Fascicule 2: Review Articles and Long Reviews, Obituary, and Books Received
The interaction and use of stater and sestertius in NE Gaul (3rd c. B.C.–1st c. A.D.) - STÉPHANE MARTIN, DU STATÈRE AU SESTERCE. MONNAIE ET ROMANISATION DANS LA GAULE DU NORD ET DE L’EST (IIIe s. a.C./Ier s. p.C.) (Ausonius Éditions, Scripta Antiqua 78; Bordeaux 2015). Pp. 488, figs. 138, planches hors-texte 6. ISSN 1298-1990; ISBN 978-2-35613-138-6. EUR 25.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 701-704
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Coins and coin use in the countryside of NE Gaul - STÉPHANE MARTIN (textes réunis et édités par), MONNAIES ET MONÉTARISATION DANS LES CAMPAGNES DE LA GAULE DU NORD ET DE L’EST, DE L’ÂGE DU FER À L’ANTIQUITÉ TARDIVE (Ausonius Éditions, Scripta Antiqua 91; Bordeaux 2016). Pp. 201, figs. ISBN 978-2-35613-173-7. EUR 25.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 704-709
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Publishing and analyzing coin finds: Xanten and beyond - HOLGER KOMNICK, DIE FUNDMÜNZEN DER RÖMISCHEN ZEIT AUS DEM BEREICH DER COLONIA ULPIA TRAIANA (Xantener Berichte, Bd. 29; Verlag Philipp von Zabern; Darmstadt 2015). Pp. xii + 638, Taf. 19, Tab. 49. ISBN 978-3-8053-4972-7. EUR. 85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 710-715
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A different approach to Gaulish sigillata (red slip ware)? - ASTRID VAN OYEN, HOW THINGS MAKE HISTORY. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND ITS TERRA SIGILLATA POTTERY (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 23; Amsterdam University Press 2016; distributed by The University of Chicago Press). Pp. x + 173, 30 figs. including colour. ISBN 978 94 6298 054 9. $99 (EUR 79).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 716-723
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Reconstructing a small town in the foothills of the Pyrenees: the Flavian municipium of Labitolosa - MARÍA ANGELES MAGALLÓN BOTAYA & PIERRE SILLIÈRES (edd.), LABITOLOSA (LA PUEBLA DE CASTRO, PROVINCE DE HUESCA, ESPAGNE). UNE CITÉ ROMAINE DE L’HISPANIE CITÉRIEURE (Ausonius Éditions, Mémoires 33; Bordeaux 2013). Pp. 499, 8 pls. hors texte, more than 408 figs. and maps including colour. ISSN 1283-29995; ISBN 978-2-35613-086-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 724-729
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Más allá del objeto: viejos temas y nuevos enfoques en los estudios del ejército romano - EDUARDO KAVANAGH, ESTANDARTES MILITARES EN LA ROMA ANTIGUA: TIPOS, SIMBOLOGÍA Y FUNCIÓN (Anejos de Gladius 16; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Ediciones Polifemo, Madrid 2015). Pp. 633, figs. 157. CD-Rom in back pocket containing “Catálogo iconográfico, inventario literario, catálogo numismático, ilustraciones, catálogo de combinaciones observadas”. ISBN 978-84-16335-13-8. EUR 60.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 729-736
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The study of domestic architecture in Roman Spain: the next generation - ADA CORTÉS, L’ARQUITECTURA DOMÈSTICA D’ÈPOCA TARDOREPUBLICANA I ALTIMPERIAL A LES CIUTATS ROMANES DE CATALUNYA (Forma Conventus Tarraconensis, Serie Studia Archaeologica 1; Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelone 2014). Pp. 351, figs. 234. ISBN 974-84-941310-9-7. EUR 40. - PAULA URIBE, LA ARQUITECTURA DOMÉSTICA URBANA ROMANA EN EL VALLE MEDIO DEL EBRO (SIGLOS II a.C.–III d.C) (Aquitania Supplément 35; Bordeaux 2015). Pp. 395, figs. 166. ISBN 2-910763-41-2. EUR 45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 737-742
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Dining fashionably on pottery in Baetica? - FRANCISCO JOSÉ GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ and ENRIQUE GARCÍA VARGAS (edd.), COMER A LA MODA. IMITACIONES DE VAJILLA DE MESA EN TURDETANIA Y LA BÉTICA OCCIDENTAL DURANTE LA ANTIGÜEDAD (s. VI a.C.–VI d.C.) (Col.lecció Instrumenta 46; Universitat de Barcelona 2014). Pp. 404, colour pls. 16, figs. 63. ISBN: 978-84-475-4213-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 742-744
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Economía y sociedad romana en la meseta nordeste de la Península Ibérica a partir del estudio de contextos domésticos - JESÚS BERMEJO TIRADO, ARQUEOLOGÍA DE LOS ESPACIOS DOMÉSTICOS ROMANOS: CONDICIONES DE VIDA Y SOCIEDAD EN LA MESETA NORDESTE DURANTE EL PERÍODO IMPERIAL (Temas Sorianos n° 59; Excma. Diputación Provincial de Soria 2014). Pp. 431, figs. 128 including colour, CD in end pocket containing “Procesos de formación del registro arqueológico y SUD en la casa del acueducto, base de datos”, and “El registro arqueológico y la SUD de la villa de Cuevas de Soria, base de datos”. ISBN 978-84-96695-90-0.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 745-747
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In search of Lusitanian amphoras - INÊS VAZ PINTO, RUI ROBERTO DE ALMEIDA and ARCHER MARTIN (edd.), LUSITANIAN AMPHORAE: PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION (Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 10; Archaeopress, Oxford, 2016). Pp. viii + 464, many figs., 7 colour plates. ISBN 9781784914271.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 748-751
