We extend the tangle model, originally developed by Ernst and Sumners [18], to include composite knots. We show that, for any prime tangle, there are no rational tangle attachments of distance greater than one that first yield a 4-plat and then a connected sum of 4-plats. This is done by studying the corresponding Dehn filling problem via double branched covers. In particular, we build on results on exceptional Dehn fillings at maximal distance to show that if Dehn filling on an irreducible manifold gives a lens space and then a connect sum of lens spaces, the distance between the slopes must be one. We then apply our results to the action of the Hin recombinase on mutated sites. In particular, after solving the tangle equations for processive recombination, we use our work to give a complete set of solutions to the tangle equations modelling distributive recombination.