Pierre-Louis Curien, IRIF, pôle PPS, équipe Picube, CNRS, Université Paris Cité and Inria, France
Keywords: Categorical, denotational and operational semantics, operads, homotopical algebra
Associate Editors
Sandra Alves, University of Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Lambda calculus, linear logic, type theory, rewriting theory
† Philip J. Scott, University of Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Categorical logic and algebra, logics (higher-order, constructive, many-valued), foundations of computing.
Nicola Gambino, University of Manchester, UK
Keywords: Categorical logic, (homotopy) type theory, constructive logic
† Our colleague Phil Scott passed away in December 2023, after a long battle with illness. Phil served as associate editor for MSCS ever since the creation of the journal in 1990.
He made seminal contributions to Logic and Category Theory, and played a pivotal role in the creation of the field of categorical proof theory. His book with Jim Lambek "Introduction To Higher-Order Categorical Logic" is still the standard text on the subject. Phil's research went well beyond these initial works: he made major contributions to theoretical computer science, linear logic, inverse semigroup theory and recursion theory. Those of us who knew him personally will always think of him as a mentor, a friend and a genuinely kind soul. He was generous with his time, particularly with young researchers. The editors of the journal, his friends and colleagues around the world deeply mourn him.
Editorial Board
Richard Blute, University of Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Categorical proof theory, linear logic, monoidal categories
Cristian S. Calude, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Keywords: Algorithmic and quantum information theories, quantum theories of computing and randomness
Robin Cockett, University of Calgary, Canada
Keywords: Categorical programming and foundations (quantum, partial maps, differential and tangent
Thierry Coquand, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Keywords: Type theory, constructive mathematics, functional programming
Ugo Dal Lago, University of Bologna, Italy
Keywords: Lambda-calculus, type systems, program equivalences, implicit computational complexity, probabilistic and quantum computation
Vincent Danos, CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure, France
Keywords: Domain-specific modeling/programming languages, probabilistic models
Rocco De Nicola, IMT Lucca, Italy
Keywords: Foundations of distributed computing
Thomas Ehrhard, IRIF, CNRS and Université Paris Cité, France
Keywords: Categorical semantics, linear logic, lambda-calculus
Yuxi Fu, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Keywords: Process calculi, expressiveness, theory of interaction
Richard Garner, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Categorical logic, type theory, enriched categories, semigroups, algebra and coalgebra in computer science
Masahito Hasegawa, Kyoto University, Japan
Keywords: Programming languages, semantics, category theory
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Keywords: Functional and logic programming, theorem proving, verification of AI, logic and statistical learning theory
Barbara König, Universität Duisburg - Essen, Germany
Keywords: Semantics and verification, graph transformation systems, category theory and coalgebra, fixed-point theory
Stephen Lack, Macquarie University, Australia
Keywords: Category theory and its applications to computer science
Dan Licata, Wesleyan University, USA
Keywords: Type theory, categorical semantics
Philippe Malbos, Université Lyon 1, France
Keywords: Homological algebra, algebraic topology, higher-dimensional rewriting
Paulo Oliva, Queen Mary College, London, UK
Keywords: Structural proof theory, applications to proof mining, connections to game theory
Luke Ong, University of Oxford, UK
Keywords: Statistical, differentiable, and probabilistic programming, game semantics, higher-order verification and model checking
Prakash Panangaden, McGill University, Canada
Keywords: Probabilistic programming, foundations of machine learning, probabilistic bisimulation, metrics, logic and bisimulation
Damien Pous, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
Keywords: Coalgebra, coinduction, universal algebra, proof assistants, calculus of relations
Aleksy Schubert, Warsaw University, Poland
Keywords: Proof theory, object-oriented languages, formalisation
Pawel Sobocinski, Tallin University of Technology, Estonia
Keywords: Category theory, compositionality, concurrency theory, semantics of programming languages, verification
Thomas Streicher, University of Darmstadt, Germany
Keywords: Categorical semantics, type theory, program verification
Glynn Winskel, University of Stratchclyde, UK
Keywords: Concurrency, causality and interaction, mathematical theory of games
Nobuko Yoshida, Queen Mary College, London, UK
Keywords: Concurrency theory, type theory, programming languages, distributed systems, process calculi
Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Keywords: Security in programming languages and type systems, (Coq-based) formal verification