Amongst the coins bequeathed by Sir Arthur Evans to the Ashmolean Museum there were, in addition to the extensive series of late Roman currencies and their derivatives, on which he had been working for some years, many others of various groups which he had acquired and put aside as raising points of interest or requiring further investigation. From time to time he brought such coins down to the Museum and discussed them; and one of them may serve not only as a text for this paper, but as an illustration of his keen outlook in wide fields of archaeology. There is a well-known class of Tarentine coins which have as their obverse type the head of a nymph, in this resembling the coins of Neapolis, instead of the normal Tarentine type of Taras on a dolphin : they are struck on the standard, not of Tarentum, but of the cities on the west coast of Magna Graecia; and Evans adopted the view that they had been intended for circulation alongside of the Neapolitan coins in Campania. As no specimens of this class were found in the Beneventan hoard, buried probably about 310 B.C. in the district where they might have been expected to occur, he also concluded that they originated after that date, although he recognised that, so far as style is concerned, some of them might have been struck earlier. But the coin mentioned above, which is illustrated on Plate ii, 1, 2, doubtless suggested to him that his conclusions might require revision in some details : the types are those illustrated on Plate vii, 13, of his ‘Horsemen’ of Tarentum, except that the nymph's head is turned to the right instead of to the left; but by the head are. the letters BP ET, which indicate that the nymph represented was one known in Bruttium, not Parthenope of Neapolis, and therefore the objective of the coins was more likely to be the toe of Italy rather than Campania. If this is accepted, the absence of examples from the Beneventan hoard does not really affect the question of the date of the series, since Beneventum is well outside the area in which they were designed to circulate; and thus the consideration of style becomes more important for dating purposes.