In classical mechanics the state of a dynamical system at any particular time can be described by the values of a set of coordinates and their conjugate momenta, thus, if the system has n degrees of freedom, by 2n numbers. In quantum mechanics, on the other hand, we have to describe a state of the system by a wave function involving a set of coordinates, thus by a function of n variables. The quantum description is, therefore, much more complicated than the classical one. Let us consider, however, an ensemble of systems in Gibbs' sense, i.e. not a large number of actual systems which could, perhaps, interact with one another, but a large number of hypothetical systems which are introduced to describe one actual system of which our knowledge is only of a statistical nature. The basis of the quantum treatment of such an ensemble has been given by Neumann. The description obtained by Neumann of an ensemble on the quantum theory is no more complicated than the corresponding classical description. Thus the quantum theory, which appears to such a disadvantage on the score of complication when applied to individual systems, recovers its own when applied to an ensemble. It is the object of the present note to examine this question more closely and to show how complete the analogy is between the quantum and classical treatments of an ensemble.