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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2011
This article presents a decades-long conflict in the upper echelons of postwar French academic philosophy between the self-identifying “Cartesian” Ferdinand Alquié, professor at the Sorbonne, and the “Spinozist” Martial Gueroult of the Collège de France. Tracking the development of this rivalry serves to illuminate the historical drama that occurred in France as phenomenology was integrated into the Cartesian tradition and resisted by a commitment to rationalism grounded in a specifically French understanding of Spinozism. Over the course of Alquié and Gueroult's polemic, however, we nevertheless witness a shared concern to preserve philosophy from the reductive tendencies of historicism and its possible assimilation to theology. What is more, the ultimate impasse of this conflict continues to inform the most innovative projects in French thought in the wake of structuralism and the “theological turn” of French phenomenology.
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1 Foucault, M., “Life: Experience and Science,” in idem, Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, ed. Faubion, J. D., trans. Hurley, R. (New York, 1998), 465–78Google Scholar.
2 Ibid., 466.
3 This acknowledgment is the main substantive difference between this essay, finalized in 1984, and its original version, first published in 1978. Cf. Foucault, M., “Introduction,” in Canguilhem, Georges, The Normal and the Pathological, trans. Fawcett, C. R. in collaboration with R. S. Cohen (New York, 1989), 7–24Google Scholar.
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5 Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F., What Is Philosophy?, trans. Tomlinson, H. and Burchell, G. (New York, 1994)Google Scholar.
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8 Janicaud, D., La phénoménologie dans tous ses états (Paris, 2009)Google Scholar.
9 Marion, J.-L., Reduction and Givenness: Investigations of Husserl, Heidegger, and Phenomenology, trans. Carlson, T. A. (Evanston, IL, 1998), 1Google Scholar.
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11 Ibid., 3. “Pathetic” should be understood in the generic sense of pathos, or feeling.
12 Badiou, A., Infinite Thought: Truth and the Return of Philosophy, trans. Clemens, J. and Feltham, O. (London, 2005), 125Google Scholar, translation modified; idem, Conditions (Paris, 1992), 80.
13 Badiou, Conditions, 57–78.
14 Alquié, F., Leçons sur Spinoza (Paris, 2003), 207Google Scholar.
15 Guitton, J., Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Ferdinand Alquié (Paris, 1989)Google Scholar; Alquié, F., Cahiers de jeunesse, ed. Plouvier, P. (Lausanne, 2003)Google Scholar.
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17 Marion, J.-L., Sur l'ontologie grise de Descartes (Paris, 1975)Google Scholar; idem, Sur la théologie blanche de Descartes (Paris, 1981); idem, Sur le prisme métaphysique de Descartes (Paris, 1986).
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19 Gueroult, M., La philosophie transcendantale de Salomon Maïmon (Paris, 1929)Google Scholar; idem, L'évolution et la structure de la doctrine de la science chez Fichte (Paris, 1930).
20 Dosse, F., History of Structuralism: The Rising Sign, 1945–1966, trans. Glassman, D. (Minneapolis, 1997), 78–84Google Scholar.
21 See their contributions to Hommage à Martial Gueroult: L'histoire de la philosophie, ses problèmes, ses méthodes (Paris, 1964), 43–58, 139–54. For more biographical data on Gueroult, see J. Stoetzel, Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Gueroult (1891–1976) (Paris, 1976). On Gueroult and Cavaillès, see G.-G. Granger, “Jean Cavaillès et l'histoire,” Revue d'histoire des sciences 49/4 (1996), 572. The point of departure for any engagement with Gueroult's voluminous output is Giolito, C., Histoires de la philosophie avec Martial Gueroult (Paris, 1999)Google Scholar.
22 This journal is available in full, with a comprehensive annotative apparatus, at Concept and Form: The Cahiers pour l'Analyse and Contemporary French Thought, hosted at Note as well Althusser's comment on Gueroult's popularity among his students in The Future Lasts Forever, trans. R. Veasey (New York, 1993), 182.
23 Gueroult, M., “Nature humaine et état de nature chez Rousseau, Kant, et Fichte,” Cahiers pour l'Analyse 6 (1967)Google Scholar. See the avertissement, “Politique de la lecture,” and “La pensée du prince (Descartes et Machiavel),” both authored by F. Regnault, in this same volume.
