: 2010; “Within and Beyond Borders: Conflict, International Response, and Forced Migration”; University of South Carolina
Spahiu, Arian: 2011; “Franjo Tudjman's and Slobodan Milosevic's Leadership Trait and Operational Code Analysis”; West Virginia University
Staniland, Paul: 2010; “Explaining Cohesion, Fragmentation, and Control in Insurgent Groups”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Steele, Carie: 2011; “Disease Control and Donor Priorities: The Political Economy of Development Aid for Health”; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Steinberg, David A.: 2010; “The Politics of Exchange Rate Valuation in Developing Countries”; Northwestern University
Steinwand, Martin C.: 2010; “The Political Economy of Foreign Aid”; University of Rochester
Streich, Philip: 2010; “The Failure of the Balance of Power in Medieval Japan, 1467-1590”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Stump, Jacob L.: 2010; “Interpersonal Security Conduct and the Politics of Danger in the United States”; American University-SIS
Swarat, Christopher M.: 2011; “In Other Words: A Critique of Modernism in International Relations Discourse from the Perspective of Confucian Tradition”; Northwestern University
Tagma, Halit Mustafa: 2010; “That Dangerous Discipline: The Function and Place of the International Relations Discipline in the Modern University”; Arizona State University
Talmadge, Caitlin: 2011; “Explaining Military Effectiveness: Political Intervention and Battlefield Performance”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tattar, Matthew: 2011; “Innovation and Adaptation in War”; Brandeis University
Thomas, Martha: 2010; “The Pursuit of Disputes in Regional Integration Agreements”; Pennsylvania State University
Thurman, Aleksandra: 2010; “The Justification of the Law of the Sea in Early Modern Europe”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Tiky, Narcisse: 2010; “The Causes of Corruption: Explaining the High Levels of Corruption in Developing Countries”; University of Texas at Dallas
Toohey, David: 2010; “Immigration, Space, Time and Border Politics”; University of Hawaii, Manoa
Travis, Karen: 2011; “Water, Activism and the World Bank: The Debate Over Private Sector Participation, 1900-2010”; University of Maryland
Tschaen Barbieri, Eliane: 2011; “When Hegemons Arise: Explaining Balance of Power Failure in World History”; Brandeis University
Tubin, Matthew R.: 2011; “Uncertainty, Ideas, and the Fatal Conceit of Mastering Risk in International Finance”; University of Pennsylvania
Vaidyanathan, Karthik: 2010; “Explaining unexpected electoral openings in authoritarian systems: A comparative analysis of parliamentary elections”; University of California, San Diego
Van Buskirk, Amy Widsten: 2010; “Parties in Conflict: Domestic Politics, Dispute Settlement, and International Trade”; Columbia University
Van Essen, Karen: 2010; “Opacity in an era of transparency: The politics of de facto nuclear weapon states”; University of Oregon
Van Liere, Adam: 2010; “Nongovernmental Organizations and the World Trade Organization”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Vashchilko, Tatiana: 2011; “Three Essays on Foreign Direct Investment and Bilateral Investment Treaties”; Pennsylvania State University
Velasco, Nikki: 2011; “Essays on Democratization and Redistribution in the Philippines”; Stanford University
Verrill, Diane: 2011; “United Nations Peacekeeping Missions: The Effect of Peacekeepers on Mission Effectiveness”; University of Texas at Dallas
Via, Sandra E.: 2011; “Gendering the Diplomats of the 21st Century: A Feminist Perspective of Celebrity Diplomacy in the Global Economy”; Virginia Tech
Wahlrab, Amentahru: 2010; “Fostering Global Security: Nonviolent Resistance and U.S. Foreign Policy”; University of Denver
Wallace, Geoffrey: 2010; “Surrendering the Higher Ground: The Abuse of Combatants during War”; Cornell University
Wallace, Molly: 2010; “Confronting Wrongs, Affirming Difference: The Limits of Violence, the Power of Nonviolence, and the Case of Nonviolent Intervention in Sri Lanka”; Brown University
Wasson, Jesse T.: 2010; “The Political Economy of Contemporary Tariff Policy: Explaining Rates and Variance in Developed Democracies”; SUNY, University at Buffalo
Wattman, Jessica M.: 2010; “Dangerous diasporas : émigré nationalism and ethnic violence”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Weber, Jeffrey R.: 2010; “From State Foreign Policy To Strategic Interaction”; Florida State University
Weidner, Jason R.: 2010; “Globalizing Governmentality: Sites of Neoliberal Assemblage in the Americas”; Florida International University
Weinberg, Joe: 2010; “A Consumer Based Approach to Agriculture Protectionism”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Weiss, Matthew Isaac: 2011; “The Definition of the Situation and Negotiations over Freshwater Conflicts in the Middle East”; University of California, Davis
Weymouth, Stephen J.: 2010; “Essays on the Politics of Regulation”; University of California, San Diego
Wheatley, Elizabeth Shannon: 2011; “Everyday Cosmopolitical Practices in Contested Spaces: Moving Beyond the State of Cosmopolitanism”; Arizona State University
Whitten-Woodring, Jenifer: 2010; “The Fabled Fourth Estate: Media Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights”; University of Southern California
Wilcox, Lauren: 2011; “The Body of International Relations”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Willard-Foster, Melissa: 2011; “Making Friends Out of Foes: The Logic of Foreign-Imposed Regime Change”; University of California, Los Angeles
Wolff, Andrew T.: 2010; “Explaining NATO Expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, 1989-2004: An Analysis of Geopolitical Factors, Rationales, and Rhetoric”; Johns Hopkins University
