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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2017
1 See Robert O. Keohane. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (1984); Robert O. Keohane and Joseph Nye. Transnational Relations and World Politics (1972); Peter J. Katzenstein, International Interdependence: Some Long-Term Trends and Recent Changes, 29 INT’L ORG. 1021-34; (1975); and Ernst B. Haas, Why Collaborate? Issue-Linkage and International Regimes, (source for the words in quotations), 32 WORLD POL. 357-405 (1980). For one strand of international organization theory and international law, see Bruce Zagaris and Elizabeth Kingma, Asset Forfeiture International and Foreign Law: An Emerging Regime, 5 EMORY INT’L. L. REV. 446-513(1991).
2 Key Regulatory Accord May Be Toughened In the Wake of BCCI Scandal, Thompsons INT’L Banking Reg., March 23, 1992, at 2.
3 Id.
4 United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, New Issues for International Cooperation in Transnational Banking 4-5 (1991).
5 Benjamin Barber, Jihad vs. McWorld, Atlantic Monthly. March 1992, at 53.
6 Alan Friedman, “US Investigators Look at BCCI-BNL Transactions,” FIN. TIMES. March 25, 1992, at 6.
7 Thomas Petzinger, Jr., We Clean Cash! Pakistan Pitches Money-Laundering in the U.S., WALL ST. J., Mar. 18, 1992, at C20.
8 Regulators Pressure Pakistan to Withdraw “Bond Whitening” Issue, Thompsons Intx Banking Reg., Mar. 30, 1992, at 1.
9 Sting Nets 8 in Scheme to Sell Arms to Iraq, UPI, Mar. 28, 1992.
10 Reuters, Mar. 26, 1992.