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Publication process after acceptance


On receipt of the production files you will be sent an email indicating completion of the acceptance process.

The corresponding author will also receive an email from “Cambridge University Press via Ironclad” ([email protected])* asking them to complete an Information Request Form. This is the first step towards signing a licence to publish agreement, which is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled before a paper can be published. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the paper. The original ownership of the copyright in the paper remains unchanged. For further details, please see our publishing agreement page.

Please note that an article cannot proceed to Cambridge Production without a completed agreement.

Publication Process

Once a paper has been accepted for publication, the source files have been uploaded and the publishing agreement signed, the manuscript will be sent to Cambridge University Press for typesetting, and will be assigned a digital object identifier (doi).

The symposia editor will review the manuscript proofs and at this stage may consult with the corresponding author at their discretion.

The PDF published online is the Version of Record and no further alterations/corrections to this document will be allowed.

For further information please refer to our central production guide and production FAQs.