Woo, Byungwon: 2010; “The Strategic Politics of IMF Conditionality”; Ohio State University
Wood, Reed M.: 2010; “Competing for Control: Conflict Power Dynamics, Civilian Loyalties and Violence in Civil War”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wright-Smith, Kali: 2011; “The Decision to Comply: Patterns of Compliance with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”; Purdue University
Xiang, Jun: 2011; “Relevance, conflict, and UN voting buying: latent variable methods for international politics”; University of Rochester
Xu, Xiaohong: 2011; “The Political Economy of Aid Effectiveness”; University of Missouri, Columbia
Yalcin, Hasan Basri: 2011; “International Politics as a Struggle for Autonomy”; University of Cincinnati
Yeisley, Mark O.: 2010; “The End of Civilizations: The Role of Religion in the Evolution of Subnational Conflict, 1946-2007”; Duke University
Yonten, Hasan: 2011; “International Migration: A Constructivist Approach with Empirical Insights”; University of Delaware
Patricia T. Young: 2010, Business, Politics, and Governance in Transition: Romania and Beyond, 1999–2008”; Rutgers University
Zack, Aaron: 2010; “Ludwig Dehio and International Relations”; Johns Hopkins University
Zaitseva, Maria N.: 2010; “Dignity's Revolt: Threat, Identity, & Immigrant Mass Mobilization”; Cornell University
Zakhirova, Leila: 2010; “Is There a Central Asia? A Subsystemic Analysis of Regional Interactions among the ‘Stans’”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Zappile, Tina M.: 2011; “North-South Preferential Trade Agreements, Trade, and Armed Conflict”; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Zeidan, Sami: 2010; “Navigating International Rights and Local Politics: Sexuality Governance in a Post-Colonial Setting”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Zhanalin, Azamat: 2011; “Kazakstan: Market Reforms, Foreign Direct Investments and National Identity”; University of Southern California
Zhang, Lili: 2011; “Reputation and War”; Harvard University
Zhang, Zhenqing: 2010; “From Words to Deeds: Explaining China's (Non)compliance with Global Intellectual Property Rights”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Abel, Andrea: 2011; “Civil Society and Interest Groups in Transitioning Regimes”; Stanford University
Bassi, Anna: 2010; “Bidding for the Foramteur: A Model of Endogenous Coalition Formation in Parliamentary Democracies.”; New York University
Desmarais, Bruce: 2010; “Modeling Interdependence in Collective Political Decision Making”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Franch, Fabio: 2010; “Changing Games and Evolving Contexts: Political Bargaining In European Energy Disputes”; West Virginia University
Gross, Justin H.: 2010; “Cues and Heuristics on Capitol Hill: Relational Decision-Making in the United States Senate”; Carnegie Mellon University
Kocak, Murat: 2010; “The Application of Q Methodology To Generate a Functional Typology of Terrorist Organizations in Turkey”; Kent State University
Kricheli, Ruth: 2011; “Mass Participation under Autocratic Rule”; Stanford University
Levin, Ines: 2011; “A New Approach to the Study of Political Participation”; California Institute of Technology
Lo, James: 2010; “Essays on Preferences in Political Science”; University of California, Los Angeles
Tahk, Alexander M.: 2010; “Essays on the Statistical Analysis of Roll-Call Votes and Judicial Citations”; Stanford University
Yamamoto, Teppei: 2011; “Essays on Quantitative Methods for Political Science”; Princeton University
Public Administration
Apaza, Carmen R.: 2010; “The importance of bureaucratic oversight mechanisms: The case of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)”; American University
Arapis, Theodore: 2011; “Spend, Tax, and Save: The Impact of Public Enterprises on Local Finances in Georgia”; Auburn University Montgomery
Aslan, Kursad H.: 2011; “International labor migration from rural central Asia: The potential for development in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan”; Kent State University
Cejudo-Ramirez, Guillermo M.: 2011; “Constraining the Executive: How Democracy Improves the Quality of Government”; Boston University
Dunaway, W. Michael: 2010; “Four degrees of proximity: Key factors that influence private sector preparedness and continuity planning”; George Washington University
Eskew, Lina Rombalsky: 2010; “Perceived Government Legitimacy: The Effect of Bureaucratic Representation”; Northern Illinois University
Forbis, Robert Earl: 2010; “Drill, Baby, Drill: An Analysis of How Energy Development Displaced Ranching's Dominance Over the BLM's Subgovernment Policymaking Environment”; University of Utah
Franco, Heidi: 2010; “An Analysis of State PERS: Governance Network Complexity, Capacity, Accountability and Legitimacy”; University of Utah
Gallardo, Roberto: 2010; “Extent of Cluster-Based Economic Development Policies and the Political/Institutional Context: A Collective Case Study”; Mississippi State University
Graham, Tracy: 2010; “The Child Support Incentive Program: Constraints and the Capacity for Organizational Cheating by Street-Level Bureaucrats”; University of Utah
Greenberg, Michael A.: 2010; “A Game of Millions: Professional Sports Facilities and the Media's Influence on the Agenda Setting Process”; University of Texas at Dallas
Jones, Cheryl L.: 2011; “Must Achievement Gaps Persist? The Struggle for Educational Reform in Prince George's County, Maryland”; University of Maryland
Lee, Kwang-Hoon: 2011; “The Knowledge Evolution of American Public Administration: A Content and Historical Analysis of Introductory Textbooks”; University of Oklahoma
Melton, Erin K.: 2011; “The Politics of Public Management: Exploring the Importance of Environmental Support”; Texas A&M University
Mitchell, Sean P.: 2011; “Does the Media Send Mixed Messages? A Case for Competitive Framing”; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Nelson, Stephen: 2010; “The King's Wrongs and the Federal District Courts: Understanding the Discretionary Function Exception to the Federal Tort Claims Act”; University of Utah
Pokalova, Elena: 2011; “Shifting faces of terror after 9/11: Framing the terrorist threat”; Kent State University
Resh, William G.: 2011; “Rethinking the Administrative Presidency: Trust, Intellectual Capital, and Appointee-Careerist Relations”; American University
Shumaker, Anne Wolfe: 2011; “The Impact of Transportation and Childcare Assistance on Self-Sufficiency in Families First Participants in Tennessee”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Smith, Stephanie: 2010; “Collective leadership in the public sector: a descriptive study of structure, roles, and functions in twelve North Carolina collaboratives”; Auburn University Montgomery
Spyker, Rick A.: 2010; “External influences on weak state foreign policy the United States and Italy during the cold war”; Auburn University Montgomery
Tan, Xinjiao: 2010; “Analysis of Local Government Innovation in China”; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Walker, Meredith Brooke Loudd: 2011; “Not a One-Way Street: Exploring the Role of Intersectional Representation on African American Male Students”; Texas A&M University
Watson, Tyler: 2011; “How Can I Improve My Ratings: A Regression Analysis of Student Evaluations of University Professors”; Idaho State University
Yehl, Robert: 2010; “More Than Little Boxes: Producing and Providing Local Services in Metropolitan America”; University of Houston
Zhu, Ling: 2011; “Manage the Margins: Three Essays on Effective Policymaking for Social Inequality in Health”; Texas A&M University
Political Philosophy
Adams, Jason M.: 2010; “The Sense of Belonging: Perception, Pluralism and the Postwar Citizen-Subject”; University of Hawaii, Manoa
Aharony, Michal: 2010; “Total Domination - Between Conception and Experience: Rethinking the Arendtian Account through Holocaust Testimonies”; New School for Social Research
Aloyo, Eamon T.: 2011; “Basic Democratic Rights and Global Institutional Responsibilities: Democracy, Development, International Law, andTransitional Justice”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Alzate, Elissa B.: 2010; “Creating Community: Locke's Secular Theory of the Non-Secular State”; University of California, Davis
Anili, Bruno: 2010; “Beyond Liberal Discourse: Meta-Ideological Hegemony and Narrative Alternatives”; University of Oregon
Arnell, Ruth J.: 2011; “The Most Affected Principle: A Foundation for Ethical Cosmopolitical Governance”; Idaho State University
Arnold, Samuel: 2011; “Work as it Might Be: A Theory of Justice in Production”; Princeton University
Aslam, Ali: 2010; “Building the Good Life: Architecture and Politics”; Duke University
Austin, Gregory P.: 2010; “The Search for Place and Context: Locating Strategies of Resistance in Gay and Lesbian Subjectivity”; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Barker, Christopher James: 2010; “The Political Philosophy of John Stuart Mill”; Claremont Graduate University
Bessette, Murray Strauss Yuzwenko: 2010; “Nietzsche in a Nutshell: An Interpretation of Twilight of the Idols”; Claremont Graduate University
Betti, Daniel: 2010; “Platonic Cosmopolitanism”; Texas A&M University
Bewick, William J.G.: 2010; “Rousseau and Modern Family Values”; Michigan State University
Bibby, Andrew: 2011; “Commerce, Liberty, and Religion in Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws”; Michigan State University
Biletzki, Michal: 2011; “Ambiguous Citizenship: The Civic Status of the Palestinian Citizens of Israel”; Boston University
Blatt, Jessica: 2010; “How Political Science Became Modern: Race and the Transformation of the Discipline, 1880-1930”; New School for Social Research
Boros, Diana Z.: 2010; “Rebellion for the Twenty-First Century: The Reinvigoration of American Political Life Through Public Art”; University of Maryland
Bourke, James E.: 2011; “The Politics of Incommensurability”; Duke University
Breen, Jenny Stepp: 2011; “Capitalizing Labor: What Work is Worth and Why, from the New Deal to the New Economy”; University of Pennsylvania
Buckinx, Barbara: 2010; “Reducing Domination in Global Politics”; Princeton University
Burkett, Christopher C.: 2010; “To Secure These Rights: Foreign Policy and the Principles of the American Founding”; University of Dallas
Cain, Patrick N.: 2010; “Family, Rights, and Community: Aristotle and John Locke on the Family and Political Life”; Baylor University
Campanella, Jose: 2010; “The Protestant Ethic of Development”; Boston University
Celik, Ozge: 2010; “The French Headscarf Affair: Universality, Secularism, and Autonomy”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Chacon, Rodrigo: 2010; “German Sokrates: Heidegger, Arendt, Strauss”; New School for Social Research
Chaves, Elisabeth K.: 2011; “Writing that W/rights Politics? - An Examination of the Re-viewing Practices of Telos, The Public Interest, and the Journal as an Institution of Criticism”; Virginia Tech
Cheng, Nong: 2011; “The Fragility of Liberalism: David Hume and the Problem of Virtue”; Catholic University of America
Ciccariello-Maher, George: 2010; “Identity against Totality: The Counterdiscourse of Separation beyond the Decolonial Turn”; University of California, Berkeley
Clifford, Stacy A.: 2011; “Indispensable Idiocy: Cognitive Disability and the Social Contract”; Vanderbilt University
