Please note that we do not have permission to publish issues (excluding supplements) prior to 1986.
2020s (Vol 94-98)Partial access
2024 - Volume 98Access
2023 - Volume 97
2022 - Volume 96
Issue 6November 2022pp. 1235-1483
Issue 5September 2022pp. 979-1233
Issue S90July 2022pp. 1-39
Issue 4July 2022pp. 737-977
Issue S88May 2022pp. 1-32
Issue S89June 2022pp. 1-47
Issue 3May 2022pp. 493-735
Issue 2March 2022pp. 243-491
Issue S87February 2022pp. 1-38
Issue 1January 2022pp. 1-241
2021 - Volume 95
Issue S86December 2021pp. 1-41
Issue S85December 2021pp. 1-56
Issue S84December 2021pp. 1-53
Issue 6November 2021pp. 1113-1355
Issue 5September 2021pp. 889-1112
Issue 4July 2021pp. 653-887
Issue 3May 2021pp. 427-651
Issue S83April 2021pp. 1-41
Issue S82March 2021pp. 1-115
Issue 2March 2021pp. 207-426
Issue S81February 2021pp. 1-30
Issue 1January 2021pp. 1-205
2020 - Volume 94
2010s (Vol 84-93)Archive contentPartial access
2019 - Volume 93
2018 - Volume 92
Issue S77December 2018pp. 1-33
Issue 6November 2018pp. 955-1139
Issue 5September 2018pp. 751-953
Issue 4July 2018pp. 525-750
Issue S76May 2018pp. 1-44
Issue S75May 2018pp. 1-43
Issue 3May 2018pp. 313-523
Issue 2March 2018pp. 115-312
Issue 1 (Cambrian Explosion)January 2018pp. 1-114
2017 - Volume 91Access
2016 - Volume 90
2015 - Volume 89
2014 - Volume 88Archive content
Issue 6November 2014pp. 1095-1287
Issue 5September 2014pp. 829-1094
Issue 4July 2014pp. 633-828
Issue 3May 2014pp. 411-630
Issue 2March 2014pp. 205-410
Issue S72 (Paleontological Society Memoir 72. Ediacaran acanthomorphic acritarchs and other microfossils from chert nodules of the upper doushantuo formation in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China)January 2014pp. 1-139
Issue 1January 2014pp. 1-204
2013 - Volume 87Archive content
2012 - Volume 86Archive content
2011 - Volume 85Archive content
2010 - Volume 84Archive content
2000s (Vol 74-83)Archive content
2009 - Volume 83Archive content
Issue S71 (Paleontological Society Memoir 71. CAMBRIAN trilobites from the Parahio and Zanskar valleys, INDIAN HIMALAYA)November 2009pp. 1-95
Issue 6November 2009pp. 833-998
Issue 5September 2009pp. 635-832
Issue 4July 2009pp. 503-633
Issue 3May 2009pp. 333-502
Issue 2March 2009pp. 161-331
Issue 1January 2009pp. 1-159
2008 - Volume 82Archive content
Issue 6November 2008pp. 1051-1220
Issue S70 (Paleontological Society Memoir 70. Redescription of the type species for the genus “†Notogoneus” (Teleostei: Gonorynchidae) Based on new, well-preserved material)September 2008pp. 1-29
Issue 5September 2008pp. 857-1050
Issue 4July 2008pp. 645-856
Issue 3May 2008pp. 447-643
Issue 2March 2008pp. 213-446
Issue 1January 2008pp. 1-212
2007 - Volume 81Archive content
Issue 6November 2007pp. 1147-1543
Issue S69 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 69: The Pennsylvanian (Moscovian) Izvarino Section, Donets Basin, Ukraine: A Multidisciplinary Study on Microfacies, Biostratigraphy (Conodonts, Foraminifers, and Ostracodes), and Paleoecology)September 2007pp. 1-85
Issue S68 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 68: Cambrian Naraoiids (Arthropoda): Morphology, Ontogeny, Systematics, and Evolutionary Relationships)September 2007pp. 1-52
Issue 5September 2007pp. 823-1146
Issue 4July 2007pp. 607-821
Issue 3May 2007pp. 434-605
Issue 2March 2007pp. 221-414
Issue S67 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 67: Metrarabdotos and Related Genera (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) in the Late Paleogene and Neogene of Tropical America)January 2007pp. 1-96
Issue 1January 2007pp. 1-219
