Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
1. Let x1, x2, x3 represent three mental activities; r12 the correlation coefficient of x1 and x2; r23 that of x2 and x3; r31 that of x3 and x1.
J. Ridley Thompson has shown (Brit. Journ. Psychol., 1919, vol. ix, p. 335) that if
F(r)≡r122 + r232 + r312 + 2r12r23r31
be greater than 1, a “general factor” is undoubtedly present in the three activities.
page 73 note * The particular case for k = + 1 has been treated by Stuart Dodd, C., “On Criteria for Factorising Correlated Variables,” Biometrika, vol. xix, p. 45.Google Scholar