Published online by Cambridge University Press: 07 July 2009
Intelligent tutoring systems can be seen as a next step for computer-based training systems, but also as an important by-product of knowledge-based expert systems. This paper surveys the development and progress in the area, with a special emphasis on the potential for an emerging engineering discipline as opposed to a mere crafting of systems. Major components in intelligent tutoring systems as realized so far are discussed, and key issues for successful future development identified. Knowledge representation, student modelling, planning, natural language issues, explanations and learning are discussed in more depth as being the cornerstones of both tutoring systems and artificial intelligence. Examples from specific implementations are used to illustrate key points. In the concluding discussion we present our attempt at dealing with some of the problems facing the area. In the project Knowledge-Linker, we aim at extending the functionality of a knowledge-based system with tutoring capabilities, and suggest one way of explicitly dealing with teaching strategies.