24 “Interview with Alain Grosrichard,” available at
25 Badiou, A., Theory of the Subject, trans. Bosteels, B. (London, 2009)Google Scholar.
26 Deleuze, G., Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza, trans. Joughin, Martin (New York, 1992)Google Scholar.
27 Gueroult, M., Spinoza 1: Dieu (Paris, 1968)Google Scholar.
28 Deleuze, G., “Spinoza et la méthode générale de M. Gueroult,” in idem, L'île déserte: Textes et entretiens 1953–1974, ed. Lapoujade, D. (Paris, 2002), 202–16Google Scholar.
29 G. Deleuze, “La Méthode de dramatization”, in ibid., 149.
30 M. Gueroult, Leçon inaugurale, faite le 4 décembre 1951, Collège de France, chaire d'histoire et de technologie des systèmes philosophiques (Nogent-le-rotrou, 1952), 34.
31 Ibid., 33.
32 Ibid., 22–3.
33 Ibid., 16–17.
34 Gueroult, M., Dianoématique, Livre I: Histoire de l'histoire de la philosophie, 3 vols. (Paris, 1984–8)Google Scholar; idem, Dianoématique, Livre II: Philosophie de l'histoire de la philosophie (Paris, 1979).
35 Gueroult, Dianoématique, Livre II, 224.
36 Ibid., 178.
37 Ibid., 59, 68; Gueroult, Leçon inaugurale, 18–29.
38 Gueroult, Leçon inaugurale, 30–2.
39 Alquié, F., La découverte métaphysique de l'homme chez Descartes (Paris, 1950), V–VIIGoogle Scholar.
40 Cited in Giolito, Histoires de la philosophie, 112 n. 22.
41 Gueroult, M., Descartes selon l'ordre des raisons, 2nd edn (Paris, 1968), 19 n. 12Google Scholar.
42 Alquié, F., “Notes sur l'interprétation de Descartes par l'ordre des raisons,” in idem, Études cartésiennes (Paris, 1982), 15–30Google Scholar.
43 Giolito, Histoires de la philosophie, 117.
44 Alquié, F., Qu'est-ce que comprendre un philosophe? (Paris, 2005; first published 1956), 76Google Scholar.
45 Ibid., 89–90.
46 Ibid., 26.
47 Ibid., 87.
48 Ibid., 87–8.
49 Ibid., 50.
50 Ibid., 52. See also Alquié, F., Signification de la philosophie (Paris, 1971), 241–3Google Scholar.
51 Alquié, Qu'est-ce que comprendre un philosophe?, 52–3.
52 Alquié, F., La nostalgie de l'être (Paris, 1950)Google Scholar, avant-propos.
53 Ibid., 3.
54 Ibid., 12–13.
55 Cf. Alquié, F., Leçons sur Kant: La morale de Kant (Paris, 2005)Google Scholar; idem, La solitude de la raison (Paris, 1966).
56 Alquié, Nostalgie, 13.
57 Ibid., 9.
58 Janicaud, D., Heidegger en France 2: Entretiens (Paris, 2005), 92Google Scholar. Alquié's charge was presumably facetious.
59 Alquié, Signification, 247. Emphasis added.
60 Alquié, Nostalgie, 148. Emphasis added.
61 Gueroult, Leçon inaugurale, 22.
62 Cf. Alquié, F., L'expérience (Paris, 1957)Google Scholar.
63 Cahiers de Royaumont, no. 2: Descartes (Paris, 1957), 15.
64 Ibid., 13, 31.
65 See the “Discussion” in ibid., 32–71.
66 Ibid., 32.
67 Ibid., 39.
68 Ibid., 42.
69 Ibid., 49.
70 Ibid., 56.
71 Goldschmidt, V., “A propos du ‘Descartes selon l'ordre des raisons’”, Revue Métaphysique et de morale 1 (1957), 67Google Scholar.
72 Spinoza, Ethics, Book II, Axiom 2.
73 Deleuze, “Gueroult,” 216; Giolito, Histoires de la philosophie, 76–82. Cf. Parrochia, D., La raison systématique (Paris, 1993), 27–9Google Scholar.
74 Perelman, C., ed., Philosophie et méthode: Actes du colloque de Bruxelles (Brussels, 1974)Google Scholar.
75 F. Alquié, “Intention et Déterminations dans la genèse de l'oeuvre philosophique,” in ibid., 28–42. Cf. Alquié, F., Le cartésianisme de Malebranche (Paris, 1974)Google Scholar.
