No CrossRef data available.
04–576Alexander, Neville (U. of Cape Town, South Africa; Email: [email protected]). The politics of language planning in post-apartheid South Africa. Language Problems and Language Planning (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 28, 2 (2004), 113–130.
04–577Bayley, Robert and Langman, Juliet (U. of Texas, USA; Email: [email protected]). Variation in the group and the individual: Evidence from second language acquisition. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Berlin, Germany), 42, 4 (2004), 303–318.
04–578Cruickshank, Ken (U. of Wollongong, Australia; Email: [email protected]). Literacy in multilingual contexts: change in teenagers' reading and writing. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK), 18, 6 (2004), 459–473.
04–579Dailey, René M., Giles, Howard and Jansma, Laura L. (U. of California, Santa Barbara, USA; Email: [email protected]). Language attitudes in an Anglo-Hispanic context: the role of the linguistic landscape. Language and Communication (Oxford, UK), 25, 1 (2005), 27–38.
04–580Davis, Kathryn and Skilton-Sylvester, Ellen (U. of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA). Looking Back, Taking Stock, Moving Forward: Investigating Gender in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 3 (2004), 381–404.
04–581Dewaele, Jean-Marc (U. of London, UK; Email: [email protected]). Vous or tu? Native and non-native speakers of French on a sociolinguistic tightrope. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Berlin, Germany), 42, 4 (2004), 383–402.
04–582Gordon, Daryl (Temple U., USA). “I'm tired. You clean and cook.” Shifting gender identities and second language socialization. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria,VA, USA), 38, 3 (2004), 437–457.
04–583Kamwangamalu, Nkonko M. (Howard U., USA; Email: [email protected]). The language policy/language economics interface and mother-tongue education in post-apartheid South Africa. Language Problems and Language Planning (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 28, 2 (2004), 131–146.
04–584Ordonez, Claudia Lucia (U. de los Andes, Santafé de Bogota, Colombia; Email: [email protected]). EFL and native Spanish in elite bilingual schools in Colombia: a first look at bilingual adolescent frog stories. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 5 (2004), 449–473.
04–585Simpson, M. JoEllen (Formerly at U. del Valle, Cali, Colombia; Email: [email protected]). A look at early childhood writing in English and Spanish in a bilingual school in Ecuador. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 5 (2004), 432–448.
04–586Skliar, Carlos and Muller Quadros, Ronice (U. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Email: [email protected]). Bilingual deaf education in the south of Brazil. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 5 (2004), 432–448.
04–587Spezzini, Susan (U. of Alabama at Birmingham, USA; Email: [email protected]). English immersion in Paraguay: individual and sociocultural dimensions of language learning and use. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 5 (2004), 412–431.
04–588Wright, Laurence (Rhodes U., South Africa; Email: [email protected]). Language and value: towards accepting a richer linguistic ecology for South Africa. Language Problems and Language Planning (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 28, 2 (2004), 175–197.