Coakley, Mathew: 2011; “The Good, the Right and the Moral: Motivation Ethics and its Social and Political Implications”; New York University
D'Aoust, Anne-Marie: 2011; “Love As a Border Technology: The Governmentality of ‘Mail-Order Brides’ and Marriage Migrants in the United States and Germany”; University of Pennsylvania
De Luca, Rob: 2010; “Liberal Multiculturalism and the Challenge of Religious Diversity”; University of Texas, Austin
Diduch, Andrea Kowalchuk: 2010; “An Introduction to the Question of Nature, Rule, and the Common Advantage in Aristotle's Politics”; University of Dallas
Diduch, Paul: 2010; “Socrates' Case for the Just Life: A Study of the Crito, Republic, and Alcibiades 1”; University of Dallas
Dinsmore, Greg: 2010; “A Place in the World: Hannah Arendt and the Political Conditions of Human Rights”; Cornell University
Dolgert, Stefan P.: 2010; “Citizen/Canine: Humans and Nonhumans in Greece and America”; Duke University
Donath, Christian R.: 2011; “The Persuasions of Empire”; University of California, San Diego
Duff, Alexander: 2011; “The Paradox of Heideggerian Politics”; University of Notre Dame
Eide, Stephen: 2010; “Locke, Tocqueville, Liberalism and Restlessness”; Boston College
Eiran, Ehud: 2011; “Settling to Win: Strategic Settlement Projects in Post-Colonial Times”; Brandeis University
Elliot, Natalie J.: 2010; “Letters, Liberty, and the Democratic Age in the Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville”; University of North Texas
English, William E.: 2010; “Social Thought and Social Change: Methodological Dilemmas at the Intersection of Science and Ethics”; Duke University
Ephraim, Laura: 2010; “Recovering the Common Root of Science and Politics: Reading Descartes and Hobbes with Vico”; Northwestern University
Field, Laura K.: 2011; “Writing in Blood: Compassion, Character, and Popular Rhetoric in Rousseau and Nietzsche”; University of Texas, Austin
Fischel, Joseph: 2011; “Sex and Harm in the Age of Consent”; University of Chicago
Fishel, Stefanie: 2011; “New Metaphors for Global Living”; Johns Hopkins University
Flanagan, John Patrick: 2011; “The Organic-Progressive Principle in the Political Thought and Internationalism of Woodrow Wilson”; University of North Texas
Fortuna, John Jason: 2010; “Ordinary Sacrifices: An Approach to Loss in Democratic Politics”; University of California, Santa Barbara
Foss, Jerome C.: 2011; “John Rawls and the Supreme Court”; Baylor University
Frederiksen, Jens: 2010; “Radical Democracy or Symptomatic Closure: An Immanent Critique of Chantal Mouffe's Agonism”; Vanderbilt University
French, John Mark: 2010; “Native, Narrative, and Nation: The Construction of Self and Other in European Settler Colonies”; University of Illinois, Chicago
Fritz, Marie J.: 2010; “House or Home: Nuclear Family Construction and Federal Housing Policy Development”; University of Maryland
Fumurescu, Alin: 2010; “Compromise and Representation: A Split History of Early Modernity”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Gaines, Natalie Susan: 2011; “Cosmopolitanism, Needs, and the Politics of Pathos”; Louisiana State University
Gallagher, Katie J.: 2010; “Risk as a Distributive Concern”; Princeton University
Garrison, Justin David: 2010; “An Empire of Ideals: The Chimeric Imagination of Ronald Reagan”; Catholic University of America
Giglioli, Matteo: 2010; “The Search for Legitimacy in a Society of Masses”; Princeton University
Gimbel, Edward: 2010; “An Interpreting Animal: Hermeneutics and Politics in the Human Sciences”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Goker, Zeynep Gulru: 2011; “The Politics of Silence: Discussion Deliberative and Agonistic Democracy vis-a-vis Gendered Responses to the Militarization of Everyday Life in Turkey”; CUNY-Graduate Center
Goldman, Loren: 2010; “The Sources of Political Hope: Will, World and Democracy”; University of Chicago
Goldman, Samuel: 2010; “The Shadow of God: Strauss, Jacobi, and the Theologico-Political Problem”; Harvard University
Gorman, Ryan R.: 2010; “War and the Virtues: The Moral Basis of Thomistic Just War Theory”; University of Dallas
Gott, Katherine: 2010; “Prostitutes of Wisdom: Rhetoric, the Sophists and Deliberative Democracy”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Gourevitch, Alexander H.: 2010; “Servitude and Independence: Rethinking Liberty, Virtue and the Republican Tradition”; Columbia University
Grewal, David Singh: 2010; “The Invention of the Economy: A History of Economic Thought”; Harvard University
Groh, Ty: 2010; “The Political Dialectics of Transparency in Modernity and Beyond: The Radicalization and Problematic of Visual Politics”; Georgetown University
Hackett, Justin: 2010; “Values Anchoring: Strengthening the Link Between Values and Behavior”; Claremont Graduate University
Hanagan, Nora: 2011; “Responsibility and Democratic Rule”; Duke University
Henary, Sara: 2010; “Nature and Convention in Locke's Political Philosophy”; University of Virginia
Herold, Aaron L: 2010; “Liberal Theology in the Age of Equality: Tocqueville and the Enlightenment on Faith, Freedom, and the Human Soul”; University of Texas, Austin
Hertzberg, Benjamin R.: 2011; “Both Citizen and Saint: Religious Integrity and Liberal Democracy”; Duke University
Hirsch, Alexander Keller: 2011; “Enlarging the Democratic Possible: Struggle, Self-Determination, and Survivance in NOrth American Indian Cultural Politics”; University of California, Santa Cruz
Hoaby, Scott E.: 2011; “Ideologies in the Roman Civil War”; University of California, Los Angeles
Holbreich, Matthew: 2011; “Between Sovereignty and Freedom: Tocqueville and the Project of French Liberalism”; University of Notre Dame
Houser, Sarah Loretto: 2010; “Loving Pimlico: Patriotism in the Age of the Cosmopolis”; University of Notre Dame
Hoyer, Eric: 2011; “Alcibiades' Challenge to Ancient and Modern Political Theory”; University of Pennsylvania
Kalmanovitz, Pablo: 2010; “Justice in Postwar Reconstruction: Theories from Vitoria to Vattel”; Columbia University
Kasimis, Demetra: 2010; “Drawing the Boundaries of Democracy: Immigrants and Citizens In Ancient Greek Political Thought”; Northwestern University
Kaswan, Mark J.: 2010; “The Politics of Happiness and the Practice of Democracy”; University of California, Los Angeles
Kates, Michael: 2011; “The Demands of Justice in Nonideal Circumstances: Theory and Practice”; New York University
Kedar, Asaf: 2010; “National Socialism Before Nazism: Friedrich Naumann and Theodor Fritsch, 1890-1914”; University of California, Berkeley
Kemp, Brodi: 2011; “The Problem of Accountability in Development NGOs”; Harvard University
Kennedy, Rosanne T.: 2010; “Rousseau and the Perversion of Gender”; New School for Social Research
Kirshner, Alexander: 2011; “A Theory of Militant Democracy: The Ethics of Combating Political Extremism”; Yale University
Kliewer, Brandon W.: 2011; “Community Engagement as a Public Good Praxis: Responding to Dimensions of the Neoliberal University”; University of Georgia
Kondo, Kazutaka: 2011; “‘Socrates’ Understanding of His Trial: The Political Presentation of Philosophy”; Boston College
Kula, Eric: 2011; “Technical Mediation, Social Acceleration and the Politics of Hypermodernity”; Pennsylvania State University
Laehn, Thomas R.: 2010; “Pliny's Defense of Empire”; Louisiana State University
Lampert, Joseph: 2010; “Representation Unbound: Institutions and Practices for Transnational Democracy”; Yale University
Langenberger, Birgit: 2011; “Slavery and Colony - Natural rights in the American Declaration of Independence”; New School for Social Research
Lee, Christopher B.: 2011; “Language as Power: The “Black-White” Binary and the Discourse of Racial Hierarchy”; University of California, Los Angeles
Lee, Fred: 2010; “The Racial Constitution of the Public: Four Exercises in Historicizing the American Polity”; University of California, Los Angeles
Lee, Susan S.: 2011; “Civil Society and Ethnic Communities: Korean Americans”; University of Maryland
Levy, David: 2010; “‘Socrates’ Praise and Blame of Eros”; Boston College
Litke, Justin B.: 2010; “American Exceptionalism: From Exemplar to Empire”; Georgetown University
Lundgren, Benjamin: 2011; “People Power: The Justice of Democracy in Book III of Aristotle's Politics”; Michigan State University
Lyon, Anthony: 2010; “Relational Representation: Nongovernmental Actors in Global Politics”; University of California, San Diego
Maggio, J.: 2010; “In Good Form: An Examination of the Political Dimension of the Formal Qualities of Art and Aesthetics”; University of Florida
Maloyed, Christie L.: 2010; “The Religious Foundations of Civic Virtue”; Texas A&M University
Mann, Hollie Sue: 2010; “Politics, Human Flourishing, and Bodily Knowing : A Critical Theory of mbodied Care”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Mansbach, Daniela: 2011; “Maternal Strategies of Resistance: The Case of Checkpoint Watch Movement in Israe”; New School for Social Research
McCarty, Timothy Wyman: 2010; “Your Money or Your Vote: Toward a Political Theory of Taxation”; Brandeis University
McClure, Christopher S.: 2011; “The Politics of Morality”; Georgetown University
McGuire, Steven Francis: 2010; “Freedom and the Moral condition in Schelling's Freiheitsschrift”; Catholic University of America
McIvor, David W.: 2010; “Mourning in America: Racial Trauma and the Democratic Work of Mourning”; Duke University
McKean, Benjamin: 2010; “Political Dispositions and Global Justice: Understanding the Duties of Individuals in an Unjust World”; Princeton University
McQueen, Alison: 2011; “Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times”; Cornell University
Meckstroth, Christopher: 2010; “Democracy in Progress: History, Paradox, and Constitutional Struggle”; University of Chicago
Menaldo, Mark: 2010; “Putting Statesmanship back into Statecraft: The Role of Transformative Ambition in International Relations”; Michigan State University
Menon, Ishita: 2010; “The Political Dialectics of Transparency in Modernity and Beyond: The Radicalization and Problematic of Visual Politics”; Georgetown University
Milstein, Brian M.: 2011; “Commercium: Toward a Critical Social Theory of the Cosmopolitan”; New School for Social Research
Morgan, Margot: 2010; “The Decline of Political Theatre in 20th Century Europe: Shaw, Brecht, Sartre, and Ionesco Compared”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Munsil, Tracy F.: 2011; “In Virtue's Cause: Synthesizing Classical, Bourgeois and Christian Ideals of Virtue in the Republican Thought of Mercy Otis Warren”; Arizona State University
Neumayr, Thomas: 2011; “The Political Philosophy of Charles N.R. McCoy”; University of Dallas
Njoya, Wairimu: 2010; “Dignity amidst Devastation: Politics, Aesthetics, and the Slave Sublime”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Nordquist, Michael: 2010; “Cosmopolitical Practices: A Democratic Politics of Environments”; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
O'Donovan, Nicholas: 2010; “Common Values and Liberal Democracy”; Harvard University
Olearnik, Paula L.: 2010; “Beyond Exclusive Humanism”; Georgetown University
On, Stephen Siu-Kay: 2011; “Securing Freedom: A Systematic and Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Violence Against Women in the Private Sphere”; University of California, Los Angeles
Oprisko, Robert Lee: 2011; “The Phenomenology of Honor”; Purdue University
Paddags, Rene: 2010; “Reluctant Realist: Jean-Jacques Rousseau on International Relations”; University of Maryland
