Read our 10-point guidance notes for authors here.
Notes for authors submitting papers to Mineralogical Magazine
The Journal changed format in 2019. Please see issue 83(1) for information about the new layout. This information has been updated to reflect those changes.
The Mineralogical Magazine publishes the results of original scientific research in the fields of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, environmental mineralogy and extra-terrestrial materials.
Only papers containing significant new data, novel interpretations, or topical reviews will be published. Papers merely reporting new occurrences of a previously discovered mineral will not normally be considered for publication. The decision of the Principal Editors, either to reject papers at the submission stage, or forward to Editorial Board Members for review, will be final.
All journal articles are published in English.
Membership of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland is not a prerequisite for publication in the Mineralogical Magazine; however, authors are encouraged to become members of the Society.
The Peer Review Process
All manuscripts will be reviewed by up to three reviewers and an editorial board member who can recommend major, moderate, or minor revisions, or rejection. The Principal Editors make the final recommendation as to disposition of all manuscripts. Papers cannot be modified after acceptance for publication.
Conditions of acceptance
Papers or Letters will not be accepted if they have been published elsewhere in whole, in part, or in substantially the same form, in English or any other language.
Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.
The views expressed in any paper are the responsibility of the authors and not those of officers or staff of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland or of Cambridge University Press.
Manuscript types
Manuscripts must be submitted online (at, in single-column text with double line spacing, and continuous line numbering throughout. Peer review will be significantly quicker if these simple guidelines are followed. Tables and figures may be embedded for review but the final paper will not be accepted for publication without separate figure files.
Submissions containing data on new minerals or crystal structures must include a crystallographic information file (.cif), a table of structure factors (either within the .cif or separately) and a ‘checkcif.pdf’ file which will indicate any errors in the .cif. (Details are available at
New minerals with IMA approval should submit their CNMNC approval letter, to be included in the review material.
‘Articles’ are regular papers for which no page limit is imposed. Authors are, however, encouraged to be as concise as possible. Reviewers are asked to reinforce this view.
Review papers*
‘Review papers’ are papers that summarize and critically evaluate work previously published on specific topics.
Invited Review papers*
‘Invited review papers’ are the same as ‘Review papers’ (above) but differ in the sense that they are sought by the Reviews Editor as part of a strategic plan to cover the areas of interests of as many Society members as possible. They are typically published as ‘Free Access’ papers, i.e. not behind the publisher paywall.
Mineralogical Magazine also accepts Book Reviews and Editorials.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.