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The longue durée at Rirha in the plain of the Gharb (Morocco). - LAURENT CALLEGARIN, MOHAMED KBIRI ALAOUI, ABDELFATTAH ICHKHAKH et JEAN-CLAUDE ROUX (edd), RIRHA: SITE ANTIQUE ET MÉDIÉVAL DU MAROC, vol. I. CADRE HISTORIQUE ET GÉOGRAPHIQUE GÉNÉRAL; vol. II. PÉRIODE MAURÉTANIENNE (Ve SIÈCLE av. J.-C. – 40 ap. J.-C.); vol. III. PÉRIODE ROMAINE (40 ap. J.-C. – FIN DU IIIe s. ap. J.-C.) vol. IV. PÉRIODE MÉDIÉVALE ISLAMIQUE (IXe -XVe SIÈCLE) (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez vols. 150, 151, 152, 153; Madrid 2016). Vol. I: pp. xii + 168, cartes 12, figs. 16, graphiques 14, planches 11, tableaux 20. Vol. II: pp. xiii + 202, cartes 3. graphiques 3, tableaux 13, figs. 64, planches 25. Vol. III: pp. xiv + 282, cartes 9, graphiques 7, figs. 118, planches 24. Vol. IV: pp. xii + 155, cartes 3, graphiques 3, tableaux 9, figs. 68, planches 14. ISSN 1132-7334; ISBN (set of 4 vols.) 978-84-9096-025-7. EUR. 36 (vol. I), 49 (vol. II), 59 (vol. III), 36 (vol. IV) (pbk.).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 752-756
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“Africa, quasi Roma” - JEAN-MARIE LASSÈRE, AFRICA, QUASI ROMA (256 av. J.-C. – 711 apr. J.-C.) (Études d’Antiquités Africaines; CNRS Éditions, Paris 2015). Pp. 778, figs. 115, planches hors-textes en couleur 10, tables 9. ISBN 978-2-271-07673-1. EUR. 45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 757-759
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Drawing attention to wall-paintings in Tunisia - ALIX BARBET, PEINTURES ROMAINES DE TUNISIE (A et J. Picard; Paris 2013). Pp. 336, figs. 466, many in colour. ISBN 978-2-7084-0946-6. EUR 79,00.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 759-762
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The pottery of Sullecthum (Salakta), a major N African producer and supplier - JIHEN NACEF, avec une contribution de Cl. Capelli, LA PRODUCTION DE LA CÉRAMIQUE ANTIQUE DANS LA RÉGION DE SALAKTA ET KSOUR ESSEF (TUNISIE) (Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery vol. 8; Archaeopress, Oxford 2015). Pp. vii + 255, figs. ISBN 978 1 78491 172 0. £45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 763-767
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A specialist tool by the late Jean Bussière for classifying motifs on the rims of North African lamps (Hayes Type II). - JEAN BUSSIÈRE and JEAN CLAUDE RIVEL, RÉPERTOIRE DE FLEURONS SUR BANDEAUX DE LAMPES AFRICAINES TYPE HAYES II (Archaeopress; Oxford 2015). Pp. 138, of which 109 are pls. ISBN 978-1-78491-156-0 (also e-pdf: 978-1-78491-157-7).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 767-769
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Standbild, Raum und Gesellschaft in den Städten des römischen Nordafrika: neue Forschungen im Dialog zwischen Geschichte und Archäologie - LENNART GILHAUS, STATUE UND STATUS. STATUEN ALS REPRÄSENTATIONSMEDIEN DER STÄDTISCHEN ELITEN IM KAISERZEITLICHEN NORDAFRIKA (Antiquitas Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte, Bd. 66; Habelt, Bonn 2015). S. viii + 432, Abb. 28. ISBN 978-3-7749-3973-8. EUR 89.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 770-777
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Marmi leptitani - MATTHIAS BRUNO, FULVIA BIANCHI, MARMI DI LEPTIS MAGNA. REPERTORIO DELLE PIETRE BIANCHE E POLICROME DELLA CITTÀ (Studia Archaeologica 204; L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2015). Pp. xiv + 152, figs. 77, tav. a colore 48. ISBN 978-88-913-0905-1. EUR. 135.00.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 778-782
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Corinth and connectivity - DAVID K. PETTEGREW, THE ISTHMUS OF CORINTH: CROSSROADS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2016). Pp. xiii + 290, figs. ISBN 978-0-472-11984-4. $85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 783-790
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Greek theatres in Achaia under the Empire - VALENTINA DI NAPOLI, TEATRI DELLA GRECIA ROMANA: FORMA, DECORAZIONE, FUNZIONI. LA PROVINCIA D’ACAIA (Fondazione Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Studi Storici, Sezione di Antichità Greche e Romane; ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 67, Athens 2013; Diffusion de Boccard). Pp. vi + 290, Tav. 31, figs. 93. ISBN 978-960-9538-20-6.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 790-791
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A major contribution to the study of Roman vaulted architecture - PAOLO VITTI, BUILDING ROMAN GREECE: INNOVATION IN VAULTED CONSTRUCTION IN THE PELOPONNESE (Studia Archaeologica 206; L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome 2016). Pp. 432, pls. 10, figs. 313 (many in colour). ISBN 978-88-913-0951-8.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 November 2017, pp. 792-795
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