Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Schlegel, E.S.
A bibliography of metal-insulator-semiconductor studies.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Vol. 14,
Issue. 11,
Serra, E.
Bawaj, M.
Borrielli, A.
Di Giuseppe, G.
Forte, S.
Kralj, N.
Malossi, N.
Marconi, L.
Marin, F.
Marino, F.
Morana, B.
Natali, R.
Pandraud, G.
Pontin, A.
Prodi, G. A.
Rossi, M.
Sarro, P. M.
Vitali, D.
Bonaldi, M.
Microfabrication of large-area circular high-stress silicon nitride membranes for optomechanical applications.
AIP Advances,
Vol. 6,
Issue. 6,
Fletcher, Mark
Tait, Simon
Steinlechner, Jessica
Martin, Iain W.
Bell, Angus S.
Hough, James
Rowan, Sheila
Schnabel, Roman
Effect of Stress and Temperature on the Optical Properties of Silicon Nitride Membranes at 1,550 nm.
Frontiers in Materials,
Vol. 5,
Issue. ,
Serra, Enrico
Morana, Bruno
Borrielli, Antonio
Marin, Francesco
Pandraud, Gregory
Pontin, Antonio
Prodi, Giovanni Andrea
Sarro, Pasqualina M.
Bonaldi, Michele
Silicon Nitride MOMS Oscillator for Room Temperature Quantum Optomechanics.
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Vol. 27,
Issue. 6,
Steinlechner, J.
Development of mirror coatings for gravitational-wave detectors.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
Vol. 376,
Issue. 2120,
Granata, M.
Amato, A.
Cagnoli, G.
Coulon, M.
Degallaix, J.
Forest, D.
Mereni, L.
Michel, C.
Pinard, L.
Sassolas, B.
Teillon, J.
Progress in the measurement and reduction of thermal noise in optical coatings for gravitational-wave detectors.
Molina-Ruiz, M.
Jacks, H. C.
Queen, D. R.
Metcalf, T. H.
Liu, X.
Hellman, F.
Decoupling between propagating acoustic waves and two-level systems in hydrogenated amorphous silicon.
Physical Review B,
Vol. 104,
Issue. 2,
Pierro, V.
Fiumara, V.
Chiadini, F.
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Neilson, J.
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Bobba, F.
Principe, M.
Pinto, I. M.
Ternary quarter wavelength coatings for gravitational wave detector mirrors: Design optimization via exhaustive search.
Physical Review Research,
Vol. 3,
Issue. 2,
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Amato, A
Arends, J
Arina, C
de Baar, M
Baars, M
Baer, P
van Bakel, N
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Bertolini, A
van Beuzekom, M
Biersteker, S
Binetti, A
ter Brake, H J M
Bruno, G
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Busch, L
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Collette, C
Cooper, S
Cornelissen, R
Cuijpers, P
van Dael, M
Danilishin, S
Diksha, D
van Doesburg, S
Doets, M
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van Erps, J
Freise, A
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Grohmann, S
Van Haevermaet, H
Heijnen, S
van Heijningen, J V
Hennes, E
Hennig, J-S
Hennig, M
Hertog, T
Hild, S
Hoffmann, H-D
Hoft, G
Hopman, M
Hoyland, D
Iandolo, G A
Ietswaard, C
Jamshidi, R
Jansweijer, P
Jones, A
Jones, P
Knust, N
Koekoek, G
Koroveshi, X
Kortekaas, T
Koushik, A N
Kraan, M
van de Kraats, M
Kranzhoff, S L
Kuijer, P
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Lam, K
Letendre, N
Li, P
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Locquet, J-P
Loosen, P
Lueck, H
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Meylahn, F
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Mundet, J
Munneke, B
van Nieuwland, L
Pacaud, E
Pascucci, D
Petit, S
Van Ranst, Z
Raskin, G
Recaman, P M
van Remortel, N
Rolland, L
de Roo, L
Roose, E
Rosier, J C
Ryckbosch, D
Schouteden, K
Sevrin, A
Sider, A
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Stahl, A
Steinlechner, J
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Szilasi, N
Tacca, M
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Vermeer, C H
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Walet, R
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Willke, B
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Zhang, T
ETpathfinder: a cryogenic testbed for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors.
Classical and Quantum Gravity,
Vol. 39,
Issue. 21,
Takeuchi, Masaya
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Pressure resistance evaluation of an ultrathin SiNx membrane etched by a gas cluster ion beam.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,
Vol. 550,
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