Previous studies of ceramic crystalline waste forms, e.g. Synroc, tailored ceramics, and supercalcine, have concentrated on phases which are major constituents in the formulations: zirconolite, pyrochlore, hollandite, perovskite and zircon. These phases usually occur as members of multi-phase assemblages which are required for the incorporation of the wide variety of radionuclide elements present in the waste and the non-radioactive components added during reprocessing and pretreatment. The crichtonite structure (AM21O38 and A2M19O36), based on crystallo-chemical considerations and natural compositional analogues, may effectively incorporate both fission products and actinides. The naturally occurring crichtonite structure types include Sr (crichtonite), Ca and REE (loveringite), Na (landauite), REE and U (davidite), K (mathiasite), Ba (lindsleyite), and Pb (senaite), which are classified based on the dominant, large cations occupying the A-site. The crystal structure contains three types of sites of distinct size, from very large, M0, intermediate (M1, M3, M4, and M5), to small (M2). Numerous coupled substitutions within these cation sites allow for charge balance. Synthesis experiments were completed on the Ba-, Sr-, Ca-, and K-member compositions at 3 GPa and 1,150 °C. Low pressure synthesis should be possible, as natural minerals mostly occur in low-P systems. Reaction products were characterized by powder x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. In addition to the crichtonite phases, rutile, spinel, perovskite and armalcolite were identified as well. The Crichtonite structure type is estimated to accommodate waste loading of up to 30 wt. % PW-4B waste.