Suppose that f(z) is a meromorphic
function of bounded characteristic in the unit
disk Δ[ratio ][mid ]z[mid ]<1. Then we shall say that
f(z)∈N. It follows (for example from
[3, Lemma 6.7, p. 174 and the following]) that
formula here
where h1(z), h2(z)
are holomorphic in Δ and have positive real part there, while
Π2(z) are Blaschke products, that is,
formula here
where p is a positive integer or zero,
0<[mid ]aj[mid ]<1, c is a constant
formula here
We note in particular that, if c≠0, so that f(z)[nequiv ]0,
formula here
so that f(z)=0 only at the points aj.
Suppose now that zj is a sequence of distinct
points in Δ such that
formula here
If f(zj)=0 for each j
f∈N, then f(z)≡0.
N. Danikas [1] has shown that the same conclusion
obtains if f(zj)→0 sufficiently
rapidly as j→∞. Let εj,
λj be sequences of positive numbers such that
formula here
Danikas then defines
formula here
and proves Theorem A.