2006 - Volume 80Archive content
Issue 6November 2006pp. 1033-1231
Issue S66 (Paleontological Society Memoir 66. Sponges from the Reef Trail Member of the upper Guadalupian (Permian) Bell Canyon Formation, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas)September 2006pp. 1-42
Issue 5September 2006pp. 811-1031
Issue S65 (Paleontological Society Memoir 65. An exquisitely preserved skeleton representing a primitive sturgeon from the Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation of Montana (Acipenseriformes: Acipenseridae: n. gen. and sp.))July 2006pp. 1-39
Issue 4July 2006pp. 607-810
Issue S64 (Paleontological Society Memoir 64. Ordovician Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from North America)May 2006pp. 1-27
Issue 3May 2006pp. 411-606
Issue S63 (Paleontological Society Memoir 63. Fossil marine vertebrates from the lowermost Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous: Middle Cenomanian) in Southeastern Colorado)March 2006pp. 1-45
Issue 2March 2006pp. 203-409
Issue 1January 2006pp. 1-202
2005 - Volume 79Archive content
Issue 6November 2005pp. 1043-1241
Issue 5September 2005pp. 835-1042
Issue S62 (Paleontological Society Memoir 62. Extinction, survival, and recovery of Lagenide foraminifers in the Permian-Triassic Boundary Interval, central Taurides, Turkey)July 2005pp. 1-38
Issue 4July 2005pp. 633-834
Issue 3May 2005pp. 413-630
Issue 2March 2005pp. 207-410
Issue S61 (Paleontological Society Memoir 61. Middle Triassic Pteriomorphian Bivalvia (Mollusca) from the New Pass Range, West-Central Nevada: Systematics, Biostratigraphy, Paleoecology, and Paleobiogeography)January 2005pp. 1-64
Issue 1January 2005pp. 1-204
2004 - Volume 78Archive content
2003 - Volume 77Archive content
Issue 6November 2003pp. 1021-1202
Issue 5September 2003pp. 825-1020
Issue 4July 2003pp. 601-823
Issue S60 (Paleontological Society Memoir 60. A Cladid-Dominated Early Mississippian Crinoid and Conodont Fauna from Kerman Province, Iran and Revision of the Glossocrinids and Rhenocrinids)May 2003pp. 1-35
Issue 3May 2003pp. 409-599
Issue 2March 2003pp. 201-408
Issue 1January 2003pp. 1-200
2002 - Volume 76Archive content
Issue S59 (Paleontological Society Memoir 59. New Crabs from the Eocene and Oligocene of Baja California Sur, Mexico and An Assessment of the Evolutionary and Paleobiogeographic Implications of Mexican Fossil Decapods)November 2002pp. 1-43
Issue 6November 2002pp. 937-1115
Issue S58 (Paleontological Society Memoir 58. Structure, Taxonomy, and Epifauna of Pennsylvanian Rostroconchs (Mollusca))September 2002pp. 1-30
Issue 5September 2002pp. 793-936
Issue 4July 2002pp. 585-792
Issue 3May 2002pp. 397-583
Issue S57 (Paleontological Society Memoir 57. A New Llandovery (Early Silurian) Conodont Biozonation and Conodonts from the Becscie, Merrimack, and Gun River Formations, Anticosti Island, Québec)March 2002pp. 1-46
Issue 2March 2002pp. 197-396
Issue S56 (Paleontological Society Memoir 56. Gastropods from the Permian of Guangxi and Yunnan Provinces, South China)January 2002pp. 1-49
Issue 1January 2002pp. 1-194
2001 - Volume 75Archive content
Issue 6November 2001pp. 1055-1226
Issue 5September 2001pp. 643-1053
Issue S55 (Paleontological Society Memoir 55. Mid-Carboniferous ammonoid biostratigraphy, southern Nye County, Nevada: implications of the first North American Homoceras)July 2001pp. 01-31
Issue 4July 2001pp. 753-928
Issue 3 (Special Issue)May 2001pp. 473-751
Issue 2March 2001pp. 225-472
Issue S54 (Paleontological Society Memoir 54. Middle Pennsylvanian Gastropods from the Flechado Formation, North-Central New Mexico)January 2001pp. 1-95
