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Editorial board
Hoskins Photo

Andrew HoskinsUniversity of Glasgow, UK

Professor Andrew Hoskins is Interdisciplinary Professor at the University of Glasgow, UK. He has been researching and writing on the relationship between media, war and memory for over 25 years.

His current research projects include: The End of Anonymity (forthcoming with Polity Press); Breaking the Past (forthcoming with OUP); Is Memory Finished? (with Kristina Cimova); Forgetting Ukraine (with the artist Mark Neville) and Forgetting Hiroshima (with Luli van der Does). 

His books include: Radical War: Data, Attention & Control in the Twenty-First Century (Hurst/OUP 2022, with Matthew Ford); (Ed) Digital Memory Studies: Media Pasts in Transition (Routledge 2017) and (with John Tulloch): Risk and Hyperconnectivity: Media and Memories of Neoliberalism (OUP 2016). He is founding Co-Editor (with John Sutton) of the Palgrave Macmillan flagship book series Memory Studies.

He has given over 250 invited talks and papers (including 40 keynotes) in 30 countries and his work has been translated into six languages. @andrewhoskins

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Amanda J. BarnierMacquarie University, Australia

Professor Amanda Barnier is a cognitive psychologist, Professor of Cognitive Science and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance and Development) at Macquarie University. She began her career at Macquarie University, graduating in 1991 with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) majoring in Psychology. She then completed a PhD in Psychology (1996) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Following postdoctoral work at the University of California, Berkeley, Amanda returned to UNSW as an Australian Research Council (ARC) Postdoctoral Fellow and later as an ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellow. In 2007 she moved to the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science at Macquarie University as an ARC Australian Research Fellow. In 2013 she became an ARC Future Fellow in the Department of Cognitive Science at Macquarie and from 2011-2018 she was a Chief Investigator of Macquarie’s ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders.

Amanda’s research focuses on memory, hypnosis, and memory and hypnosis. In recent research, she has worked with long married couples to explore when and how remembering with a long-term partner helps memory, especially as we age. She is particularly interested in the impact of hearing difficulties on the ability of older adults to remember together in light of recently identified links between hearing loss and risk of dementia. Amanda also maintains a strong interest in hypnosis: how it works and how it can be used to understand every day and clinical distortions of perception, memory, action and belief.

Amanda has won over AUS$4 million in competitive funding for her within and across disciplinary research, has published over 100 journal articles and in 2016 was made a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia in recognition of her scientific accomplishments.

Artist-in-Residence and Associate Editor
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Emma RobertsonUNSW Sydney, Australia

Emma Robertson is an award winning artist, whose work is in seven public collections in four countries. The Hospital Trust for Scotland purchased two works for their permanent collection, which were commissioned by the Scottish Arts Council for the exhibition Wordworks. 

Emma’s work has been competitively selected for the Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing, the JADA, and four International Biennials of Drawing. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Scientia Education Fellow / Associate Professor at UNSW, and a previous Artist in Residence at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Her artwork focusses on using drawn images of endangered plant species to enhance engagement with ecology and the environment, through a meditative reflection on beauty, loss and memory.

Associate Editors
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Anthony DowneyVisual Culture in the Middle East and North Africa, Birmingham City University, UK

Anthony Downey is Professor of Visual Culture in the Middle East and North Africa at Birmingham City University. He sits on the editorial boards of Third TextJournal of Digital War, and is the series editor for Research/Practice (Sternberg Press, 2019–ongoing). Recent publications include Heba Y. Amin: The General’s Stork(2020); Michael Rakowitz: I’m Good at Love, I’m Good at Hate, It’s in between I Freeze (2019); and Future Imperfect: Contemporary Art Practices and Cultural Institutions in the Middle East (2016). In his capacity as the Cultural and Commissioning Lead, he is a co-investigator on a four-year Arts Humanities Research Council project that focuses on education, visual culture, and digital methodologies in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan (2020–24). Downey is also currently researching his forthcoming volume Unbearable States: Digital Media and Cultural Activism in a Post-Digital Age (2022).

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Martin PogačarResearch Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Martin Pogačar is a research associate at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies. His research focuses on the connections between media, technology and memory, and he is also interested in Yugoslav popular culture and socialist industrial heritage.

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Christian SchwarzeneggerMedia Change Lab, University of Bremen, Germany

Christian Schwarzenegger is professor of communication and media studies and chair of the Media Change Lab in the Centre for Media, Communication & Information Research at the University of Bremen, Germany. His research interests include the (non-)use of digital media, alternative media ecologies and media memory studies.  He is interested in how the possibilities and affordances of digital media environments provide and mold new spaces for memory work and sites of remembrance and the entanglements between digital media cultures and memory cultures. In his recent work, he focuses on the weaponization of memory and history for political ends and an instrumental (ab)use of the past for populist communication. His latest books include the co-edited volumes "Digital Roots. Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age" and "Media and the Dissemination of Fear. Pandemics, wars and political intimidation" published in 2021, and a co-edited German language open access Handbook of Media Memory Studies.

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Luli van der DoesThe Center for Peace, Hiroshima University, Japan

Dr. Luli van der Does is an Associate Professor at the Center for Peace, Hiroshima University. Luli is a member of the ICOM-ICMEMO and of the steering committee of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Her work, which builds on her research conducted at the Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Cambridge Universities, explores the nexus of the mind and society by looking closely at transient linguistic, visual, and/or sensory representations of memory. By doing so, she seeks to understand the role that these representations play in the formation of both individual and collective cultural consciousness. Luli specializes in a cross-disciplinary methodology that uses quantitative cum qualitative text analytics to investigate how cultural memories associated with conflicts, disasters, and other traumatic experiences are represented by the media, educational systems, tourism, and heritage projects. Her current research investigates how the legitimization processes of memory-based social identities impact both localized and transboundary peace initiatives.

International Editorial Board
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Paloma AguilarPolitical Science, UNED, Madrid, Spain

Paloma Aguilar is Professor of Political Science (UNED, Madrid). She was Tinker Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Visiting Professor at Princeton University. She is the author of Memory and Amnesia: The Role of the Spanish Civil War in the Transition to Democracy (2001), coeditor of The Politics of Memory. Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies (2001), author of Políticas de la Memoria y Memorias de la Política (2008) and coauthor of Revealing New Truths About Spain's Violent Past: Perpetrators’ Confessions and Victim Exhumations (2016). Her more recent contributions have been published in the following journals: Memory Studies, International Political Science Review, South European Society & Politics, Democratization, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, International Journal of Transitional Justice, Comparative Political Studies, and Politics & Society.

 In the last years, she has been pursuing two different lines of research. On the one hand, she is analysing the determinants of the exhumations and homages of the Republicans’ -victims of Francoism during the Civil War- that took place during the Spanish transition to democracy. And, on the other hand, she is collecting data at the municipal level to account for both, the anticlerical violence that took place under the Spanish Civil War, and the long-lasting socio-political effects of this violence in Spanish democracy.

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Tim BarkerDigital Media, University of Glasgow, UK

Tim Barker is Professor of Media Technology and Aesthetics at the University of Glasgow. His research is broadly concerned with philosophies of time and media technology in the contemporary world. His first book Time and the Digital was a critical inquiry into the temporalities, histories and memories associated with digital media. His second book Against Transmission explored the organisation of time throughout the history of audio-visual media. He remains deeply interested in media philosophy, media archaeology, digital media studies and process philosophy.  

