Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 April 2009
Let L be a Lie algebra over the field F. A lattice automorphism of ℒ is an automorphism φ: ℒ(L) → ℒ(L) of the lattice ℒ(L) of all subalgebras of L. We seek to describe the lattice automorphisms in terms of maps σ: L→L of the underlying algebra. A semi-automorphism σ of L is an automorphism of the algebraic system consisting of the pair (F, L), that is, a pair of maps σ: F→ F, σ: L→ L preserving the operations. Thus σ: F → F is an automorphism of F and (x + y)σ = xσ + yσ, (xy)σ = xσyσ (λx)σ = λσxσ for all x, y ε L and λ ε F. Clearly, any semi-automorphism of L induces a lattice automorphism. To study a given lattice automorphism φ, we select a semi-automorphism a such that φσ-1 fixes certain subalgebras, and so we reduce the problem to the investigation of lattice automorphisms leaving these subalgebras fixed.