Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 March 2000
Population dynamics of the spiny country rat Niviventer coxingi were studied by mark–recapture methods from January 1982 to May 1983 in a subtropical montane forest at Chitou, central Taiwan. The population density was < 8 rats/ha. The annual pattern of population fluctuation was characterized by summer increase, autumn peak and spring decline. Adult recruits occurred mostly in summer and autumn 1982, whereas young rats joined the population as three cohorts: winter 1981, summer 1982 and winter 1982. Growth patterns differed between winter and summer cohorts, which was attributed mainly to the slow body weight increase in summer cohort males. Males, either adult or juvenile, survived the winter better than females, resulting in the shorter lifespans and the lower number of females in the population. Life-history traits in female N. coxingi, i.e. short reproductive lifespan, few litters per life time and prolonged maternal care, along with the low breeding intensity, rendered the number of females the limiting factor for population increase. However, females may improve the survival and maturation of their offspring by prolonged maternal care.