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Nutsa BatiashviliAnthropology, Free University Tbilisi, Georgia

Nutsa Batiashvili is a professor of Anthropology and the Dean of the Graduate School at the Free University of Tbilisi. She holds PhD in Anthropology from Washington University in St Louis, USA and MA and BA in Psychology from Tbilisi State University. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford. Nutsa’s research is situated at the intersection of cultural anthropology, memory studies, nationalism studies and the interdisciplinary field of cognitive sciences, with a particular interest in political cognition and theoretical stances bridging semiosis and embodiment. Her book The Bivocal Nation: Memory and Identity on the Edge of Empire (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) is about a divided nation and polarized notions of nationhood. Her current research projects include “Anthropology of Anxiety” (funded by Wenner-Gren Foundation) and “Political and Cognitive Ecology of Heritage Objects in Upper Svaneti” (funded by Templeton Foundation).

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Katherine BiberLaw, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Katherine Biber is a legal scholar, historian and criminologist and a Professor of Law at the University of Technology Sydney. She is interested in how memory functions in – and after – the legal process, and particularly in the life and afterlife of evidence. She is co-Editor of the journal Crime, Media, Culture. Her most recent books is In Crime’s Archive: The Cultural Afterlife of Evidence (Routledge, 2019).

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Geoffrey C. BowkerInformatics, University of California, Irvine, USA

Geoffrey C. Bowker is Emeritus Donald Bren Chair at the School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California at Irvine.  Recent positions include Professor of and Senior Scholar in Cyberscholarship at the University of Pittsburgh iSchool and Executive Director, Center for Science, Technology and Society, Santa Clara.  Together with Leigh Star he wrote Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences; his most recent books are Memory Practices in the Sciences and (with Stefan Timmermans, Adele Clarke and Ellen Balka) the edited collection: Boundary Objects and Beyond: Working with Leigh Star.  He is currently working on time and computing under the rubric ‘life at the femtosecond’.

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Jens BrockmeierCultural and Cognitive Psychology, The American University of Paris, France

Jens Brockmeier is a professor of psychology at The American University of Paris. He received his degrees in psychology, philosophy, and linguistics/literary theory from the Free University Berlin where he took on his first appointment as assistant professor of epistemology and philosophy of science. Since then, he has held teaching and research appointments at the University of Toronto, The New School New York, and Linacre College Oxford, among others, before he joined the American University of Paris in January 2014.

His research is concerned with the cultural fabric of mind and language, with a focus on narrative. His main interest here is in the function of narrative for autobiographical memory, personal identity, and the understanding of time and temporality, issues he has explored both empirically and philosophically -- empirically, in various languages and sociocultural contexts, as developmental phenomena, and under conditions of health and illness; philosophically, in terms of a narrative hermeneutics.

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Steve BrownHealth and Organisational Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Steve Brown is Professor of Health and Organizational Psychology at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK. His research interests are around social remembering within survivor and marginalised communities, engagement with inpatient and community based mental health services and psychological wellbeing in the workplace. He is one of the editors of Memory Studies and a Director and board member of the Design in Mental Health Network, a charity promoting recovery led approaches to design in mental health services.

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Wendy Hui Kyong ChunNew Media, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Wendy Hui Kyong Chun is Simon Fraser University’s Canada 150 Research Chair in New Media and leads the Digital Democracies Institute. She is the author of several works including Discriminating Data (forthcoming from MIT 2021) + 3 other books from MIT: Updating to Remain the Same: Habitual New Media, Programmed Visions: Software and Memory, and Control and Freedom: Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics. She has been Professor and Chair of the Department of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University, where she worked for almost two decades. She has held numerous visiting chairs and fellowships, from institutions such as Harvard, the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), the Guggenheim, ACLS, and American Academy of Berlin. She is also PI on several grants including one from the UK-Canada AI Initiative.

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Alin ComanPsychology, Socio-Cognitive Processes Lab, Princeton, USA

Alin Coman is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs in the Department of Psychology at Princeton University. A native of Romania, he graduated with a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from New School for Social Research, The New School, in 2010. Much of the work that his research group does focuses on the cognitive and social processes by which individuals influence one another's memories, beliefs, and emotions, and thus giving rise to large-scale social outcomes in social networks.

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Stef CrapsEnglish Literature, Ghent University, Belgium

Stef Craps is a professor of English literature at Ghent University in Belgium, where he directs the Cultural Memory Studies Initiative, a research group that brings together scholars from across the humanities who work on issues of memory and trauma as mediated through culture. He is also the founding coordinator of the Mnemonics network, an international collaborative initiative for graduate education in memory studies. His research and teaching interests lie in twentieth-century and contemporary literature and culture, memory and trauma studies, postcolonial theory, and ecocriticism and environmental humanities.

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Maria EconomouDigital Cultural Heritage, University of Glasgow, UK

Maria Economou is Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage, a joint post at the University of Glasgow shared between Information Studies, School of Humanities and the Hunterian Museum, where she works on digital initiatives. Her research focuses on the use of all forms of digital technology and new media in the field of cultural heritage and museums. A particular expertise is visitor studies and evaluation research with different groups of users (ranging from schoolchildren using museum mobile apps to visitors to real or virtual exhibitions or users of online catalogues). She is also interested in the effect of ICT on museum staff and the working practices of cultural organisations. Another of her research interests is the documentation and management of cultural collections, the organisation of cultural information, and digitisation practices. She is currently Co-Investigator in the EU MCSA POEM Innovative Training Network on Participatory Memory Practices (2018-22). She is a founding co-director of the Glasgow Digital Cultural Heritage Network, one of the University of Glasgow Arts Labs. She has been elected Vice President of the Executive Committee of UNIVERSEUM, the European Academic Heritage Network  since 2017. She is a member of the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH) Discipline+ Catalyst on Cultural/Museum Studies designing and delivering training for doctoral researchers in the Arts and Humanities across Scottish Higher Education Institutions. Professor Economou is a member of the editorial board of several international peer reviewed journals, such as the  ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) and Museum Worlds.

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Astrid ErllAnglophone Literatures and Cultures, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany

Astrid Erll is Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Goethe-University Frankfurt. She has worked on German, British, South Asian, American, and South African literatures and media cultures. Her research interests include literary history (focus on 19th-21st centuries), media history (focus on film and photography), English and comparative literature, cultural theory, media theory, narratology, transcultural studies and – last not least – memory studies.

Astrid Erll is general editor of the book series Media and Cultural Memory (with A. Nünning, De Gruyter, since 2004) and co-editor of A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies (with A. Nünning, 2010) and Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory (with A. Rigney, 2009). More recently, she published with Ann Rigney Audiovisual Memory and the (Re)Making of Europe(Image & Narrative, 2017) and Cultural Memory after the Transnational Turn (Memory Studies, 2018). She is author of Memory in Culture (Palgrave 2011), an introduction to memory studies which was originally published in German as Kollektives Gedächtnis und Erinnerungskulturen (2005, 3rd ed. 2017) and has also been translated into Chinese, Spanish, and Polish.

In 2011, Astrid Erll founded the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, a vibrant forum for memory studies across the disciplines, connecting researchers both in Frankfurt and internationally.

In 2016, she received a research grant from the VolkswagenStiftung for an „Opus Magnum“ on the reception of Homer as cultural memory (“Odyssean Travels: A Literary History of Cultural Memory“). 