Perkins, Lucas R.: 2011; “Practical Reason Unbound: Politics and Human Agency in a Promethean Key”; Duke University
Phillips, John L.: 2010; “Natural Resources, Opportunity, and Global Justice”; Brown University
Pincock, Heather: 2011; “Does Deliberation Make Better Citizens? Examining the Case of Community Conflict Mediation”; Syracuse University
Pivetti, Gail: 2011; “Modern Man and the Itinerant Spirit”; University of California, Davis
Plotica, Luke Philip: 2010; “The Political as a Language-game: Language, the Individual, and Politics after Wittgenstein and Oakeshott”; Johns Hopkins University
Poe, Andrew: 2010; “The Sources and Limits of Political Enthusiasm”; University of California, San Diego
Pool, Heather N.: 2011; “Political Mourning”; University of Washington
Pope, Thomas R.: 2011; “Balancing Liberty of Contract with Police Power: A Hobbesian Approach”; Baylor University
Reagan, Laura: 2010; “Mimesis in Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan (1651)”; Northwestern University
Reifer, Jessica: 2011; “From Law and Power to Ideology and Terror”; New School for Social Research
Reiner, Toby: 2011; “Political Thought and Political Action: Michael Walzer's Engagement with American Radicalism”; University of California, Berkeley
Robinson, Michael S.: 2011; “The Uncivilized Society: Locke's Political Theory, Resistance, and the Method of Inquiry”; University of Houston
Roff, H. M.: 2010; “Provisional to Perfect: A Kantian Theory of Humanitarian Intervention”; University of Colorado, Boulder
Rossello, Diego Hernan: 2011; “Lycanthropic Sovereignty: Human, Animal and the Melancholy of Subjection in Hobbes, Benjamin and Schmitt”; Northwestern University
Russell, Jeremiah H.: 2010; “Athens and Byzantium: Platonic Political Philosophy in Religious Empire”; Louisiana State University
Schaler, Claudia: 2010; “Moral Psychology and Political Agency: Rousseau's Liberating Authorities”; Brandeis University
Schiff, Jacob: 2010; “The Cultivation of Responsiveness”; University of Chicago
Scholz, Bettina: 2010; “Indirect and Partial Cosmopolitanism”; Harvard University
Seagrave, S. Adam: 2010; “Beyond Ancients and Moderns: Solving the Puzzle of Natural Justice”; University of Notre Dame
Selby, David: 2011; “Another Republicanism: Alexis de Tocqueville, Jansenism and the necessity of the political in a democratic age”; University of California, San Diego
Sensen, Kathryn: 2011; “Representational Style: The Central Role of Communication in Representation”; Harvard University
Shechter, Benli M.: 2011; “Dialectics of Disenchantment: Totalitarianism and Partisan Review”; University of Maryland
Shippen, Nichole Marie: 2011; “The Colonization of Time: Production, Consumption, and Leisure”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Shuster, Arthur: 2010; “Ancient and Modern Conceptions of Punishment: Hobbes, Kant, and Plato”; University of Texas, Austin
Simonsen, Judith: 2010; “Knowledge and Power: The Role of Scientific Doctrine and Psychiatric Education in the American Eugenics Movement”; New School for Social Research
Sinkler, Adrian C.: 2011; “Privatizing the Patrimony: State-Society Relations, Family Norms, and Institutional Change in Rural Mexico”; University of Washington
Smetona, Matthew J.: 2010; “Hegel's logic of absolute idealism and his political argument: The conceptuality of actuality”; Temple University
Snyder, Greta Fowler: 2011; “Reviving Recognition: Toward Equity in the Politics of Identities”; University of Virginia
Steinbruner, Maureen S.: 2011; “Comprehending the Polity: John Stuart Mill and the Utility of the Whole”; Georgetown University
Sullivan, Mary Elizabeth: 2010; “Political Science in Late Medieval Europe: The Aristotelian Paradigm and How it Shaped the Study of Politics in the West”; Texas A&M University
Timmermans, Paul: 2011; “Ambivalent Sovereignty: Inquiries into the Dual Foundation of Political Realism's Subject”; University of Denver
Troester, Nicholas: 2010; “Rethinking International Law: Hugo Grotius, Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention”; Duke University
Valdez, Ines: 2011; “Deporting Democracy: The Politics of Immigration and Sovereignty”; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Vasholz, Paul: 2011; “Free Will, Neuroscience, and Political Philosophy”; Northern Illinois University
Walsh, Sean Noah: 2010; “The Ghetto of Writing: Esotericism and Fear in Political Philosophy”; University of Florida
Warner, John M.: 2011; “Squaring the Social Circle: Tragedy and Human Connectedness in Rousseau”; University of California, Davis
Weiner, Greg: 2010; “Madison's Metronome: The Constitution and the Tempo of American Politic”; Georgetown University
Whitney, David N.: 2010; “Maladies of Modernity: Scientism in Politics.”; Louisiana State University
Wilson, James L.: 2011; “Finding Time for Democracy: A Theory of Political Equality”; Princeton University
Wong, Mabel: 2010; “Belonging in the Midst of Time: Temporalities of Community from Rousseau to Deleuze”; Johns Hopkins University
Wright, Matthew D.: 2011; “A Vindication of Politics: Political Association and Human Flourishing”; University of Texas, Austin
Yumatle, Carla: 2010; “Philosophical Presuppositions of Liberal Democracy”; University of California, Berkeley
Zimmerman, Arely M.: 2010; “Contesting Citizenship Across Borders: Identity, Rights, and Participation Amongst Central Americans in Los Angeles”; University of California, Los Angeles
Zink, James R.: 2010; “Constituting a People: On the Possibility of Community in a Natural Rights Political Order”; University of California, Davis
Zuckerwise, Lena K.: 2010; “World is Plural: Democratic Contributions of Hannah Arendt”; University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Public Law and Courts
