We analyse the non-commutative space underlying the quantum group $\textrm{SU}_q(2)$ from the spectral point of view, which is the basis of non-commutative geometry, and show how the general theory developed in our joint work with Moscovici applies to the specific spectral triple defined by Chakraborty and Pal. This provides the pseudo-differential calculus, the Wodzciki-type residue, and the local cyclic co-cycle giving the index formula. The co-chain whose co-boundary is the difference between the original Chern character and the local one is given by the remainders in the rational approximation of the logarithmic derivative of the Dedekind eta function. This specific example allows us to illustrate the general notion of locality in non-commutative geometry. The formulae computing the residue are ‘local’. Locality by stripping all the expressions from irrelevant details makes them computable. The key feature of this spectral triple is its equivariance, i.e. the $\textrm{SU}_q(2)$-symmetry. We shall explain how this naturally leads to the general concept of invariant cyclic cohomology in the framework of quantum group symmetries.
AMS 2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 81R50; 19K33; 46L; 58B34