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Leighton EvansMedia Theory, Swansea University, UK

Leighton Evans is Associate Professor in Media Theory at Swansea University, director of the Centre of Digital Arts and Humanities (CODAH) and is the subject co-lead for Media and Communications. Leighton was previously Senior Lecturer in Digital Media Cultures at the University of Brighton and a postdoctoral research fellow on the ERC-funded Programmable City project at Maynooth University, Ireland. Leighton received his PhD from Swansea University in 2013.

In 2023, Leighton was the recipient of the Dillwyn Medal in Social Sciences, Business and Education from the Learned Society of Wales in recognition of his research. In the same year, Leighton was the recipient of a Swansea University Academy of Teaching and Learning (SALT) Excellence in Teaching Award, nominated by his students.

Leighton is the author of Locative Social Media: Place in the Digital Age (2015), The Re-Emergence of Virtual Reality (2018) and the forthcoming Media Studies: Industries, Texts and Audiences (2025). Leighton is the co-author of Location-Based Social Media: Space, Time and Identity (2017), Intergenerational Locative Play: Augmenting Family (2021) and From Microverse to Metaverse: Modelling the Future Through Today’s Virtual Worlds (2022). 

Leighton’s research background is in the Philosophy of Technology and new media, and he has published work on social media, location-based social networking, phenomenology, webnography, management systems, smart logistics and smart cities. Leighton’s primary research interests lie in the transformation of natural phenomena into data through digital technologies, and how this transformation leads to a normalisation of the digital in everyday life. His work draws on philosophical theory from the Continental school, in particular the works of Martin Heidegger, Peter Sloterdijk, Herbert Marcuse and Bernard Stiegler to work through the emergent issues of the co-presence of digital technology in everyday life.

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Tim FawnsMonash Education Academy, Monash University, Australia

Tim’s PhD thesis was in autobiographical memory and digital photography, looking at how complex and diverse media practices shape the ways in which we remember, individually and collectively. Since then, Tim has continued to examine the relationship between technology, thinking and learning, and the contexts in which these things are situated. He also specialises in research into online teaching and learning, supported by his role in clinical education and his previous professional background as a learning technologist.

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Robyn FivushDevelopmental and Cognitive Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, USA

Robyn Fivush is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute for the Liberal Arts at Emory University, where she has been on the faculty since 1984.  She received her PhD from the Graduate Center of The City University of New York in 1983 and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California at San Diego from 1983 to 1984.  She is a Fellow of both APA and APS.  Her research focuses on the social construction of autobiographical memory and the relations among memory, narrative, identity, trauma, and coping. She has published over 150 books, book chapters, and articles, including her most recent book, Family Narratives and the Development of an Autobiographical Self.

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Joanne Garde-HansenMedia & Communication, University of Leeds, UK

Joanne Garde-Hansen is Head of School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds, UK. Her research and teaching focus upon two strands: media, memory, gender, protest cultures, archives and heritage; and mediating water (flood, drought, scarcity and community resilience). She has published on media and memory, television histories, memory and technology, flood memories, water stories and media in a range of books and journal articles. Joanne is currently working with colleagues in Brazil, as well as Kings College London, Leeds and University of the West of England on media and memory research.

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Sarah GensburgerFrench National Center for Scientific Research, France

Sarah Gensburger is full professor in social sciences at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Trained in sociology, political science and history, she has been working at the intersection of memory studies, public policy analysis and micro-history and some of her most recent work has studied memory in a time of crisis, from the Holocaust to the Covid Pandemic passing by facing terrorism in your everyday life. She has developed new research projects crossing social sciences, biology, neurosciences and psychology, taking an active part in the creation of the first dedicated interdisciplinary network in France. She has also been exploring new ways to practice and write memory studies, by using blogs, podcasts and collaborative projects such as the "Windows in Lockdown" one which, since April 2020, aims at collecting and curating words of lockdown worldwide. In 2021, she was elected President of the Memory Studies Association. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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Sebastian GießmannHistory and Theory of Media, University of Siegen, Germany

Dr. Sebastian Gießmann is Reader in Media Studies at the University of Siegen, Germany. He is principal investigator of the “Digital Network Technologies Between Specialization and Generalization” research project at Siegen University's collaborative research center Media of Cooperation. Gießmann's research focuses on Media Theory, Histories of Computing and Networking, and intersections between media history, cultural techniques, and economics. Forthcoming publications: “The Connectedness of Things: Network Cultures Since 1832” (MIT Press, 2022), “Materiality of Cooperation” (Springer, 2022) and “Becoming Digital” (MIT Press, co-edited with Tom Haigh). Homepage: Twitter: @sebgiessmann.

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Carol GluckHistory, Columbia University, New York, USA

Carol Gluck is the George Sansom Professor of History at Columbia University, specializing in the history of modern Japan, international history, and public memory.  Her books include Japan's Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period; Words in Motion: Toward a Global Lexicon; the forthcoming Past Obsessions: World War II in History and Memory; in Japanese, Rekishi de kangaeru (Thinking with History) and Sensō no kioku (War Memory). Former President of the Association for Asian Studies, she is a founding member and chair of Columbia’s Committee on Global Thought.

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Celia HarrisCognitive Neuroscience, Western Sydney University, Australia

Dr Celia Harris is Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow at The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour, and Development at Western Sydney University.

She is a cognitive scientist who studies human memory, combining laboratory experimental and more ecological approaches to place memory within context. She researches the ways that memory retrieval is scaffolded by external resources, including tools, technology, and other people. Celia works across the lifespan and aims to apply research findings into applied contexts such as aged care. She also examines what memories mean to individuals and groups, and how meanings influence what is remembered and forgotten.

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Richard HeersminkPhilosophy, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands

Richard Heersmink is an assistant professor in philosophy at Tilburg University. His research interests are at the intersection of philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of technology, and applied ethics. The overall aim of his work is to engage with big-picture questions like: Who are we in relation to technology? And what kind of relationship do we want to have to technology going forward in the 21st century? More specifically, he aims to better understand how the informational properties of artifacts enhance and transform memory, cognition, and human identity. He takes an extended and distributed cognition view on the relation between agents and cognitive artifacts, but also draws on empirical research from the cognitive sciences, psychology, and human-computer interaction. He further has an interest in the normative and cultural dimensions of cognitive artifacts.

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William HirstCognitive and Social Psychology, The New School for Social Research, New York, USA

William Hirst is Malcolm B. Smith Chair & Professor of Psychology at The New School for Social Research. His focus is cognitive science and social aspects of cognition and memory.

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Jiang SunXue-heng Institute for Advanced Studies, Nanjing University, China

Sun Jiang is Distinguished Professor of History and Political Science, Nanjing University. Dean of Xue-heng Institute for Advanced Studies, Nanjing University. He received his PH.D from University of Tokyo. Before joining Nanjing University, he taught at Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Japan. His recent research interests are Conceptual History of East Asia and Historical Memory. He has published more than ten individual monographs in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, and edited many series and publications. He is the author of Revisiting China's Modernity: Ethnicity, Religion, and Nation (New York: Peter Lang, 2020).

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Shona IllingworthArtist, London, UK

Shona Illingworth is an artist filmmaker and Professor in Art, Film and Media at the University of Kent whose work combines interdisciplinary research collaborations with socially engaged practice.  Her large scale project Topologies of Air, examines the impact of accelerating military, territorial, psychological, and environmental transformations of airspace and outer space and the implications for human rights. She established the Airspace Tribunal with Nick Grief in 2018 to consider the case for and against a new proposed human right to protect the freedom to live without physical or psychological threat from above. Her work has been exhibited internationally, with shows at The Power Plant, Toronto (2022); Imperial War Museum, London; Museum of Modern Art, Bologna; FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Liverpool; UNSW Galleries, Sydney and the Wellcome Collection, London. She has received commissions from Film and Video Umbrella, Hayward Gallery, London, and Channel 4 Television. Upcoming solo exhibitions include the Bahrain National Museum 2020 and The Power Plant, Toronto, 2021. Shona was shortlisted for the 2016 Jarman Award and is an Imperial War Museum Associate, and sits on the international editorial boards of Memory, Mind and Media (CUP) and Digital War (Palgrave/Springer).