Issue 1January 2001pp. 1-223
2000 - Volume 74Archive content
Issue 6November 2000pp. 983-1207
Issue 5September 2000pp. 763-982
Issue S53 (Paleontological Society Memoir 53. Agnostid Biostratigraphy across the middle-upper Cambrian Boundary in Hunan, China)July 2000pp. 1-104
Issue 4July 2000pp. 545-762
Issue 3May 2000pp. 369-544
Issue S52 (Paleontological Society Memoir 52. Ostracodes from the Imo Formation (Mississippian, Chesterian) of North Central Arkansas)March 2000pp. 1-23
Issue 2March 2000pp. 189-368
Issue sp52000pp. 1-37
Issue 1January 2000pp. 1-187
1990s (Vol 64-73)Archive content
1999 - Volume 73Archive content
Issue S51 (Paleontological Society Memoir 51. Stratigraphic and paleogeographic significance of an upper Ordovician acritarch flora from the Maquoketa Shale, northeastern Missouri, U.S.A.)November 1999pp. 1-38
Issue 6November 1999pp. 985-1227
Issue 5September 1999pp. 741-983
Issue 4July 1999pp. 549-739
Issue 3May 1999pp. 373-548
Issue 2 (Papers from the Second International Trilobite Conference, August 1997)March 1999pp. 161-371
Issue 1January 1999pp. 1-160
1998 - Volume 72Archive content
Issue 6November 1998pp. 937-1096
Issue 5September 1998pp. 797-936
Issue S50 (Paleontological Society Memoir 50. Permineralized Fossils from the Terminal Proterozoic Doushantuo Formation, South China)July 1998pp. 1-52
Issue 4July 1998pp. 585-795
Issue 3May 1998pp. 405-584
Issue S49 (Paleontological Society Memoir 49. Upper Steptoean (Upper Cambrian) Trilobites from the McKay Group of Southeastern British Columbia, Canada)March 1998pp. 1-43
Issue 2March 1998pp. 181-403
Issue S48 (Paleontological Society Memoir 48. Decapod Crustaceans from the Eocene Castle Hayne Formation, North Carolina: Paleoceanographic Implications)January 1998pp. 1-28
Issue 1January 1998pp. 1-180
1997 - Volume 71Archive content
Issue 6November 1997pp. 953-1183
Issue 5September 1997pp. 753-951
Issue 4July 1997pp. 533-752
Issue 3May 1997pp. 357-531
Issue S47 (Paleontological Society Memoir 47. Echinoderm Faunas of the Hongguleleng Formation, Late Devonian (Famennian), Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China.)March 1997pp. 1-43
Issue 2March 1997pp. 165-354
Issue 1January 1997pp. 1-164
1996 - Volume 70Archive content
Issue 6November 1996pp. 893-1103
Issue 5September 1996pp. 713-892
Issue 4July 1996pp. 541-711
Issue 3May 1996pp. 341-539
Issue S46 (Paleontological Society Memoir 46. Ardmosteges Orchamus New Genus, New Species, in the Early Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma: Possible Ancestor to the Permian Richthofenoid Brachiopods)March 1996pp. 1-25
Issue 2March 1996pp. 173-339
Issue sp61996pp. 1-35
Issue 1January 1996pp. 1-171
1995 - Volume 69Archive content
Issue S45 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 45: Early Cambrian Trilobites from the Shackleton Limestone of the Central Transantarctic Mountains)November 1995pp. 1-28
Issue 6November 1995pp. 999-1198
Issue S44 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 44: Maastrichtian Ammonites Chiefly from the Prairie Bluff Chalk in Alabama and Mississippi)September 1995pp. 1-40
Issue S43 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 43: Fossil Decapod Crustaceans from the Jaguel and Roca Formations (Maastrichtian-Danian) of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina)September 1995pp. 1-22
Issue 5September 1995pp. 805-997
Issue S42 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 42: Selected Ordovician Trilobites from the Lake St. John District of Quebec and Their Bearing on Systematics)July 1995pp. 1-19
