Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Fiema, Zbigniew T.
To Hegra through al-Qusayr. The al-'Ula-al-Wajh Survey Project.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean,
Oller Guzmán, Joan
Emerald mining in Sikait: organization and distribution of emerald production in Roman Egypt.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean,
Durand, Caroline
A Nabatean port on the Red Sea: note on the pottery finds from al-Qusayr (al-Wajh, Saudi Arabia).
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean,
Redon, Bérangère
Marchand, Julie
Faucher, Thomas
Gold mining in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, from the New Kingom to medieval times: new insight from the Samut district.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean,