A complete normed real Jordan algebra A with 1 is said to be a JB-algebra if and only if, for all a, b ∈ A,
where o denotes the Jordan product on A. If A is a Banach dual space then A is known as a JBW-algebra. In this case, by Theorem 3·9 of (7),
where Aex is an exceptional Jordan algebra and Asp is Jordan isomorphic to a JW-algebra (i.e. a weakly closed Jordan algebra of self-adjoint operators on a complex Hilbert space). Theorem 3–9 of (7) gives a description of Aex and so in this paper attention will be restricted to JW-algebras. Such an algebra A is said to be of type I if there exists an idempotent e in A with central cover equal to 1 such that e is abelian i.e. such that eAe is commutative as a set of operators. (See § 7 of (11) for further details.) A type I algebra A is said to be of type In, where n is some cardinal number, if there exists an orthogonal family {eα: α ∈ Λ} of n abelian projections in A such that Σαeα = 1 and such that, for each α ≠ β, there exists a symmetry sαβ in A with eβ = sαβeαsαβ. (A symmetry is an element sαβ of A such that ). By theorems 15 and 16 of (11) any type I JW-algebra A can be uniquely decomposed into a direct sum of type In(α) JW-algebras for suitable cardinal numbers n(α). Thus in order to investigate the structure of type I JW-algebras it is sufficient to consider type In JW-algebras.