76 M. Gueroult, “La méthode en histoire de la philosophie,” in Perelman, Philosophie et méthode, 17–27. Cf. Gueroult's exchange with Gianni Vattimo in Cahiers de Royaumont No. 6: Nietzsche (Paris, 1967), 121.
77 Perelman, Philosophie et méthode, 27.
78 Ibid., 53.
79 Ibid., 55.
80 Ibid., 53.
81 Ibid.
82 Ibid., 52.
83 Ibid., 54.
84 Ibid., 54.
85 Gueroult, M., Spinoza II: L'âme (Paris, 1974)Google Scholar.
86 Balibar, E., Spinoza and Politics, trans. Snowdon, P. (London, 1998)Google Scholar; Macherey, P., Hegel ou Spinoza (Paris, 1980)Google Scholar. Cf. Matheron, A., Individu et communauté chez Spinoza (Paris, 1969)Google Scholar.
87 Gueroult, Spinoza 1, 457.
88 Ibid., 170.
89 Ibid., 413–24.
90 Spinoza, Ethics, Book I, Definition 4. The evident discrepancy that results from Spinoza's speculative affirmation of an infinity of attributes and the fact that only two appear relevant to human experience will be central to Alquié's critique. See the discussion below. For Spinoza's own most concise justification for why Thought and Extension are the only two attributes “the human mind can attain knowledge of,” see Letter 64, to G. H. Schuller, in Spinoza, B., The Letters, trans. Shirley, S. (Indianapolis, 1995), 298–300Google Scholar.
91 Gueroult, Spinoza I, 238.
92 Ibid., 285. Emphasis added.
93 Dosse, History of Structuralism, 237.
94 Gueroult, Spinoza I, 11.
95 Ibid., 9. Cf. Deleuze, Expressionism, 41–51.
96 Cf. Gueroult, M., “Introduction générale et fragment du premier chapitre du troisième tome du Spinoza,” Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 167 (1977), 285–302Google Scholar.
97 Alquié, Leçons sur Spinoza, 206–10.
98 Alquié, F., Le rationalisme de Spinoza (Paris, 1981), 326Google Scholar.
99 Ibid., 325–6.
100 Ibid., 160–62.
101 Ibid., 160.
102 Ibid., 352.
103 Ibid., 325–6.
104 Ibid., 326.
105 Ibid., 353.
106 Cf. Hallward, P., Out of This World: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Creation (London, 2006)Google Scholar, which pursues a critique of Deleuze along similar lines.
107 Alquié, Rationalisme, back cover (attributed to Alquié).
108 Ibid., 5.
109 Gueroult, Spinoza I, 12. Emphasis added.
110 Roudinesco, E., Philosophy in Turbulent Times, trans. McQuaig, W. (New York, 2008), 31Google Scholar.
111 Foucault, “Life,” 467–70.
112 Badiou, Being and Event, 112–20.
113 Cf. Hallward, Out of This World. Avoiding engagement with Gueroult or Alquié, Hallward's critique nevertheless targets both influences in Deleuze's thought: (1) its tendency to collapse in an incoherent monism, in which all sense of relation is lost (i.e. Alquié's critique of Gueroult's Spinoza); (2) the tendency for Deleuzian philosophy to enact a “counteractualization” that takes thought “out of this world” to a theological, or, to use Hallward's term of art, “theophanic” plane (i.e. Gueroult's critique of Alquié's Descartes).
114 Deleuze, G., Difference and Repetition, trans. Patton, P. (New York, 1994)Google Scholar.
115 Smith, D. W., “Deleuze and Derrida, Immanence and Transcendence: Two Directions in Recent French Thought,” in Patton, P. and Protevi, J., eds., Between Deleuze and Derrida (London, 2003), 51Google Scholar; Guerlac, S., Thinking in Time: An Introduction to Henri Bergson (Ithaca, NY, 2006), 179Google Scholar.
116 Marion, J.-L., God without Being, trans. Carlson, T. A. (Chicago, 1991), xxivGoogle Scholar.
117 Foucault, M., “Critical Theory/Intellectual History,” in Kelly, M., ed., Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate (Cambridge, MA, 1994), 134Google Scholar.
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