Bellas, Christopher M.: 2010; “I Feel Your Pain: How Juror Empathy Affects Death Penalty Verdicts”; Kent State University
Bridge, David: 2010; “The Supreme Court and the Governing Regime in Political Time”; University of Southern California
Budziak, Jeffrey Lee: 2011; “Fungible Justice: The Use of Visiting Judges in the United States Courts of Appeal”; Ohio State University
Carey, Maeve P.: 2010; “Dodging Conflict: The Supreme Court Under Threat from Congress”; George Washington University
Chanin, Joshua M.: 2011; “Negotiated Justice? The Legal, Administrative and Policy Implications of ‘Pattern or Practice’ Police Misconduct Reform”; American University
Devaney, Joseph S.: 2010; “The Bill of Rights and Federalism: An Interpretation in Light of the Unwritten Constitution”; Catholic University of America
Dumas, Tao L.: 2011; “Community Preferences and Trial Court Decision-Making: The Influence of Political, Social, and Econo”; Louisiana State University
Fisher, Shauna F.: 2011; “Issue Framing and Policy Argumentation: Recasting the Same-Sex Marriage Debate”; University of Washington
Fix, Michael P.: 2011; “Judging the Bureaucrats: Understanding the Dynamics of Court-Agency Interaction”; University of South Carolina
Fredette, Jennifer: 2010; “On the Muslim question: The contentious politics of citizenship in France”; University of Washington
Gash, Alison: 2010; “Below the Radar: How Silence Can Save Civil Rights”; University of California, Berkeley
Glennon, Colin Ross: 2011; “The Determinants of Supreme Court Decision-Making: An Ideal Point Analysis”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Grijalva, Agustin: 2010; “Courts and Political Parties: The Politics of Constitutional Review in Ecuador”; University of Pittsburgh
Hollis-Brusky, Amanda: 2010; “The Federalist Society and the Structural Constitution: An Epistemic Community at Work”; University of California, Berkeley
Huber, Bruce R.: 2010; “In With the Old, Out With the New: Transition Policy in Environmental Law”; University of California, Berkeley
Jacobson, Jennifer: 2010; “Decision Making Under Uncertainty: The Effect of Legal Clarity on the United States Courts of Appeals' Establishment”; University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Katz, Daniel Martin: 2011; “Modeling Law as a Complex Adaptive System”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kopko, Kyle Casimir: 2010; “The Effect of Partisanship on Election Law Judicial Decision-Making”; Ohio State University
Kunkle, Susan: 2011; “Bind Over Blended Sentencing in Ohio”; Kent State University
LaRowe, Nicholas L.: 2010; “Courts Aren't Different:They Just Get Better Press”; Arizona State University
Mate, Manoj: 2010; “The Variable Power of Courts: The Expansion of the Power of the Supreme Court of India in Fundamental Rights and Governance Decisions”; University of California, Berkeley
Narasimhan, Angela G.: 2011; “A More Global Court? Judicial Transnationalism and the U.S. Supreme Court”; Syracuse University
Povtak, Andrew: 2011; “Deciding Not to Decide: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Politics of Secondary Access on the U.S. Supreme Court”; Kent State University
Ramsey, David: 2010; “The Role of the Supreme Court in Antitrust Enforcement”; Baylor University
Ross, Joseph: 2011; “Independent Expenditures in Judicial Elections”; University of Arizona
Russell, Carrie Archie: 2010; “Race and Justice in Tennessee: Reconstruction Era Violence and Modern Manifestations”; Vanderbilt University
Sala, Gemma: 2010; “Can Courts Make Federalism Work?: The Impact of the Consitutional Court on Federal Conflict in Spain”; Yale University
Salamone, Michael: 2011; “Public Perceptions of Judicial Unanimity and Dissent: The Impact of Divided Court Opinions on the Mass Media and Public Opinion”; University of California, Berkeley
Schorpp, Susanne: 2011; “The Rule of Law in Times of War: A Comparative Analysis of the Elect of War on High Court Decision-Making”; University of South Carolina
Sill, Kaitlyn L.: 2010; “Institutional Design and the Economy: Disentangling the Effects of Judicial Independence and Judicial Review”; Louisiana State University
Taylor, Carl: 2011; “In the Crosshairs: Second Amendment Lawyers and Cases in the State and Federal Courts”; West Virginia University
Treyger, Elina: 2010; “The Soviet Roots of Post-Soviet Order”; Harvard University
Troncoso, Brenna: 2010; “The Pursuit of Public Interest Litigation in Argentina and Bolivia”; University of Texas, Austin
Wagers, Kristin: 2010; “The Tennessee Death Penalty: Prosecutors, Juries and the Impact of Race”; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Williams, Eric J.: 2010; “A tale of two prisons: A study in the relationship between communities and prisons in two rural towns”; Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Williams, Lee Remington: 2010; “The Effect of Attorney Race Upon Jury Decision-Making”; University of Kentucky
Yucedal, Behzat: 2010; “Victimization in Cyberspace: An Application of Routine Activity and Lifestyle Exposure Theories”; Kent State University
Zackin, Emily: 2010; “Positive Constitutional Rights in the United States”; Princeton University
Barillas, Katherine: 2010; “State Capacity and Privatization: The Paradox of Child Welfare Reform”; University of Houston
Benitez, Galia J.: 2010; “Government-Business Relationships in Trade Protectionism, a Network Analysis: The Case of Brazil in Mercosul”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Bias, Thomas K.: 2010; “The Politics and Policy of Small City Downtown Development”; West Virginia University
Birch, David: 2010; “Decoding Native and non-Native Policy Interactions: Possibilities for Creating Working Relationships that Bind not Blind.”; Colorado State University
