Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 This statement has been delivered in an unofficial capacity and expresses the personal views of the author.
2 Statute of the International Law Commission, U.N. Doc. A/CN.4/4/Bev. 1 (New York, 1962), p. 3.
3 Jeremy Bentham, Collected Works (1843 ed.), Vol. 10, p. 584.
4 This aspect is discussed by Francois, “ Second International Conference on the Law of the Sea,” in 6 United Nations Review 12-14 (June, 1960).
5 Loc. cit.2.
6 “Future Work in the Field of the Codification and Progressive Development of International Law,” Report of the Sixth Committee (U.N. Doc. A/5036), pp. 5-6.
7 U.N. Doe. A/AC.10/30, pp. 2-3.
8 1956 I.L.C. Yearbook, Vol. II, p. 255 (U.N. Doc. A/CN.4/Ser.A/1956/Add.l).
9 Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during its Fifteenth Session, “Vol. I, pp. 59-60 (UJST. Doc. A/4684).
10 “Future Work in the Field of the Codification and Progressive Development of International Law,” Report of the Sixth Committee, p. 10.
11 This problem was taken up, among others, by Beiff in “A Form Book for Standard Treaty Clauses,” 40 A.J.I.L. 640 (1946).
12 Loc. the Report of the Sixth Committee.
13 G. I. Tunkin, “Co-existence and International Law,” 95 Hague Academy Recueil des Cours 74-75 (1958, III ).
14 P. Bastid, “Les principes juridiques et moraux de la coexistence,” Bulletin Interparlementaire, 1955, No. 1, p. 4; see also G. Lyon-Caen, “Le droit international et la coexistence pacifique des Etats relevant des systèmes politiques opposés,” 79 Journal du Droit International 48 (1952).
15 See Reports of the 47th, 48th, and 49th Conferences of the International Law Association. At the 44th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in 1955 H. Eolin stated: “Le droit international a, en effet, essentiellement, pour mission de definir les règles du maintien de la paix. C'est à dire qu'il est intimement lié à ce problème de la coexistence pacifique…. “ Compte-Eendu de la XLIVe Conference de l'Union Interparlementaire, Genève, 1956, p. 719.