Issue S41 (Paleontological Society Memoir 41. Lower and Middle Ordovician Lithistid Demosponges from the Mingan Islands, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada)July 1995pp. 1-35
Issue 4July 1995pp. 617-803
Issue S40 (Paleontological Society Memoir 40. Ordovician Trinucleid Trilobites of the Prague Basin, Czech Republic)May 1995pp. 1-23
Issue 3May 1995pp. 409-615
Issue 2March 1995pp. 203-407
Issue S39 (Paleontological Society Memoir 39. Paleobiology of the Mesoproterozoic Billyakh Group, Anabar Uplift, Northern Siberia)January 1995pp. 1-37
Issue 1January 1995pp. 1-201
1994 - Volume 68Archive content
Issue 6November 1994pp. 1169-1432
Issue S38 (Paleontological Society Memoir 38. Small fusulinids from the Pennsylvanian of Ohio)September 1994pp. 1-21
Issue 5September 1994pp. 925-1168
Issue S37 (Paleontological Society Memoir 37. Shale-facies microfossils from the Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup, Baffin Island, Canada)July 1994pp. 1-35
Issue S36 (Paleontological Society Memoir. Upper Triassic invertebrates from the Antimonic Formation, Sonora, Mexico)July 1994pp. 1-33
Issue 4July 1994pp. 687-923
Issue 3May 1994pp. 411-686
Issue 2March 1994pp. 183-410
Issue 1January 1994pp. 1-182
1993 - Volume 67Archive content
Issue 6November 1993pp. 909-1106
Issue S35 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 35: Danian Mollusks from the Prince Creek Formation, Northern Alaska, and Implications for Arctic Ocean Paleogeography)September 1993pp. 1-35
Issue S34 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 34: Maastrichtian Ammonites from the Biscay Region (France, Spain))September 1993pp. 1-58
Issue 5September 1993pp. 699-907
Issue S33 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 33: Permian Brachiopods from Khios Island, Greece)July 1993pp. 1-21
Issue S32 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 32: Shape Analysis of Frasnian Species of the Late Devonian Conodont Genus Palmatolepis)July 1993pp. 1-35
Issue 4July 1993pp. 497-697
Issue S31 (Paleontological Society Memoir. Dinoflagellates, sporomorphs, and other palynomorphs from the Upper Pliocene St. Erth Beds of Cornwall, Southwestern England)May 1993pp. 1-62
Issue S30 (Paleontological Society Memoir. Late Mississippian productoid brachiopods lnflatia, Keokukia, and Adairia, Ozark Region of Oklahoma and Arkansas)May 1993pp. 1-29
Issue 3May 1993pp. 329-496
Issue S29 (Paleontological Society Memoir 29. Systematics, biostratigraphy, and dental evolution of the Palaeothentidae, later Oligocene to Early-Middle Miocene (Deseadan-Santacrucian) caenolestoid marsupials of South America)March 1993pp. 1-76
Issue 2March 1993pp. 167-328
Issue S28 (Paleontological Society Memoir 28. Late Cretaceous and Paleocene decapod crustaceans from James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula)January 1993pp. 1-41
Issue 1January 1993pp. 1-166
1992 - Volume 66Archive content
Issue S27 (Paleontological Society Memoir 27. Revision of the Balanid Barnacle Genus Concavus Newman, 1982, with the Description of a New Subfamily, Two New Genera, and Eight New Species)November 1992pp. 1-46
Issue 6November 1992p. 1001
Issue 5September 1992pp. 717-855
Issue 4July 1992pp. 535-716
Issue 3May 1992pp. 351-533
Issue S26 (Paleontological Society Memoir 26. Late Cretaceous Inoceramid Bivalves of the Kuskokwim Basin, Southwestern Alaska, and Their Implications for Basin Evolution)March 1992pp. 1-39
Issue 2March 1992pp. 173-350
Issue 1January 1992pp. 1-172
1991 - Volume 65Archive content
1990 - Volume 64Archive content
1980s (Vol 54-57, 59-63)Archive content
