The origin of the morphology-density relation is still an open question in galaxy
evolution. It is most likely driven by the combination of the efficient star
formation in the highest peaks of the mass distribution at
high-z and the transformation by environmental processes at
later times as galaxies fall into more massive halos. To gain additional
insights about these processes we study the kinematics, star formation and
structural properties of galaxies in Abell 2163 a very massive
(~4×1015 M⊙, Holz &
Perlmutter 2012) merging cluster at
z = 0.2.
We use high resolution spectroscopy with VLT/VIMOS to derive rotation curves and
dynamical masses for galaxies that show regular kinematics. Galaxies that show
irregular rotation are also analysed to study the origin of their distortion.
This information is combined with stellar masses and structural parameters
obtained from high quality CFHT imaging. From narrow band photometry (2.2m/WFI),
centered on the redshifted Hα line, we obtain star formation rates.
Although our sample is still small, field and cluster galaxies lie in a similar
Tully-Fisher relation as local galaxies. Controlling by additional parameters
like SFRs or bulge-to-disk ratio do not affect this result. We find however that
~50% of the cluster galaxies display irregular kinematics in contrast to what is
found in the field at similar redshifts (~30%, Böhm et al.2004) and in agreement with other
studies in clusters (e.g. Bösch et al.2013, Kutdemir et al.2010) which points out to additional
processes operating in clusters that distort the galaxy kinematics.