Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 May 2010
page 242 note * The Ipswich adze-head recalls specimens of the Early Iron Age, but is probably contemporary, as a specimen was found at Little Wilbraham (Saxon Obsequies, pl. 39, grave 28).
page 242 note † Saxon Obsequies, pl. 3, grave 172.
page 242 note ‡ Pagan Saxondom pl. i. fig. 9.
page 242 note § Archæological Journal, ix. 116.
page 242 note ‖ Collectanea Antiqua, iv. pl. xxxviii.
page 242 note ¶ Archæologioal Album, 206 ; Archæological Index, pl. xvi. fig. 12.
page 242 note ** The large cemetery at Sleaford, Lines., also contained no swords. Archaeologia, 1. 386.
page 243 note * Cineraries found later in another part (Archaeologia, lx. 337).
page 243 note † Examples from Norfolk in Victoria County History, i. 340.
page 244 note * Proceedings, 2nd S. xxi. 35.
page 244 note † Cf. Salin, Die altgermanische Thierornamentik, figs. 97, 98.
page 244 note ‡ At Bifrons, near Canterbury ; and Brighthampton, Oxon.
page 244 note § Vol. xliv. pl. xviii.
page 244 note ‖ Archæological Journal, ix. 180.
page 244 note ¶ For example, one from Norway ; Salin, Die altgermanische Thierornamentik, fig. 525.
page 244 note ** Figured by Peigné-Delacourt, Recherches sur le lieu de la bataille d'Attila p. 4, pl. ii. figs. 19, 20.
page 245 note * Journal of the British Archæological Association, iv. 159.
page 245 note † Aldeburgh, ; Journal of the British Archæological Association, i. 257Google Scholar.
page 245 note ‡ Collection in the British Museum.
page 245 note § Archæological Journal, vi. 216, 1, 5 in.
page 245 note ‖ Catalogue, No. 292 with fig.
page 245 note ¶ Archæologia, 1. 383 (graves 143, 233) ; British Museum.
page 246 note * H. Schetelig, Cruciform Brooches of Norway, 73, 105.