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Wulf KansteinerHistory, Aarhus University, Denmark

Professor Kansteiner’s focus is on the representation and collective memory of World War II and the Holocaust in Germany, particularly mass media representations of the events in television, as well as their impact on postwar historiography and philosophy. Kansteiner is co-editor of the journal Memory Studies and author of In Pursuit of German Memory: History, Television, and Politics after AuschwitzThe Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe and co-editor of Historical Representation and Historical Truth.

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Emily KeightleyMedia and Memory Studies, Loughborough University, UK

Emily Keightley is Professor of Media and Memory Studies in the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture at Loughborough University, UK. Her current research explores memories of decolonisation with the South Asian diaspora in the UK and their role in the production of contemporary diasporic identities and communities. She has published a range of work on memory, vernacular experience, and communication, including a trilogy of monographs (2012, 2015, 2017) which develop and apply the concept of the mnemonic imagination with her long-time collaborator, Professor Mike Pickering. She also has a particular interest in creative and participatory methodologies for memory studies. Emily is an Editor of Media, Culture & Society.

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Amanda LagerkvistInformatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden

Amanda Lagerkvist is Professor of Media and Communication Studies in the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University. She is principal investigator of the Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence: Wallenberg Academy Fellow (2014-2018) she founded the field of existential media studies. She heads the project: “BioMe: Existential Challenges and Ethical Imperatives of Biometric AI in Everyday Lifeworlds” funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (within WASP-HS:, in which her group studies the lived experiences of biometric AI, for example voice and face recognition technologies. She is the initiator of the interdisciplinary research network DIGMEX, and editor of Digital Existence: Ontology, Ethics and Transcendence in Digital Culture (Routledge, 2019) with a foreword by John D. Peters at Yale University. In her a monograph, Existential Media (in review with OUP) she introduces Karl Jaspers’ existential philosophy of limit situations for media theory, in the context of the increasing digitalization of death and automation of the lifeworld. She has recently published “Digital Limit Situations: Anticipatory Media Beyond ‘the New AI Era,’” Journal of Digital Social Research, 2:3, 2020. 

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Rousbeh LegatisNational Center for Historic Memory, Bogotá, Colombia

Rousbeh Legatis is a peace and conflict researcher, former UN correspondent, and international consultant on the role of journalists as actors in conflict transformation processes.

In his practice-oriented work, building on insights derived from critical peace research, he supports processes of peacebuilding, transitional justice and dealing with the past (DwP), and memory work in contexts of political transition.

Rousbeh works with civil society organisations, as well as international and academic organisations, as a consultant, project developer and evaluator, to strengthen these organisations in their conflict transformation endeavours in peace processes, up until now predominantly in Latin America.

He also teaches in public and private universities on concepts of peace, Communication for Peace (C4P), functions of the media in conflict transformation, the interdependence of peacebuilding and DwP, and memory work as an instrument of peace. In the context of research for a PhD in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the University of London, Rousbeh is investigating the role of media and journalists as memory agents in processes of dealing with the past, working comparatively and drawing on instruments of Participatory Action Research (PAR).

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Daniel LevySociology, Stony Brook University, New York, USA

Daniel Levy is Professor of Sociology. As a political sociologist he is interested in issues of globalization, collective memory studies and comparative-historical sociology. He has been exploring the global diffusion of human rights norms and their impact on questions of nation-state legitimacy. He is co-organizer of an interdisciplinary Initiative for the Historical Social Sciences. In 2009 he co-founded the Columbia University Seminar on History, Redress and Reconciliation which he is co-chairing with Elazar Barkan. His interest in memory studies is also reflected in the Memory Studies Bank, which serves as a virtual bibliographic repository for the field of memory studies.

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Stephan LewandowskyCognitive Psychology, University of Bristol, UK

Professor Stephan Lewandowsky is a cognitive scientist at the University of Bristol. He was an Australian Professorial Fellow from 2007 to 2012, and was awarded a Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council in 2011. He held a Revesz Visiting Professorship at the University of Amsterdam in 2012, and received a Wolfson Research Merit Fellowship from the Royal Society upon moving to the UK in 2013. He was appointed a Fellow of the Academy of Social Science (UK) and a Fellow of the Association of Psychological Science in 2017. In 2016, he was appointed a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry for his commitment to science, rational inquiry and public education. In 2019, he received a Humboldt Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

His research examines people’s memory, decision making, and knowledge structures, with a particular emphasis on how people update their memories if information they believe turn out to be false. This has led him to examine the persistence of misinformation and spread of “fake news” in society, including conspiracy theories. He is particularly interested in the variables that determine whether or not people accept scientific evidence, for example surrounding vaccinations or climate science.

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Stephen LindsayCognitive Psychology, University of Victoria, Canada

D. Stephen (Steve) Lindsay is Professor of Psychology at the University of Victoria, Canada.  He is a cognitive psychologist whose research explores the mechanisms underlying subjective experiences related to memory and belief (e.g., eyewitness suggestibility, false memories, false beliefs, the relationship between confidence and accuracy in domains of memory and belief). He was Editor in Chief of Journal of Experimental Psychology: General from 2002-2007 and of Psychological Science from 2015-2019.

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Elizabeth Loftus, Cognitive and Forensic Psychology, University of California, Irvine, USA

Elizabeth Loftus is Distinguished Professor at the University of California – Irvine. She teaches in the area of Psychology and Law. Since receiving her Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University, she has published over 20 books and over 600 scientific articles, many of which focus on the malleability of human memory. Her research has been recognized with seven honorary doctorates and election to the National Academy of Sciences. She has consulted or testified in many legal cases, including those involving the McMartin Preschool, the Bosnian War trials in the Hague, the Oklahoma bombing, Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, Scooter Libby, to name a few.

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Christine LohmeierCommunication, University of Salzburg, Austria

Christine Lohmeier is professor of communication at the University of Salzburg, Austria. Her research interests are situated at the intersections of identity, memory, time, and media in everyday life. Current research projects address digital place making, family memory, practices of disconnection and qualitative approaches to research. Christine serves as a co-coordinator of the DFG-funded Memory and Media research network ( She is also a co -founding member of the Network for Qualitative Methods (

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Catherine LovedayCognitive Neuroscience, University of Westminster, UK

Catherine Loveday is a graduate of the University of Westminster (formerly PCL) She began her career with a PhD in the neuropsychology of memory and ageing, supervised by Alan Parkin (University of Sussex) & Brenda Walter (University of Westminster) and continues to focus on the nature of normal and impaired memory.

Catherine is an active member of the BPS, as Chair of the Psychologist Digest Editorial Advisory Committee and a member of the Research Board. She has a passion for public engagement with science and is regularly invited to give public lectures at festivals, community events and in schools. Catherine is author of "The Secret World of the Brain" and frequently appears as an expert psychologist on BBC Radio 4's All In The Mind, as well as many other radio and television programmes.

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Olivier LuminetPsychology, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Olivier Luminet is research director at the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS), full professor at UCLouvain and associate professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles. He is the past president of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS).