1989 - Volume 63Archive content
Issue S25 (Paleontological Society Memoir 25. Raymond Cecil Moore (1892-1974): Memorial and Bibliography (In Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Kansas Geological Survey))November 1989pp. 1-29
Issue 6November 1989pp. 731-967
Issue 5September 1989pp. 539-730
Issue 4July 1989pp. 389-537
Issue 3May 1989pp. 259-388
Issue 2March 1989pp. 129-257
Issue 1January 1989pp. 1-128
1988 - Volume 62Archive content
1987 - Volume 61Archive content
Issue S24 (Paleontological Society Memoir 24. Ascaulocardium Armatum (Morton, 1833), New Genus (Late Cretaceous): The Ultimate Variation on the Bivalve Paradigm)November 1987pp. 1-77
Issue 6November 1987pp. 1085-1307
Issue S23 (Paleontological Society Memoir 23. Patterns of Dental Evolution in Early Eocene Anaptomorphine Primates (Omomyidae) from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming)September 1987pp. 1-162
Issue 5September 1987pp. 865-1083
Issue S22 (Paleontological Society Memoir 22. Systematics and Paleoecology of Norian (Late Triassic) Bivalves from a Tropical Island Arc: Wallowa Terrane, Oregon)July 1987pp. 1-83
Issue 4July 1987pp. 648-863
Issue S21 (Paleontological Society Memoir 21. Evolution, Biogeography, and Systematics of Puriana: Evolution and Speciation in Ostracoda, III)May 1987pp. 1-71
Issue 3May 1987pp. 425-639
Issue 2March 1987pp. 205-423
Issue 1January 1987pp. 9-203
1986 - Volume 60Archive content
Issue 6November 1986pp. 1147-1295
Issue 5September 1986pp. 973-1145
Issue S20 (Paleontological Society Memoir 20. Ordovician Sphinctozoan Sponges from the Eastern Klamath Mountains, Northern California)July 1986pp. 1-47
Issue 4July 1986pp. 805-972
Issue S19 (Paleontological Society Memoir 19. Late Kinderhookian (Early Mississippian) Ammonoids of the Western United States)May 1986pp. 1-36
Issue 3May 1986pp. 545-803
Issue S18 (Paleontological Society Memoir 18. Late Campanian-Maastrichtian Ammonite Fauna from Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula))March 1986pp. 1-55
Issue 2March 1986pp. 197-544
Issue S17 (Paleontological Society Memoir 17. Chesterian (Late Mississippian) Bryozoans from the Upper Chainman Shale and the Lowermost Ely Limestone of Western Utah)January 1986pp. 1-48
Issue 1January 1986pp. 2-196
1985 - Volume 59Archive content
Issue S16 (Paleontological Society Memoir 16. Solitary Rugose Corals of the Upper Ordovician Montoya Group, Southern New Mexico and Westernmost Texas)September 1985pp. 1-58
Issue S15 (Paleontological Society Memoir 15. Bryozoans from the Murfreesboro and Pierce Limestones (early Black Riveran, Middle Ordovician), Stones River Group, of Ventral Tennessee)May 1985pp. 1-42
1983 - Volume 57Archive content
1982 - Volume 56Archive content
1981 - Volume 55Archive content
Issue S12 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 12: Late Cenozoic Stages and Molluscan Zones of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain)September 1981pp. 1-34
Issue S11 (The Paleontological Society Memoir 11: Pennsylvanian-Permian Cheiloceratacean Ammonoid Families Maximitidae and Pseudohaloritidae)May 1981pp. 1-46
1980 - Volume 54Archive content
1970s (Vol 44, 48-50)Archive content
1960s (Vol 42-43)Archive content
1969 - Volume 43Archive content
1968 - Volume 42Archive content
Issue S2 (Paleontological Society Memoir 2. Paleobiological Aspects of Growth and Development: A Symposium)September 1968pp. 1-119
Issue S1 (Paleontological Society Memoir 1. Articulate Brachiopods of the St. Clair Limestone (Silurian), Arkansas, and the Clarita Formation (Silurian), Oklahoma)May 1968pp. 1-117