Boscarino, Jessica E.: 2010; “Surfing for Problems: Agenda Setting Strategy in Environmental Advocacy”; Syracuse University
Brandt, Diane: 2010; “Policy Determinants and Medicaid Managed Care”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Campbell, Joseph E.: 2010; “Have Metropolitan Planning Organizations Improved Regional Policymaking? The cases of St. Louis and Kansas City”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Chang, Joice Y.: 2010; “Impacts of Environmental Voluntary Agreement Participation on Noncompliance and Enforcement: An Analysis with Judicial Considerations”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Coghlan, Robert C.: 2011; “Media Influence on Health Care Reform”; University of Houston
Cooper, Daphne: 2011; “The Persistent Poverty Among African Americans In The United States: The Impact Of Public Policy”; Clark Atlanta University
Crawford, April: 2010; “Improving Quality Across Institutional Settings: Language and Literacy Instruction in Child Care, Head Start, Public Pre-K in Texas”; University of Houston
Day, Shane D.: 2011; “Indigenous Groups as Quasi-State Actors in International Natural Resource Governance”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Delshad, Ashlie B.: 2011; “Revisiting ‘Who Influences Whom?’ A Study of Agenda Setting and Issue Framing on Biofuels.”; Purdue University
Demessie, Menna: 2010; “Navigating the Boundaries of Blackness: Congressional Caucuses, U.S. Foreign Policy, and African Affairs”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Fleming, Anthony: 2010; “Institutions, Interest Groups, and Gun Control Policy”; West Virginia University
Garcia, Ryan: 2011; “National Service, Political Socialization, and the Development of Civic Consiousness”; Yale University
Green, Brendan R.: 2011; “Liberalism and American Grand Strategy”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Henderson, Rochelle: 2010; “Factors Influencing State Prescription Drug Policy”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Hill, Kelly C.: 2010; “Affordable Housing and Governance in Cities”; Emory University
Hodnett, Amanda Luckey: 2010; “Indigent Defense in five southern states: Factors that influence state administrative oversight”; Auburn University Montgomery
Kashwan, Prakash: 2011; “Democracy in the Woods: The Politics of Institutional Change in Forest Property Regimes”; Indiana University, Bloomington
Kowal, Rebecca: 2011; “Fostering Relationships in Foster Care Administration: An Exploratory Four-State Public Leadership and Management Study”; University of Pennsylvania
Lee, Myong Hwa: 2011; “Policy change in policy networks: Examining concepts in two Korean bioethics lawmaking cases”; Northern Illinois University
Lee, Soomi: 2011; “Subjective Congruence on Public Spending: A Political Transactions Cost Approach”; Claremont Graduate University
Ley, Aaron J.: 2011; “How the Breathers Beat the Burners: The Policy Market and the Role of Technical, Political, and Legal Capital in Pursuing Policy Outcomes”; Washington State University
Martin, Kimberly D.: 2011; “Collaboration and the Policy Development Process: Intrastate Efforts to Improve Public Safety”; University of Florida
Neal, Emily M.: 2010; “Playtime Preservation: Public-Private Partnerships in Public Land Management”; Northeastern University
Neil, Suzanne Chambliss: 2010; “The Development of High Definition Television: An Ecology of Games”; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Olds, Christopher: 2011; “Essays on the Impact of Presidential and Media-Based Usage of Anxiety-Producing Rhetoric on Dynamic Issue Attention”; Texas A&M University
Oluku, Uchechukwu: 2011; “A comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of the HOPE VI Program in Revitalizing Conventional Public Housing Sites: A Multiple Case Study in St. Louis”; University of Missouri, St. Louis
Phinney, Robin: 2010; “Diverse Interest Group Coalitions and Social Policy in the United States”; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Pratt, Stephanie: 2011; “The Role of Institutional Structures, Interest Groups, and Framing in Explaining Occupational Road Safety Policy in the European Union and Member States: An Application of the Advocacy Coalition Framework and Multi-level Governance”; West Virginia University
Raso, Connor: 2010; “Procedural Constraints on Agency Rulemaking: An Analysis of Political Control of the Bureaucracy”; Stanford University
Ratkovic, Marc T.: 2011; “Data-driven Discovery in Political Science”; University of Wisconsin, Madison
Riddell, Mary: 2010; “Reproductive Free Trade: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Egg Donation on the Internet”; New School for Social Research
Rodriguez, Gail: 2010; “Weighted Policymaking: The federal, State & Individual Politics of Obesity”; University of Kansas
Saikawa, Eri: 2010; “Policy Diffusion of Emission Regulations for On-Road Vehicles: Causes and Benefits for Air Quality”; Princeton University
Scheller, Daniel Staton: 2010; “The Political Economy of Neighborhood Governance”; Florida State University
Seljan, Ellen: 2010; “The General Equilibrium of Tax and Expenditure Limits”; University of California, San Diego
Smith, Bob: 2010; “Protection or Provocation Does Hosting a U.S. Military Base Increase the Incidence of Terrorist Attack in a Country?”; Auburn University
Stoutenborough, James W.: 2010; “State and Federal Renewable Energy Policy: Understanding Influences and Impacts”; University of Kansas
Thomas, Andrew R.: 2010; “Work and Time, The Political Economy of Time Use and Sustainability”; Washington State University
Wilson, Mary: 2010; “The Unintended Consequences of Megan's Law for Citizens, Law Enforcement and Offenders: An Empirical Analysis”; Kent State University