During his career, he accomplished long research/education stays at the Universities of Toulouse (France), Manchester (UK) and Toronto (Canada). One central part of his research activity is dedicated to the interactions between emotion, personality and health. He has published widely on alexithymia since 1999, including a book in French published in 2013 and more than 40 papers in international journals. He is co-editor of Alexithymia: Advances in Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice published by Cambridge University Press (2018).

A second part of his research activity is dedicated to the links between emotion, identity and memories (both at the individual and at the collective levels). He has conducted several studies on cognitive and emotional determinants of flashbulb memories and their impact on collective memory. He is co-editor of Flashbulb memories: New challenges and future perspectives published by Routledge (2017). He was  involved in an interdisciplinary project on « Recognition and resentment : experiences and memories of the Great War in Belgium » and on “The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission”. He is now part of the project “The transmission of memories related to stigmatisation: Official and family memories related to collaboration and colonisation in Belgium”.

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Olga MalinovaPolitical Science, HSE University, Moscow, Russia

Olga Malinova is Professor of the School of Politics and Governance at HSE University, and chief research fellow of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences. The fields of her research interests include Russian political discourse and symbolic politics, with the focus on politics of memory and Russian identity construction. Her recent publications are “The embarrassing centenary: reinterpretation of the 1917 Revolution in the official historical narrative of post-Soviet Russia (1991–2017)” in Nationalities Papers, 2018, 46(2): 272-289, “Russian Identity and the ‘Pivot to the East’”, in Problems of Post-Communism (2019, 66(4): 227-239), and “Framing the Collective Memory of the 1990s as a Legitimation Tool for Putin’s Regime”, in Problems of Post-Communism (2021, DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2020.1752732).

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Sarah MaltbyMedia and Communications, University of Sussex, UK

Sarah Maltby is Professor at Sussex University.

Sarah’s core academic interests centre upon the intersection of contemporary media, memory and identity in (post) war and conflict. Her work has also explored representations of war and peace in journalistic, artistic and military output, and the relationship between military practice and media including the role of (digital) media information in the implementation of security provision.

Her current research 'Salone Pis' (Krio for Sierra Leone Peace) is exploring the role of media in post war peace and reconciliation processes in Sierra Leone.

Sarah is the author of Remembering the Falklands War: Media, Memory and Identity (2016) and Military Media Management: Negotiating the Frontline (2012). She has also co-edited Spaces of War, War of Spaces (2020), Communicating War: Memory, Military and Media (2007) and is Co-Editor of the International Sage Journal Media, War and Conflict. She was the Curator and Organiser of the War and Body Exhibition (2010), held at Blackall Studios, London and was the Director and Producer of the short film ‘Unseen Enemy: War Stories in Public Places’ (2014) published on REFRAME.

Sarah is the Founder and Coordinator of the War and Media Network, an international and multi-disciplinary online resource and networking forum that aims to promote productive dialogue between academics and practitioners interested in the intersection between war and the media.

Before moving to Sussex in 2013, Sarah previously worked at City University as Lecturer in Sociology and Media.

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Ryan McKayCognitive and Neuropsychology, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

I'm interested in how humans form and revise beliefs. Does God exist? Are vaccines safe? Will I live a long life? Are people talking about me behind my back? Our beliefs about these and many other questions seem to be biased in certain ways – and in extreme cases we may adopt bizarre delusional beliefs about reality. My research aims to uncover the psychological, social and evolutionary causes and consequences of these biases. 

I grew up in a small town in Western Australia. I studied undergraduate psychology at UWA in Perth and completed my PhD at Macquarie University in Sydney. I did postdoctoral work in Boston (Tufts University), Belfast (Queen’s University), Zürich (University of Zürich) and Oxford (University of Oxford). Since 2010 I’ve been at Royal Holloway, University of London, where I am Professor of Psychology and PI of the Royal Holloway Morality and Beliefs Lab (MaB-Lab).

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Oren MeyersCommunication, University of Haifa, Israel

Oren Meyers is an Associate Professor at Department of Communication, University of Haifa. His research interests include collective memory, journalistic practices and values, and media security discourse. His studies have explored, among other themes the construction of the Israeli memory of the Holocaust, the role of journalism in the rereading of national pasts, the occupational life histories of active and former journalists, and the critical potential of commemorative journalism.

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Kourken MichaelianPhilosophy, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

My research is mainly in the philosophy of memory. In opposition to the causal theory, according to which remembering an event requires an appropriate causal connection with an earlier experience of the remembered event, I have defended a simulation theory, according to which remembering an event does not require such a causal connection and is, instead, simply a matter of imagining it.

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Wendy MoncurComputer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, UK

I am a Professor in Computing and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, where I lead the Security Group. My key interests lie in understanding the needs of real people across their lives, and informing the design of digital technologies that cater for them. I collaborate across disciplines and am adept at translating between them.  

With my group, I carry out research into lived experience in the Digital Age, with a focus on online identity, reputation, trust and cybersecurity. We traverse disciplinary boundaries, drawing on Human-Computer Interaction, psychology, sociology, digital anthropology and design.

I am a SPRITE (Security, Privacy, Identity, Trust, Engagement) Network Plus Expert Fellow, and a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College. I have over 70 publications in leading journals and conferences.

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Michelle MouldsClinical Psychology, UNSW, Sydney, Australia

Michelle Moulds is a Clinical Psychologist and Professor in the School of Psychology at UNSW Sydney. She was awarded her PhD at UNSW in 2003 and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, before returning to UNSW to take up a lectureship. Her team’s research primarily focuses on the nature and role of repetitive thinking (e.g., rumination) in depression and anxiety disorders, and how repetitive thinking interacts with other cognitive deficits (e.g., autobiographical memory disturbances) to maintain psychological distress. Michelle’s research is driven by a translational approach: she conducts basic science experiments with the goal of translation to empirically supported, evidence-based cognitive behavioural interventions.

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Motti NeigerCommunication, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Motti Neiger is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University. His academic interests include mediated collective memory, news temporalities, journalism during conflicts, and cultural mediation. Neiger published more than 40 articles, including top journals such as "Journal of Communication," "Communication Research," "Media, Culture & Society," and "Journalism." He also published four books, including "Communicating Awe: Media Memory and Holocaust Commemoration" (2014) and the edited volume "On Media Memory: Collective Memory in a New Media Age" (both books were published with Oren Meyers and Eyal Zandberg). Neiger is also Founder of OtheReality, a startup that boosts empathy in various sectors (corporates, medical, education) by taking advantage of VR technology's most compelling feature: the ability to allow the user to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

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Katharina NiemeyerMedia School, University of Québec in Montréal, Canada

Katharina Niemeyer is a media theorist and professor at the Faculty of communication/media school, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada). She is director of the transdisciplinary research center Culture-Art-Society (CELAT-UQAM), co-founder of the International Media and Nostalgia Network, associated member of the Center for communication, information and society (CRICIS) as well as an elected council member of the International Association for Media and History. She has published several books and numerous articles – mainly in French - dealing critically with the entanglements of media, technology and cultural memory as well as nostalgia.

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Christian PentzoldDepartment for Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University, Germany

Christian Pentzold is a Professor of Media and Communication in the Department for Communication and Medias Studies at the University of Leipzig. Before that, he worked in the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen and at Chemnitz University of Technology. At Leipzig, he is one of the co-directors of the Center for Digital Participation. He is broadly interested in the construction and appropriation of digital media and the roles information and communication technologies play in modern society. His work in communication research and media analysis links to insights coming from cultural sociology, linguistics plus science and technology studies. In current projects, he looks at the public understanding of big data, humans interacting with robots, the organization and governance of peer production, mediated participation in rural regions, as well as the interplay of memory data, and media. Beyond that, he is interested in applying theories of practice to the study of media and communication and in linking qualitative approaches with digital methods.

