First erratum: The following is a correction for an error that
occurred in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological
Society, Vol. 8, No. 2. An abstract titled
“Parkinson's Disease Affects the Attentional Control of
Unpracticed Movements,” by M. Lévesque, S. Lemay, S.
Chouinard, P. Blanchet, M.-A. Bédard, and F. Richer, was
accidently left out. This abstract was supposed to appear on p. 230
after C. Boulet et al., in the Executive Function subsection of Poster
4, which was a part of the Friday Morning, February 16, group of sessions.
Second erratum: The following is a correction for an error that
occurred in Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society,
8:2. On page 276, the abstract at the bottom of the left column has
a laterality error, and “right” was supposed to appear instead
of “left.”
Third erratum: The following is a correction for an error that occurred
in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society,
Vol. 8, No. 3. The error occurred in the article titled
“Reading level attenuates differences in neuropsychological tests
performance between African American and White Elders,” pp.
341–348, by Manly et al. On page 343, under the subheading
“Reading Level,” the last line in the paragraph should state
the age range as 65–74 and not 70–75 years.
Cambridge University Press and the authors regret the inconvenience
that these inadvertent errors may have caused.