The following list of the colonies planted in this period can be made (a name in italics indicates that the colony was of the Latin type):
194 Puteoli, Salernum, Buxentum, Liternum, Volturnum, Sipontum, Tempsa, Croton (Livy xxxiv, 45; cf. xxxii, 29, 3). ca. 194 Pyrgi (see below, p. 28).
193 Copia (Livy xxxv, 9, 7; cf. xxxiv, 53, 1).
192 Vibo Valentia (Livy xxxv, 40, 5; cf. xxxiv, 53, 1).
189 Bononia (Livy xxxvii, 57, 7; cf. 47, 2).
184 Pisaurum, Potentia (Livy xxxix, 44, 10).
183 Mutina, Parma, Saturnia (Livy xxxix, 55).
181 Gravisca (Livy xl, 29, 1), Aquileia (Livy xl, 34, 2; cf. xxxix 55, 4).
177 Luna (Livy xli, 13, 4).