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Debra RamsayFilm, University of Exeter, UK

I am a Lecturer in Film Studies in the Department of English and Film at Exeter (Queen's Building, 251).  My research interests lie in investigating the relationship between war, memory and media.  My work is interdisciplinary by necessity, and draws not only on memory and media studies, but also incorporates aspects of history, sociology and psychology.  In my work I examine how inter-connections between various screen industries, texts and technologies – primarily film, television and digital games - and their audiences shape the memory and understanding of war.

For example, my monograph American Media and the Memory of World War II (2015) tracks representations of World War II in popular American culture across three generations, with a particular focus on how the war is represented in American films, television series and digital games of the last two decades.  The impact of digital media on how war is represented, remembered and understood is a consistent theme throughout my publications, which include an article exploring what the First Person Shooter contributes to the memory and history of World War II.  Current research includes work on digital transformations war memory and the archive as part of the AHRC ‘Technologies of Memory’ Project.  I am also Reviews Editor for the Media, War and Culture Journal.

I teach in areas of film theory and history, with a specific focus on American cinema.

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Anna ReadingCulture and Creative Industries, King’s College London, UK

Anna Reading (known as Amza) PhD is an activist, artist and academic who has worked in Australia, Poland and the UK in the fields of literature, culture and media studies. 

She is the author of Polish Women, Solidarity and Feminism (1992); Communism, Capitalism and the Mass Media with Colin Sparks (1998); The Social Inheritance of the Holocaust: Gender, Culture and Memory (2002) and Gender and Memory in the Globital Age (2016). She is the co-editor of Media in Britain (1999) Save As… Digital Memories (2009); Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles (2015) and A Right to Memory (forthcoming). Her research includes participatory arts-based memory projects connecting communities, museums and theatres with her plays performed internationally. She is Joint Managing Editor of the journal, Media, Culture and Society and has advised Fuel Theatre, the Imperial War Museum, London, Shoah Visual History Foundation, Sydney Jewish Museum, The Holocaust Education Trust, The Independent Theatre Council, BBC World Service, Microsoft Digital Research Centre and the House of Commons, UK. As well as expertise in activist and feminist memory studies, migration and holocaust memories, digital memory and memory rights, her current projects concern memory and neurodiversity and rewilding memory.

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Paula ReaveyPsychology and Mental Health, London South Bank University, UK

Paula Reavey is Professor of Psychology and Mental Health at LSBU, research lead and consultant on projects at the Maudsley and Royal Bethlem hospitals and honorary research consultant at St. Andrew’s. She is also a Director of the Design in Mental Health Network UK.

She has co-edited two volumes, "New Feminist Stories of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Scripts and Dangerous Dialogues" (with Sam Warner, Routledge, 2003) and "Memory Matters: Contexts for Understanding Sexual Abuse Recollections" (with Janice Haaken, Psychology Press, 2009), and a sole edited volume, "Visual Methods in Psychology: Using and Interpreting Images in Qualitative Research" (Routledge, 2011 - now being prepared for a second edition). She has also published two monographs, "Psychology, Mental Health and Distress" (with John Cromby and Dave Harper, Palgrave, 2013 - winner of the British Psychological Society Book Award, 2014 – now being prepared for its second edition) and "Vital Memory and Affect: Living with a Difficult Past" (with Steven D. Brown, Routledge, 2015). She is currently working on an edited volume on Space & Mental Health (with Laura McGrath, for Routledge).

Paula has also published nearly a hundred articles on mental distress, social remembering and child sexual abuse, using a variety of qualitative and visual methodologies. She has designed and taught on courses relating to the psychology of mental health and distress and has developed a Masters in Mental Health and Clinical Psychology, which has a firm focus on the lived experience of individuals coping with, and managing distress.

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Ann RigneyComparative Literature, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Ann Rigney is Professor of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University, and founder of the Utrecht Forum for Memory Studies. She has published widely on theories of cultural memory and on the history of memory practices in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her monographs include Imperfect Histories (Cornell UP, 2001) and The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move (Oxford UP, 2012); co-edited collections include Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building and Centenary Fever (with J. Leerssen; Palgrave 2014) and Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales (with C. De Cesari; De Gruyter, 2014). She currently directs the ERC-funded project Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe ( Homepage:

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Henry L. Roediger IIIHuman Learning and Memory, Washington University in St. Louis, USA

Professor Roediger's research interests center on learning and memory. His current programs of research include: 1. applying principles of cognitive psychology to improve educational practice; 2. how retrieval practice improves retention; 3. the study of memory illusions and false memories (or why people sometimes remember events differently from the way they happened or even remember events that never happened at all); 4. Mnemonic techniques and people with exceptional memory abilities; and 5. collective memory or how people remember events for the groups with which they identify (e.g., Americans remembering 9/11).

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Kate RossmanithCultural Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Kate Rossmanith is an author, essayist and academic. She researches the role of emotion, enactment and narrative in legal contexts. Kate is the author of Small Wrongs: How we really say sorry in love, life and law (2018), a work of hybrid nonfiction that explores remorse in the criminal justice system and remorse in our everyday personal lives. Small Wrongs has been nominated for literary awards in Australia and the UK. In 2018 her short documentary Unnatural Deaths was featured in the Guardian Australia’s “Present Traces” series. She is co-editor of Remorse and Criminal Justice: Multidisciplinary perspectives (Routledge, 2021). Kate is an Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University, Sydney. 

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Michael RothbergEnglish and Comparative Literature/Holocaust Studies, UCLA, USA

Michael Rothberg the 1939 Society Samuel Goetz Chair in Holocaust Studies and Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Los Angeles. From 2001-2016 he taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he chaired the Department of English (2013-2016) and directed the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory (2003-2009) and the Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies (2009-2016). His work has been published in such journals as American Literary History, Critical Inquiry, Cultural Critique, History and Memory, New German Critique, and PMLA, and has been translated into French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. His latest book is The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators, published by Stanford University Press in their “Cultural Memory in the Present” series. He is also the author of Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization (2009) and Traumatic Realism: The Demands of Holocaust Representation (2000). He has co-edited The Holocaust: Theoretical Readings (2003; with Neil Levi) as well as four journal special issues: Noeuds de Mémoire: Multidirectional Memory in Postwar French and Francophone Culture (Yale French Studies, co-edited with Debarati Sanyal and Max Silverman); Between Subalternity and Indigeneity: Critical Categories for Postcolonial Studies (Interventions, co-edited with Jodi A. Byrd); States of Welfare (Occasion, co-edited with Lauren M.E. Goodlad and Bruce Robbins); and Transcultural Negotiations of Holocaust Memory (Criticism, co-edited with Stef Craps). Together with Yasemin Yildiz he won a 2011-2012 ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowship for a co-authored book on immigration and Holocaust memory in contemporary Germany, which is under contract with Fordham University Press.

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Robert RupertPhilosophy, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Rob Rupert writes primarily about topics in philosophy of cognitive science, including questions concerning mental representation, cognitive systems, the self, and situated and embodied cognition. In connection with these topics, he has investigated issues to do with the nature of memory, for example, whether external encodings of information can legitimately count as human memories or as components of the human cognitive system.

