A k-multiset is an unordered k-tuple, perhaps with repetitions. If x is an r-multiset {x1, …, xr} and y is an s-multiset {y1, …, ys} with elements from an abelian group A the tensor product x ⊗ y is defined as the rs-multiset {xi yj | 1 ≤ i ≤ r, 1 ≤ j ≤ s}. The main focus of this paper is a polynomial-time algorithm to discover whether a given rs-multiset from A can be factorised. The algorithm is not guaranteed to succeed, but there is an acceptably small upper bound for the probability of failure. The paper also contains a description of the context of this factorisation problem, and the beginnings of an attack on the following division-problem: is a given rs-multiset divisible by a given r-multiset, and if so, how can division be achieved in polynomially bounded time?