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Renata SaleclPhilosophy and Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Renata Salecl is a philosopher, sociologist and legal theorist. She is a senior researcher at the Institute of Criminology at Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Slovenia and a professor at the School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London. Since 2017, she is a member of the Slovene Academy of Science. Her earlier books include The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis and Feminism After the Fall of Socialism; (Per)versions of Love and Hate; On Anxiety and Tyranny of Choice, which has been published in 15 languages and has been presented at TED Global. Her last book is A Passion for Ignorance: What We Choose Not to Know and Why (Princeton University Press, 2020).

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Daniel SchacterCognitive Psychology and Neuroscience, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA., USA

Daniel L. Schacter is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. Schacter’s research has explored the relation between explicit and implicit forms of memory, the nature of memory distortions, how individuals use memory to imagine future events, and the effects of aging on memory. Schacter and his many collaborators have published over 600 articles and chapters on these and related topics. Schacter has also written several books, including The Seven Sins of Memory, published originally in 2001 and in an updated 2021 edition. Schacter has received numerous awards for his research and has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences.

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Mark SealyCurator and Producer, London, UK

Dr Mark Sealy MBE is interested in the relationships between photography and social change, identity politics, race, and human rights. He has been director of London-based photographic arts institution Autograph ABP since 1991. He has produced numerous artist publications, curated exhibitions, and commissioned photographers and filmmakers worldwide, including the critically acclaimed exhibition Human Rights Human Wrongs at Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto in 2013 and at The Photographers’ Gallery, London in 2015.

Sealy has written for many international photography publications, including Foam Magazine, Aperture and the Independent Newspaper in London. He has written numerous essays for theoretical publications and artist monographs. In 2002, Sealy and professor Stuart Hall co-authored Different, which focused on photography and identity politics. His notable projects include the exhibition Self Evident Ikon Gallery Birmingham,  The Unfinished Conversation: Encoding / Decoding for the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery in Toronto and seminal and celebrated projects on the works of James Van Der Zee, Gordon Parks, Carrie Mae Weems, Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Mahtab Hussain, Maud Sulter and Sunil Gupta are just a few of the many artists exhibitions he has curated. He was also the guest curator for Houston Fotofest 2020 working under the title of African Cosmologies Photography Time and the Other.

His recent book, Decolonising the Camera: Photography in Racial Time, was published in 2019 by Lawrence and Wishart. His PhD was awarded by Durham University England and focused on Photography and Cultural Violence. Sealy is also currently Principal Fellow Decolonising Photography at University of the Arts London.

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Rik SmitMedia and Journalism, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Rik Smit is a media studies scholar specialized in memory and software studies. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He holds a BA and MA in American Studies, an MA in Journalism and a PhD in Media Studies. He wrote a PhD dissertation titled Platforms of Memory: Social Media and Digital Memory Work, which was one of the first empirical studies on the relationship between memory construction and social media. His work has appeared in a number of journals and books, including New Media & Society, Convergence, A networked Self and Birth, Life, Death. He is an active contributor to the Dutch Research School for Media Studies (RMeS). You might have seen him present at MSA conferences, ECREA, or AoiR, where he loves to share his latest research on the intersections of software (apps, platforms, social media) and memory (collective or autobiographical).

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Charles B. StoneJohn Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA

Charles B. Stone is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department. A native of Washington State and trained in Cognitive Science in Australia (Ph.D., Macquarie University, 2011), he commenced his academic career at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA, where he majored in sociology before moving to New York to complete his MA in psychology at the New School for Social Research. Before coming to John Jay College, he completed two postdoctoral fellowships at the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium.

Dr. Stone's publications have dealt with the formation and maintenance of collective memories, mnemonic consequences of silence, intergenerational transmission of memories, the mnemonic consequences associated with denials, social media and jury deliberations. He is actively involved in a number of psychology, forensic and memory associations around the world. He has also been an expert witness for a number of trials.  Additionally, he recently was an Associate Editor for the American Psychology-Law Society.

He recently won the Outstanding Scholarly Mentor award last year (2019-2020)  and has received internationally competitive fellowships to conduct research in Belgium (2017) and Australia (2017). 

Currently, he is an Associate Editor for the journal, Applied Cognitive Psychology and an International Board Member of the new journal, Memory, Mind & Media.

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John SuttonCognitive Science and Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

John Sutton is Honorary Professor in the Department of Cognitive Science at Macquarie University, where he was previously Head of the Department of Philosophy. He studied Classics at Oxford before taking a PhD in Philosophy at Sydney, and later moving to Cognitive Science. His research addresses memory and skill, integrating the cognitive sciences with the humanities and social sciences. and developing a 'second-wave' version of the extended mind hypothesis in philosophy of cognitive science. His book Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to connectionism was published by Cambridge UP, and he is coeditor of three volumes: Descartes' Natural Philosophy (Routledge); Embodied Cognition and Shakespeare's Theatre (Routledge); and Collaborative Remembering: theory, research, and applications (Oxford UP), with a further coedited collection Collaborative Embodied Performance: ecologies of skill to appear with Bloomsbury early next year. Working across conceptual, experimental, and ethnographic methods, his published work extends beyond philosophy and the cognitive sciences, dealing with memory and skill in archaeology, film, history, linguistics, literature, music, psychology, and sport science. Sutton was a founding editor of the Sage journal Memory Studies, and is coeditor of Palgrave's series Memory Studies, which has published 79 books since 2010. He has been visiting scholar at UCLA, UCSD, Edinburgh, Warwick, and King's College London, and will be visiting fellow (travel regulations permitting) in late 2021 at the University of Durham's Institute of Advanced Study. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities, past President of the Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and a member of the ARC College of Experts (2019-2021).

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Piotr M. SzpunarDepartment of Communication, University at Albany, SUNY, USA

Piotr M. Szpunar is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University at Albany, SUNY. His research centers on conflict, media, and memory with a specific focus on political violence, space, and mediated futures. His interdisciplinary work on memory and future thinking has appeared in Memory Studies, International Journal of Communication, Security Dialogue, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, among others. He is the author of Homegrown: Identity and Difference in the American War on Terror (NYU Press, 2018) and is currently working on a monograph (forthcoming with NYU Press) on how future imaginaries shape physical space and alter understandings of the past.

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José van DijckMedia and Digital Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

José van Dijck is a distinguished university professor in media and digital societies at Utrecht University (The Netherlands). Her expertise covers media technologies, social media, and digital culture.  She has (co-)authored and (co-)edited ten books, including Mediated Memories in the Digital Age (Stanford UP, 2007), The Culture of Connectivity. A Critical History of Social Media (Oxford UP, 2013) and The Platform Society. Public values in a connective world (Oxford UP, 2018, co-authored with Thomas Poell and Martijn de Waal).

Van Dijck formerly served as Chair of the Department of Media Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. From 2015 to 2018, she was (elected) President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2019, José van Dijck received an honorary doctorate from Lund University (Sweden).

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Annelies VredeveldtLegal Psychology, VU University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Annelies Vredeveldt is Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at VU Amsterdam. She is co-founder and director of the Amsterdam Laboratory for Legal Psychology (ALLP). Her area of expertise is memory in legal settings. The ERC Starting Grant research team led by Dr. Vredeveldt investigates eyewitness testimony in cross-cultural settings. She regularly appears as an expert witness in criminal cases and serves on advisory committees of the Netherlands Register of Court Experts and the Dutch National Police. She teaches the Psychology course in the international Law in Society programme at the VU and coordinates Project Reasonable Doubt, in which potentially dubious criminal convictions are re-evaluated.

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Kimberley WadeCognitive and Forensic Psychology, University of Warwick, UK

Kim is a Reader in the Psychology Department at the University of Warwick. As a cognitive psychologist, Kim’s research focusses on autobiographical and episodic memory distortions. She has examined the impact of social, cognitive and environmental factors on autobiographical memory distortions, and refined theories that explain false memory phenomena. Kim is best known for her research exploring the distorting effects of fabricated digital images and videos on memory. Much of her research has implications for practitioners and policymakers working in legal and clinical contexts. She is currently the Co-Director of Warwick University’s Centre for Operational Police Research (COPR), and the Executive Director of the international Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC). Kim is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.

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Qi WangDevelopmental, Cultural and Cognitive Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Qi Wang is a professor of human development and psychology at Cornell University. Her research integrates developmental, cognitive, and sociocultural perspectives to examine the mechanisms responsible for the development of autobiographical memory. She has undertaken extensive studies to examine how cultural variables sustain autobiographical memory by affecting information processing at the level of the individual and by shaping social practices of remembering between individuals (e.g., sharing memory narratives between parents and children). Her other lines of work include the study of future thinking, self-concept, and emotion knowledge in cultural contexts, and the investigation of the influence of social media on memory and other cognitive processes.

A graduate of Peking University, China, Qi Wang earned a Ph.D. in psychology in 2000 at Harvard University. Wang frequently publishes in scientific journals and in volumes of collected works. Her single-authored book, The Autobiographical Self in Time and Culture (2013, Oxford University Press) is regarded as a definitive work on culture and autobiographical memory. Wang is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

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James V. WertschAnthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, USA

James V. Wertsch studies language, thought, and culture, with a special focus on national memory and narratives.  His publications include Vygotsky and the Social Formation of Mind (Harvard University Press, 1985), Voices of the Mind (Harvard University Press, 1991), Mind as Action (Oxford University Press, 1998), Voices of Collective Remembering (Cambridge University Press, 2002), and How Nations Remember (Oxford University Press, 2021), as well as edited volumes with Cambridge University Press on Vygotsky and memory studies.  After finishing his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, Wertsch was a postdoctoral fellow at the USSR Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University, where he studied with the neuropsychologist Alexander R. Luria.  Wertsch has held faculty positions at Northwestern University, the University of California, San Diego, Clark University, and Washington University in St. Louis, where he has also been Vice Chancellor for International Affairs.  He is a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, and he holds honorary degrees from Linköping University and the University of Oslo.  He is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and has served as a guest professor at the University of Oslo in Norway, Tsinghua University in Beijing, and at Fudan University in Shanghai.

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Harvey WhitehouseCognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford, UK

Harvey Whitehouse is currently the recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant to test and develop his theory of modes of religiosity. The modes theory proposes that the frequency and emotionality of rituals determines the scale and structure of religious organizations: low-frequency, highly arousing rituals bind together small but very cohesive groups of participants; high-frequency, less emotionally intense rituals create large anonymous communities that are more diffusely integrated. In recent years, Harvey Whitehouse’s work has expanded beyond religion to examine the role of rituals of all kinds in binding groups together and motivating inter-group competition, including warfare. This research has become increasingly global in reach with data collection currently ongoing in Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, Vanuatu, Brazil, USA, Spain, Cameroon, and Libya. Whitehouse is also a founding director of Seshat: Global History Databank, which contains a huge volume of data on historical societies going back 10,000 years and is being used to test various hypotheses concerning the role of rituals in the evolution of social complexity.

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Jay WinterHistory, Yale University, USA

Jay Winter is the Charles J. Stille Professor of History emeritus at Yale University.  He is the author of Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History (1995) and War beyond words: Languages of remembrance from the Great War to the present (2017).  He is the editor of the Cambridge History of the First World War (2014), and won an Emmy award in 1997 as producer of The Great War and the shaping of the twentieth century (BBC/PBS).  He holds honorary doctorates from the University of Graz, the Katholik University of Leuven, and the University of Paris, and in 2017 received the Victor Adler award from the Austrian state for a lifetime’s work in history.

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Karen WorcmanMuseu da Pessoa, São Paulo, Brazil

Karen Worcman is the founder and director of Museu da Pessoa. An historian and linguist, her research is focused on narratives, life stories and memory. She is also a PhD candidate in the Diversitas group within the Humanidades, Direitos e Outras Legitimidades (Humanities, Human Rights and Other Legitimacies) program of the University of São Paulo. Karen is the co-author (with Joanne Garde-Hansen, University of Leeds) of Social Memory Technology: Theory, Practice, Action (Routledge, 2016) and has co-edited several books, including História Falada: memória, rede e mudança social (2006) (Spoken History: memory, net and social change), Tecnologia Social de Memória (2009) (Social Memory Technology), Transformações Amazônicas (2010) (Amazonian Transformations), Todo Mundo tem uma História Para Contar (2012) (Everyone Has a Story to Tell), Quase Canções (2017) (Almost Songs). Karen is an Ashoka fellow and sits on the boards of Storycenter, on the Ethical Committee of the Memory Studies Association, on Memória da Eletricidade council (Electricity Memory) as an editorial counsellor. She is also on the Research Team on Human Rights, Democracy, Politics and Memory  (Advanced Studies Institute of University of Sao Paulo) and at the Well-being project as a story collector.

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Espen YtrebergMedia and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway

Espen Ytreberg (b. 1964) is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Oslo and Co-Ordinator of Ph.D courses at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo. His research stands at the intersection of media theory, media institutions and media history. His most important long-term research interest is in large-scale events, their mediation, anticipation, memory, and temporality. His articles on events have appeared in Media, Culture and Society, International Journal of Communication, New Media and Society, Media History, and in a 2021 monograph for Polity Press. Ytreberg is also a writer of literary fiction and nonfiction.

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David ZeitlynSocial Anthropology, University of Oxford, UK

David Zeitlyn is Professor of Social Anthropology at the Institute of Social and Cultural anthropology University of Oxford. He has been working in Cameroon since 1985 and has helped archive the work of the Cameroonian photographer Toussele Jacques with the assistance of the British Library. In 2003-4 he was the Evans-Pritchard Lecturer, All Souls College, Oxford, writing the life of a senior woman from Cameroon. The series was called "Sample of One: The life of Diko Madeleine and the History of Somié in the Twentieth Century". Sound Recordings and background material is available online from the Diko Web pages.

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Barbie ZelizerCommunication, Annenberg, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Barbie Zelizer is the Raymond Williams Professor of Communication, Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Center for Media at Risk at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication. A former journalist, Zelizer is known for her work on journalism, culture, memory and images. She has authored/edited fifteen books and over 150 articles/essays. Recipient of multiple fellowships, her work has appeared in national and global media. Coeditor of Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, she is past President of the International Communication Association. Her most recent book, coming out in December 2021, is The Journalism Manifesto (written with Pablo Boczkowski and C.W. Anderson), and she is now working on How the Cold War Drives the News.

Managing Editor
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Rachel Hendrick

Rachel Hendrick has been employed in a variety of publishing roles for over fifteen years, working on both books and journals.  She has a PhD in Public Health from Edinburgh University, which looked at ethics in journal publishing. Through her research, she developed a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the ethical challenges facing academic journals, and the tools used to manage them.  She further developed her practical experience of journal publishing while carrying out her PhD, working in a variety of roles.  Since completing her PhD, she has continued to work on peer reviewed journals, and in January 2021 she became the Managing Editor of Memory, Mind & Media.